\levelstay{Prerequisite: \fixedwidth{coseoul}}
This package builds on the \fixedwidth{coseoul} package and works in concert with the macros defined in \fixedwidth{coseoul}.
We recommend reading the \fixedwidth{coseoul} documentation to at least get an idea of how it works before reading further here, but we also give a brief review.

Commands like \fixedwidth{section} are absolute, i.e. the level depth is determined entirely by the command itself.
The \fixedwidth{coseoul} package introduces \fixedwidth{levelstay}, \fixedwidth{leveldown}, \fixedwidth{levelup}, and \fixedwidth{levelmultiup} commands.
These do exactly what they sound like, e.g. \fixedwidth{levelstay} makes a new heading at the same level you're at when you call the command.
Here's a simple example:
\levelstay{This is a section}
\leveldown{This is a subsection}
\leveldown{This is a subsubsection}
\levelmultiup{2}{This is another section}
See the \fixedwidth{coseoul} documentation for details, but that's all there really is to \fixedwidth{coseoul}.