% This file supplies Figure Tools: MiniPlot ver 0.0.2
% (C) Tobias Wahl - 2001
% Caution: Mind the global variables created!

% Contents of Commands:
% \includeEps[htpb]{path}{caption}{label}{scale factor for eps}         % include if plotFigures = 1
% \includeEpsNow[htpb]{path}{caption}{label}{scale factor for eps}      % includes it even though plotFigures = 0
% \standardGraphScale                                                   % sets scale of standard graphs = 1, can be redefined to change scale
% \includeStandardGraph[htpb]{path}{caption}{label}                     % include if plotFigures = 1
% \includeStandardGraphNow[htpb]{path}{caption}                         % includes it even though plotFigures = 0
%   with those commands you should include your standard graphs in eps-format
%   which can then be centralized scaled. These could be graphs created by MathsPiC
% \includePicTeX[htpb]{path}{caption}{label}                            % include if plotFigures = 1
% \includePicTeXNow[htpb]{path}{caption}{label}                         % includes it even though plotFigures = 0
% \includeEpsWrap[nar. lin.]{position}{path}{caption}{label}{scale factor for eps}          % include if plotFigures = 1
% \includeEpsWrapNow[nar. lin.]{position}{caption}{label}{scale factor for eps}             % includes it even though plotFigures = 0
%                           % nar. lin. = narrow lines = see wrapfig documentation
%                           % position = l,r,... = see wrapfig documentation

% Contents of Environments:

% Global Variables:
% plotFigures           % 0 or 1
% plotGraphs            % 0 or 1




% \RequirePackage{wrapfig}      % would be nice to have it
% \RequirePackage{subfigure}    % would be nice to have it
% \RequirePackage{rotfloat}     % would be nice to have it



% \pointless{length in pt}                      % \myLength = 0.5pt, \pointless{\myLength} -> \mylength = 0.5
% % creates macro (#1) using length (#2), Provided by Robin Fairbairns


% \doextractminiplota{figures/file} -> file
% extract filename from path, from Peter Schmitt

\def\doextractminiplotpath #1/#2\\{\ifx|#2|#1\else\doextractminiplotpath#2\\\fi}
\def\extractminiplotpath #1{\doextractminiplotpath#1/\\}

% \begin{centerlineenv}
% \centerline command for use in environment form, by Dan Luecking

  {\par\hbox to \linewidth\bgroup\hss\ignorespaces}%


\newlength{\figWidth}               % width of eps figure to include
\newlength{\figHeight}              % height of eps figure to include

\newlength{\figTabWidth}            % width of table to include in frame as big as the eps figure
\newlength{\figTabMiddle}           % height in the frame where the table middle is placed

\newlength{\captionHeight}          % measures the height of the caption
\newlength{\captionSpace}           % provides the space available for the caption,
                                    % if \captionSpace < \captionHeight then the caption will not be plotted
                                    % the calculation of this variable is not very sophisticated and further work needs to be done

\newlength{\extraWrapWidth}         % used to give wraped figures extra space on the side
\setlength{\extraWrapWidth}{2mm}    % default value = 2mm, can be redefined in text

\newlength{\aboveWrapFigureSpace}   % determines the extra space above the wraped figure to the top

\newlength{\wrapFigOverhangDefault} % set wrap figures overhang default value

\newcommand{\standardGraphScale}{1} % This value specifies the scaling factor by which the standard graph is scaled

\newcounter{scaleToStandardFigureWidth}     % 1 = scales figure to \myStandardFigureWidth

\newcounter{isFirstStandardFigure}          % used as a counter to determine if the current figure is the first standard figure to set the scaling factor accordingly

\newcounter{scaleFigureIndividual}          % whether to use the first figure to scale the remaining ones or to scale each figure individualy

\newlength{\frameBoxPenalty}                % accounts for the extra space needed by drwing the framebox around the picture environment


\newlength{\myStandardFigureWidth}                              % This is suppoded to be width all standard figures should have
\setlength{\myStandardFigureWidth}{\linewidth}                  % sets the width of all standard figures, can be redefined

\newlength{\myStandardSubFigureWidth}                           % This is suppoded to be width all standard sub figures should have
\setlength{\myStandardSubFigureWidth}{\myStandardFigureWidth}   % sets the width of all standard sub figures, is adjusted automatically
                                                                % The mySubfigure environment creates columns and subcolumns, This is the length
                                                                % of the columns.

