Changes (``diff mpdinbrief.dtx dinbrief.dtx''): - external horizontal ``pressure'' onto backaddress reduced from ``hfill'' to ``hfil'' % makes it possible to use ``\hfill'' between the fields of backaddress to % widen it to the maximum possible extent - answertonew line changed: + date/place go to the right border + every horizontal item takes just the space it needs and white space is shared equally % may be this is not conforming to DIN 676, but the given placement of items % was not satisfying: why should an empty field eat up so much space ? - fontseries for the concern (Betreff) line: ``bx'' % isn't it a kind of heading for the whole thing ? - defaultfont for \signature: \footnotesize % because I think it's overweighted with \normalsize % you only want to be able to decypher some cryptic signature - cc, ps, encl: + fontseries ``bx'' + strings (PS, Anlage(n), Verteiler) now ending with ``:'' + vspace(.3ex) after these strings % because these strings bear structuring significance in a document - ps, cc, encl following the closing pushed down to the bottom of the page % I consider them being a kind of final contents of a complete letter package; % putting them to close to the closing binds them to tightly to the central text. - new example - certainly some new bugs brought in % don't call them features ! May be, it would have been a good idea to merge all these changes into dinbrief by introducing switches to make them optional: - This would blow up the code size of dinbrief. - It's a matter of taste: + Your taste % if you like it [or not], have an influence onto the maintainers + the taste of the maintainers of dinbrief . Should there be more than some spread out fools, who like and use my modifications, then it'll be certainly a good idea to merge them into the original distribution. But we'll only know, if somebody tells us: so send us a mail with your opinion! <Markus Pilzecker> <K.D. Braune> <R. Gussmann> Installing: gzip -dc mpdinbrf.tgz | (cd <target_directory>; tar -xvf - ) cd <target_directory> # read the original readme file ``readme'' tex mpdinbrief.ins # extracts the archive mpdinbrief.dtx latex mpexample # produces the example letter mpexample.dvi Known Bugs: - \enclright does not work correctly with latex2e (as of 97-01) (even with the original dinbrief 1.66) (made it impossible to test my modifications with this option) - dbold does not compile correctly with latex2e (as of 97-01) (even with the original dinbrief 1.66) (same symptoms as above)