%% Copyright  1999 Wolfgang Sternefeld
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
%% version 1 of the License, or any later version.
%% ps-trees.sty version 2.0
%% Author: Wolfgang.Sternefeld@uni-tuebingen.de
%% filedate 99/27/04
\ProvidesPackage{ps-trees}[1999/04/27 Linguistic trees in tabular form v. 2.0]
      \typeout{*** Warning: Node Name `#1' already exists ***}\fi
\newcommand{\EveryNode}[1]{\ConnectNode#1 }
\newcommand{\EveryTNode}[1]{\ConnectTNode#1 }
\def\ConnectNode#1#2 {\IfIsNodeName{#2}\nodeconnect{#2}{#1#2}%
\def\ConnectTNode#1#2 {\IfIsNodeName{#2}\nodeconnect{#2}[tl]{#1#2}%
\newcommand{\NoNodeWarning}[1]{\typeout{*** Fatal Error. Node Name `#1'
     does'nt exist ***}}
       \typeout{*** Warning: Node Name `#1' already exists ***}\fi
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%