\newlength{\myStandardSideWaysFigureWidth}                      % width for standard side ways figure

\newlength{\subFigScaleLength}                      % scale luped sub-figures to achieve width equals \myFigureWidth

\newcommand{\myCaptionText}{no text yet}            % used to store the caption when passed on in selfdefined environments
\newcommand{\myLabel}{no_label_yet}                 % used to store the label when passed on in selfdefined environments

\newcommand{\numSubFigCol}{}                        % command used to store informnation about the number of columns in lumped sub figure
\newcommand{\numSubSubFigCol}{}                     % command used to store informnation about the number of columns in lumped sub sub figure

\newcommand{\isFirstSubFig}{false}                  % boolean value to calculate the subFigScale only the first time one calls \subFig[]{}

\newlength{\subFigPenalty}                          % This value is used to substract from \myStandardFigureWidth in order to
\setlength{\subFigPenalty}{0mm}                    % let subfigure.sty arrage all subfigures in the avaiable space
                                                    % if one finds the lumped subfigures arranged in 3 columns even though
                                                    % one asked to have them in 4 then this value needs to be increased.
                                                    % accounts for rounding errors due to calculation

\newlength{\subSubFigPenalty}                       % This value is used to substract from \myStandardFigureWidth in order to
\setlength{\subSubFigPenalty}{0.001mm}               % let subfigure.sty arrage all subfigures in the avaiable space
                                                    % if one finds the lumped subfigures arranged in 3 columns even though
                                                    % one asked to have them in 4 then this value needs to be increased.
                                                    % accounts for rounding errors due to calculation

\newlength{\interSubFigSpace}                       % determines the space bewteen separate subfigures

\newlength{\interSubSubFigSpace}                    % determines the space bewteen separate sub subfigures

\newlength{\subFigureAboveCaptionSpaceDefaultOffset}            % used to remove offset from above caption space so that the user can enter more accessible value in \neSubFig[length]{...

\newlength{\subFigureAboveCaptionSpaceDefault}      % determines the default space above the separate sub figure captions
\setlength{\subFigureAboveCaptionSpaceDefault}{0mm} % use this to equal out spaces due to different number of lines of
                                                    % sub sub captions

\newlength{\subFigureAboveCaptionSpace}             % determines the space above the separate sub figure captions
\setlength{\subFigureAboveCaptionSpace}{\subFigureAboveCaptionSpaceDefault + \subFigureAboveCaptionSpaceDefaultOffset}
                                                    % use this to equal out spaces due to different number of lines of
                                                    % sub sub captions

\newlength{\horizontalSubSubFigSpace}               % used to equalize space between rows of sub-sub-figures

\newlength{\subFigureBelowCaptionSpace}             % determines the space below the sub figure caption: Figure ...

\newlength{\subCaptionPenalty}                      % used to move sub-sub-caption into middle of subsubfigure

\setcounter{plotFigures}{1}             % plot figures {1} or not {0}

\newlength{\labelPenalty}                           % This is a compensator length in order to compensate for the extra
\setlength{\labelPenalty}{-1.5mm}                   % space inserted by writing the label if plotFigures == 0 for arranged figures
                                                    % -1.5mm is good when \printLabel results in a single line in small font

\newlength{\labelHeight}                            % length used to compensate for the extra space inserted by including
                                                    % the label for arranged figures when plotFigures == 0

\newlength{\captionWidthPenalty}                    % using thi slength one can increase or decrease the width the caption
\setlength{\captionWidthPenalty}{0mm}               % uses relativ to the width of the figure

\newlength{\minimumCaptionWidth}                    % defines the minimum width of the standard caption, not wrap, not arranged figures
\setlength{\minimumCaptionWidth}{\linewidth * 4 / 6}

\newlength{\minimumSideWaysCaptionWidth}            % defines the minimum width of the standard side ways caption, not wrap, not arranged figures
\setlength{\minimumSideWaysCaptionWidth}{\textheight * 4 / 6}

\newcommand{\labelPrefix}{fig:}                     % defines the label's prefix

\newcommand{\subLabelSuffix}{-\alph{subfigure}}     % defines the sub-sub-figures label suffix


% \includeEps[htpb]{path}{caption}{label}{scaling}         % includes eps figure

% \epsContent[placement]{path}{caption}{label}{scaling}{figure width}{figure height}
    \setlength{\figWidth}{#6 - \frameBoxPenalty}%
    \setlength{\figHeight}{#7 - \frameBoxPenalty}%
    \setlength{\figTabWidth}{\figWidth - 31mm}%                                % calculate width of table in frame
    \setlength{\figTabMiddle}{\figHeight / 2}%                                  % calculate middle of figure height
        \setlength{\unitlength}{1sp}%%                                      % 1sp = 0.0000152587890625pt = 1/65536pt
                    \emph{Source:} & #2.eps \\%%
                    \emph{Scaling:} & #5 \\%%
                    \emph{Label:} & \labelPrefix#4 \\%%
                    \emph{Position:} & #1%%

