%% This is file `lettrine.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% lettrine.dtx  (with options: `sty')
%% For the copyright see the source file `lua-typo.dtx’.
             [2023-04-18 v2.40 (Daniel Flipo)]
   {\typeout{Loading lettrine.cfg}}
   {\typeout{lettrine.cfg not found, using default values}}
    lines.code        = \setcounter{DefaultLines}{#1}   ,
    depth.code        = \setcounter{DefaultDepth}{#1}   ,
    lhang.store       = \DefaultLhang                   ,
    loversize.store   = \DefaultLoversize               ,
    lraise.store      = \DefaultLraise                  ,
    findent.code      = \setlength{\DefaultFindent}{#1} ,
    nindent.code      = \setlength{\DefaultNindent}{#1} ,
    slope.code        = \setlength{\DefaultSlope}{#1}   ,
    novskip.code      = \setlength{\DiscardVskip}{#1}   ,
    image.if          = LettrineImage                   ,
    grid.if           = LettrineOnGrid                  ,
    realheight.if     = LettrineRealHeight              ,
    refstring.default:n = \l@initial                    ,
    refstring.store   = \LettrineTestString             ,
    optionsfile.store = \DefaultOptionsFile
    lines.code        = \setcounter{L@lines}{#1}         ,
    depth.code        = \setcounter{L@depth}{#1}         ,
    lhang.code        = \renewcommand*{\L@hang}{#1}      ,
    loversize.code    = \renewcommand*{\L@oversize}{#1}  ,
    lraise.code       = \renewcommand*{\L@raise}{#1}     ,
    ante.code         = \renewcommand*{\L@ante}{#1}      ,
    findent.code      = \setlength{\L@Findent}{#1}       ,
    nindent.code      = \setlength{\L@Nindent}{#1}       ,
    slope.code        = \setlength{\L@slope}{#1}         ,
    novskip.code      = \setlength{\L@novskip}{#1}       ,
    image.if          = L@image                          ,
    grid.if           = L@grid                           ,
    realheight.if     = L@realh                          ,
    refstring.default:n = \l@initial                     ,
    refstring.store   = \l@refstring
    \PackageWarning{lettrine}{Unable to compute \protect\fontsize!%
    \MessageBreak \protect\LettrineTestString\space empty? reported}
    \sbox{\L@lbox}{\LettrineFont \l@initial}%
  \ifx\l@tmpa\l@tmpb \SetKeys[LettrineLocal]{#2}\fi
        {Empty second argument,\MessageBreak
         ignoring option `realheight';}%
         {File \DefaultOptionsFile\space not found}%
  \@tempdima=\L@oversize pt\relax
    {Targeted height = \the\L@target@tht\MessageBreak
     (for loversize=0, accent excluded),\MessageBreak
     Lettrine height = \the\LettrineHeight\space (#2)%
     \ifdim\@tempdima=\z@\else\space loversize=\L@oversize\fi;%
     \MessageBreak reported}%
      \advance\@tempdimb by \L@novskip
         \advance\@tempcnta by 1
         \advance\L@first by -\@tempdima
  \def\L@parshape{\c@L@lines \the\L@Pindent \the\L@first}%
  \@whilenum \@tempcnta<\c@L@lines\do{%
     \edef\L@parshape{\L@parshape \the\L@Nindent \the\L@next}%
  \edef\L@parshape{\L@parshape \@totalleftmargin \the\linewidth}%
         \hskip \the\L@Findent}}%
  \ifnum\@listdepth>0 \Lreset@listparshape \fi
                  \parshape=\@ne \@totalleftmargin \linewidth \relax
%% End of file `lettrine.sty'.