

\title{Control the Space After Punctuation in Expressions}
\author{Yuwsuke Kieda}
\date{2018/02/27 v1.1}



We provide a mechanism to control the space after the comma in the expressions.


\subsection{Sample of Preamble}



 \item unit: mu or other (default: mu)
 \item comma: substitute keyword ``natural'' or skip (default: natural)
 \item semicolon: substitute keyword ``natural'' or skip (default: natural)
 \item colon: substitute keyword ``natural'' or skip (default: natural)
 \item latexorg: original behavior of LaTeX

Remark: keyword ``natural'' mean the spacing of the in-line.


BSD 2-Clause License





Lorem ipsum $(x, y)$, dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum $\{x; x \in A\}$; dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum $f\colon g \to h$: dolor sit amet.

\subsection{Sample of Options and Results}



% same: comma=natural,semicolon=natural,colon=natural

Lorem ipsum $(x, y)$, dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum $\{x; x \in A\}$; dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum $f\colon g \to h$: dolor sit amet.








If the option (\texttt{comma=10mu}) is given as follows, ``right'' output can not be obtained. See \textit{The \TeX{}book} p.~134.


% \catcode`\,=\active
% \def\@x@{\def,{\normalcomma\mskip10mu}}%
% \expandafter\endgroup\@x@%
 Input: \verb!$1{,}000$!\qquad
 Output: $1{,}000$\quad $1,000$