\newcommand{\includeEps}[5][htpb]%                      % idea for code from verbatim manual page 3
        \settowidth{\figWidth}{\epsfig{file={#2},scale = #5}}%              % obtain eps figure width
        \settoheight{\figHeight}{\epsfig{file={#2},scale = #5}}%            % obtain eps figure height
                \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\figWidth > \minimumCaptionWidth}}%
                    {\begin{minipage}{\figWidth + \captionWidthPenalty}}%
                    {\begin{minipage}{\minimumCaptionWidth + \captionWidthPenalty}}%

\newcommand{\includeEpsNow}[5][htpb]%                      % as \includeEps but plots the figure in any case
            \settowidth{\figWidth}{\epsfig{file={#2},scale = #5}}%              % obtain eps figure width
            \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\figWidth > \minimumCaptionWidth}}%
                {\begin{minipage}{\figWidth + \captionWidthPenalty}}%
                {\begin{minipage}{\minimumCaptionWidth + \captionWidthPenalty}}%
                    \centerline{\epsfig{file={#2},scale = #5}}%%


            \setSubFigScale{#2}{\myStandardFigureWidth}{1}%                          % calculate \subFigScale for standard eps figure
            \renewcommand{\standardGraphScale}{\subFigScale}%            % This value specifies the scaling factor by which the standard graph is scaled
            \setlength{\subFigScaleLength}{0pt}%                         % reset \subFigScale
                \setSubFigScale{#2}{\myStandardFigureWidth}{1}%                          % calculate \subFigScale for standard eps figure
                \renewcommand{\standardGraphScale}{\subFigScale}%            % This value specifies the scaling factor by which the standard graph is scaled
                \setlength{\subFigScaleLength}{0pt}%                         % reset \subFigScale

            \setSubFigScale{#2}{\myStandardFigureWidth}{1}%                          % calculate \subFigScale for standard eps figure
            \renewcommand{\standardGraphScale}{\subFigScale}%            % This value specifies the scaling factor by which the standard graph is scaled
            \setlength{\subFigScaleLength}{0pt}%                         % reset \subFigScale
                \setSubFigScale{#2}{\myStandardFigureWidth}{1}%                          % calculate \subFigScale for standard eps figure
                \renewcommand{\standardGraphScale}{\subFigScale}%            % This value specifies the scaling factor by which the standard graph is scaled
                \setlength{\subFigScaleLength}{0pt}%                         % reset \subFigScale


\newcommand{\includeSideWaysEps}[5][htpb]%                      % idea for code from verbatim manual page 3
        \settowidth{\figWidth}{\epsfig{file={#2},scale = #5}}%              % obtain eps figure width
        \settoheight{\figHeight}{\epsfig{file={#2},scale = #5}}%            % obtain eps figure height
        %\the\figHeight%                                                    % used to tune the scaling factor for \captionSpace, also see captionSpace.xls
        \setlength{\figTabWidth}{\figWidth - 31mm}%                         % calculate width of table in frame
        \setlength{\figTabMiddle}{\figHeight / 2}%                          % calculate middle of figure height
        \settoheight{\captionHeight}{\parbox{\figTabWidth}{#3}}%            % calculate height of caption in table
        \setlength{\captionSpace}{\figHeight - (\figHeight / 1000 * 198)}%  % calculate height for caption available in table
        %                                                                   % 25mm for small figures, 44mm for standard 7cm high graphs, 51mm for large figures
                \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\figWidth > \minimumSideWaysCaptionWidth}}%
                    {\begin{minipage}{\figWidth + \captionWidthPenalty}}%
                    {\begin{minipage}{\minimumSideWaysCaptionWidth + \captionWidthPenalty}}%

\newcommand{\includeSideWaysEpsNow}[5][htpb]%                      % as \includeEps but plots the figure in any case
            \settowidth{\figWidth}{\epsfig{file={#2},scale = #5}}%              % obtain eps figure width
            \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\figWidth > \minimumSideWaysCaptionWidth}}%
                {\begin{minipage}{\figWidth + \captionWidthPenalty}}%
                {\begin{minipage}{\minimumSideWaysCaptionWidth + \captionWidthPenalty}}%
                    \centerline{\epsfig{file={#2},scale = #5}}%%


