\chapter{Test Appendix with a very long title in order to test spacing behavior} \label{app:test}

A convenient form for representing substantial numerical or textual data is a table. 
Table~\ref{tab:test} shows an example of this functionality in \LaTeX.
  \caption{Test table. With an extra-long caption to test spacing functionality for table captions. And inline mathematics.}
    Heading 1 ($u_x$)  & Head 2 & Head 3 \\
    Analytical         & 1.000  & 1.000  \\
    Forward Difference & 0.973  & 0.976  \\
Diagrams, plots, and other graphics should be placed in figures. 
Figure~\ref{fig:test} shows an example of such an environment.
The command \verb+\includegraphics+ from the \verb+graphicx+ package may be used to include external graphics in a wide variety of formats.
  \caption{This test figure tests captions and Table of Contents 
    behavior for lengthy captions.}

\section{This is a Very Long Heading to Test the Table of Contents Behavior for Very Long Section Headings}
Sample text. Sample text.

\subsection{This is an Extremely Long Subsection Heading to Test Spacing Behavior for Subsections}

\subsubsection{This is an Extremely Long Subsubsection Heading to Test Spacing Behavior for Subsubsections}