if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo usage: makenameindex infile
echo Produces a file infile.kix, suitable for importing in the preamble of 
echo a LaTeX file, which provides the command \name\<key\>. Usually, \<key\> 
echo will be a last name, and \name\<key\> will insert the last name in the 
echo text as well as an index entry of the form last name, first name. The 
echo file is generated from infile.txt, which contains lines of the form 
echo last name, first name 
echo key\|last name, first name 
echo key@indexentry 
echo key\|last name, first name is used to disambiguate people with the same 
echo last name. key@indexentry is used to typeset \<key\> in the text
echo but index indexentry, e.g., Euklid@Euclid.
echo makenameindex $1.txt, writing to $1.kix
for key in `grep -o '^[^|@,]*' $1.txt` ; do
if [ `grep -c "^$key[|@,]" $1.txt` -gt 1 ]; then
	echo "Key $key defined more than once!"
echo "% $1.kix" > $1.kix
echo "% Generated from $1.txt on `date`" >> $1.kix
grep '|' $1.txt | sed 's/^\([^|]*\)|\([^,]*\), *\(.*\)/\\keyindexentry{\1}{\2}{\2, \3}/' >>$1.kix
grep '@' $1.txt | grep -v '@.*@' | sed 's/^\([^@]*\)@\(.*\)/\\keyindexentry{\1}{\1}{\2}/' >>$1.kix
grep '@' $1.txt | grep '@.*@' | sed 's/^\([^@]*\)@\([^@]*\)@\(.*\)/\\keyindexentry{\1}{\2}{\3}/' >>$1.kix
grep -v '[|@]' $1.txt | sed 's/^\([^,]*\), *\(.*\)/\\keyindexentry{\1}{\1}{\1, \2}/' >>$1.kix
sort -o $1.kix $1.kix 