            \setSubFigScale{#2}{\myStandardSideWaysFigureWidth}{1}%      % calculate \subFigScale for standard eps figure
            \renewcommand{\standardGraphScale}{\subFigScale}%            % This value specifies the scaling factor by which the standard graph is scaled
            \setlength{\subFigScaleLength}{0pt}%                         % reset \subFigScale
                \setSubFigScale{#2}{\myStandardSideWaysFigureWidth}{1}%      % calculate \subFigScale for standard eps figure
                \renewcommand{\standardGraphScale}{\subFigScale}%            % This value specifies the scaling factor by which the standard graph is scaled
                \setlength{\subFigScaleLength}{0pt}%                         % reset \subFigScale

            \setSubFigScale{#2}{\myStandardSideWaysFigureWidth}{1}%      % calculate \subFigScale for standard eps figure
            \renewcommand{\standardGraphScale}{\subFigScale}%            % This value specifies the scaling factor by which the standard graph is scaled
            \setlength{\subFigScaleLength}{0pt}%                         % reset \subFigScale
                \setSubFigScale{#2}{\myStandardSideWaysFigureWidth}{1}%      % calculate \subFigScale for standard eps figure
                \renewcommand{\standardGraphScale}{\subFigScale}%            % This value specifies the scaling factor by which the standard graph is scaled
                \setlength{\subFigScaleLength}{0pt}%                         % reset \subFigScale


% \arrangedFigContent[sub-sub-caption]{path}{figure width}{figure height}
    \setlength{\figWidth}{#3 - \frameBoxPenalty}%
    \setlength{\figHeight}{#4 - \frameBoxPenalty}%
    \setlength{\figTabMiddle}{\figHeight / 2}%
                \extractminiplotpath{#2} \\%%
                \subFigScale \\%%

    \settowidth{\figWidth}{\epsfig{file={#1},scale = 1}}%                                                                                                               % calculate overall width of one figure
    \setlength{\figWidth}{\figWidth * #3}%                                                                                                                              % calculate overall width of all figures
    \setlength{\subFigScaleLength}{(1pt*\ratio{#2 - \interSubSubFigSpace * #3  + \interSubSubFigSpace - \subSubFigPenalty * #3 + \subSubFigPenalty}{\figWidth})}%       % the last term is a correction term to make it slightly smaller
    \setlength{\subFigScaleLength}{\subFigScaleLength}%                                                                                                                 % the last term is a correction term to make it slightly smaller
    \pointless{\subFigScale}{\subFigScaleLength}%                                                                                                                       % \subFigScale = 0.5pt -> \subFigScale = 0.5

\newcommand{\printLabel}[1]{\centerline{\small{\emph{Label}: $\mathtt{\labelPrefix#1}$}}}

\newcommand{\aboveCaptionSpace}[1]{\setlength{\subFigureAboveCaptionSpace}{#1 + \subFigureAboveCaptionSpaceDefaultOffset}}

        \setlength{\labelHeight}{\labelHeight + \labelPenalty}%
    \renewcommand{\myCaptionText}{#3}%                                                   % assign caption
    \renewcommand{\myLabel}{#2}%                                                                % assign label

        {\renewcommand{\subfigcapmargin}{10pt}}%                        % default value by subfigure.sty
        \settowidth{\figWidth}{\epsfig{file={#2},scale = \subFigScale}}%
        \settoheight{\figHeight}{\epsfig{file={#2},scale = \subFigScale}}%
                \label{\labelPrefix\myLabel\subLabelSuffix}%                  % \alph{subfigure} by Dan Luecking

    \renewcommand{\myCaptionText}{#5}%                                                   % assign caption
    \renewcommand{\myLabel}{#4}%                                                                % assign label
    \setlength{\myStandardSubFigureWidth}{\myStandardFigureWidth / #2 - \interSubFigSpace + \interSubFigSpace / #2 - \subFigPenalty + \subFigPenalty / #2}%
    \renewcommand{\numSubFigCol}{#2}%                                                           % assign number of columns to pass on to calculation of width
    \renewcommand{\numSubSubFigCol}{#3}%                                                        % assign number of columns to pass on to calculation of width
    \renewcommand{\isFirstSubFig}{true}%                                                        % initialize variable to calculate figure width for first subfigure listed
    \setlength{\figTabMiddle}{\myStandardSubFigureWidth / #3 / 2 - \subSubFigPenalty / 2 + \subSubFigPenalty / #3 / 2 + \subCaptionPenalty}%                              % calculate middle of figure width to place subCaption in the middle of the subFigure
    \renewcommand{\subfigcapmargin}{\figTabMiddle}%                                             % assign Value
                            \setlength{\labelHeight}{\labelHeight + \labelPenalty}%
    %    {}%
    %    {\marginpar{\rotatebox{90}{Figure \ref{\labelPrefix\myLabel}: \printLabel{\myLabel}}}}%



