% This is a modified version of selectversion_tst.tex, which is distributed with eqexam
% Select exactly one of the next three options
%    nosolutions,
%    answerkey,


          Department of Mathematics

\subject[CA]{College Algebra}
    {Test~{\nExam} A}
    {Test~{\nExam} B}
    {Test~{\nExam} C}
    {Test~{\nExam} D}
    {Test~{\nExam} E}
\author{Dr.\ D. P. Story}
\date{\thisterm, \the\year}
\keywords{MAC 1105, Exam \nExam, {\thisterm} semester, \theduedate, at NWFSC}





This is a modified version of \texttt{selectversion\_tst.tex}, which is
distributed with \textsf{eqexam}, see that file for more details on producing
a document with multiple versions.

\ifanswerkey When \texttt{answerkey} option is taken, the SOL file is not
written to include the solutions to the problem, as a result, the solutions
not available; however, by saying \cs{SolutionsAtEnd} you can locally turn on
writing the solutions and off writing with \cs{SolutionsAfter}.\fi
dps: \textsl{\insExSoln[\ignoreterminex]{dps}}\medskip\par\noindent
kaf: \textsl{\insExSoln[\ignoreterminex]{kaf}}

\begin{exam}[Part 1]{P1}

  This comment is written to the solution file, but it should appear
  when a solution is input using \protect\cs{insExSoln}, at least I hope so.\par\medskip}

\verb!\selectVersion{}{3}! \begin{cq}This problem is version \vA{A}\vB{B}\vC{C} of 3.\end{cq}

The first problem, version \vA{A}\vB{B}\vC{C} of 3.

Multi-part question.
    \item \verb!\selectVersion{}{4}! This is problem, version \vA{A}\vB{B}\vC{C}\vD{D} of 4.
This is version \vA{A}\vB{B}\vC{C}\vD{D}

The answer is:
This is version A
This is version B
This is version C
This is version D

    \item \verb!\selectVersion{}{3}! This is a problem, version \vA{A}\vB{B}\vC{C} of 3.
This is A
This is version B
This is version E

This is version \vA{A}\vB{B}\vC{C}\vD{D}

The answer is:
This is version A
This is version B
This is version C
This is version D

\pushProblem % this closes the group
We insert a new page command so we can see the shortened titles on the next page
to verify that the new system of title management is working correctly.
    \vfill\hfill\textbf{Problem~{\eqeCurrProb} continues on next page}}
\popProblem % this begins a group

    \item \verb!\selectVersion{}{5}! This is a problem, version \vA{A}\vB{B}\vC{C}\vD{D}\vE{E} of 5.
This is version B
This is version E
This is version \vA{A}\vB{B}\vC{C}\vD{D}\vE{E}

The answer is:
This is version B
This is version E

    \item \verb!\selectVersion{}{4}! This is a problem, version \vA{A}\vB{B}\vC{C}\vD{D} of 4.
This is A
This is version B
This is version E
This is version \vA{A}\vB{B}\vC{C}\vD{D}\vE{E}.

The answer is:
This is version A
This is version B
This is version C
This is version D
This is version E