    \renewcommand{\myCaptionText}{#5}%                                                   % assign caption
    \renewcommand{\myLabel}{#4}%                                                                % assign label
    \setlength{\myStandardSubFigureWidth}{\myStandardSideWaysFigureWidth / #2 - \interSubFigSpace + \interSubFigSpace / #2 - \subFigPenalty}%
    \renewcommand{\numSubFigCol}{#2}%                                                           % assign number of columns to pass on to calculation of width
    \renewcommand{\numSubSubFigCol}{#3}%                                                        % assign number of columns to pass on to calculation of width
    \renewcommand{\isFirstSubFig}{true}%                                                        % initialize variable to calculate figure width for first subfigure listed
    \setlength{\figTabMiddle}{\myStandardSubFigureWidth / #3 / 2 - \subSubFigPenalty / 2 + \subSubFigPenalty / #3 / 2 + \subCaptionPenalty}%                              % calculate middle of figure width to place subCaption in the middle of the subFigure
    \renewcommand{\subfigcapmargin}{\figTabMiddle}%                                             % assign Value
                            \setlength{\labelHeight}{\labelHeight + \labelPenalty}%




% \wrappedEpsContent[lines]{position}{path}{caption}{label}{scaling}{figure width}{figure height}
    \setlength{\figWidth}{#7 - \frameBoxPenalty}%
    \setlength{\figHeight}{#8 - \frameBoxPenalty}%
    \setlength{\figTabMiddle}{\figWidth / 2 - 6.6mm}%                         % calculate width of table in frame
        \setlength{\unitlength}{1sp}%%                                      % 1sp = 0.0000152587890625pt = 1/65536pt
                        \extractminiplotpath{#3}.eps \\%%
                        #6 (scale) \\%%
                        \labelPrefix#5 \\%%

        \settowidth{\figWidth}{\epsfig{file={#3},scale = #6}}%              % obtain eps figure width
        \settoheight{\figHeight}{\epsfig{file={#3},scale = #6}}%            % obtain eps figure height

    \settowidth{\figWidth}{\epsfig{file={#3},scale = #6}}%              % obtain eps figure width


    \renewcommand{\myCaptionText}{#7}%                                                          % assign caption
    \renewcommand{\myLabel}{#6}%                                                                % assign label
    \setlength{\myStandardSubFigureWidth}{#3 / #4 - \interSubFigSpace + \interSubFigSpace / #4 - \subFigPenalty + \subFigPenalty / #4}%
    \renewcommand{\numSubFigCol}{#4}%                                                           % assign number of columns to pass on to calculation of width
    \renewcommand{\numSubSubFigCol}{#5}%                                                        % assign number of columns to pass on to calculation of width
    \renewcommand{\isFirstSubFig}{true}%                                                        % initialize variable to calculate figure width for first subfigure listed
    \setlength{\figTabMiddle}{\myStandardSubFigureWidth / #5 / 2 - \subSubFigPenalty / 2 + \subSubFigPenalty / #5 / 2 + \subCaptionPenalty}%                              % calculate middle of figure width to place subCaption in the middle of the subFigure
    \renewcommand{\subfigcapmargin}{\figTabMiddle}%                                             % assign Value
            %        \begin{minipage}{\myStandardSubFigureWidth}%
                            \setlength{\labelHeight}{\labelHeight + \labelPenalty}%
            %    \end{minipage}%



    %\setcounter{plotFigures}{1}%                                    % plot figures {1} or not {0}
    \setlength{\extraWrapWidth}{2mm}%                               % default value = 2mm, can be redefined in text
    \setlength{\myStandardFigureWidth}{\linewidth}%                 % sets the width of all standard figures, can be redefined
    \setlength{\subFigPenalty}{0mm}%                                % let subfigure.sty arrage all subfigures in the avaiable space
    \setlength{\subSubFigPenalty}{0.001mm}%                         % let subfigure.sty arrage all subfigures in the avaiable space
    \setlength{\subFigureAboveCaptionSpaceDefault}{0mm}%            % use this to equal out spaces due to different number of lines of
    \setlength{\subFigureAboveCaptionSpace}{\subFigureAboveCaptionSpaceDefault + \subFigureAboveCaptionSpaceDefaultOffset}%
    \setlength{\minimumCaptionWidth}{\linewidth * 4 / 6}%
    \setlength{\minimumSideWaysCaptionWidth}{\textheight * 4 / 6}%
    \renewcommand{\standardGraphScale}{1}%                          % This value specifies the scaling factor by which the standard graph is scaled