%% `numspell.tex' documentation of the numspell package
%% Copyright 2017-2024 by Tibor Tomacs
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
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\title{The {\bfseries\sffamily numspell} package\\{\large v1.6 (2024/04/13)}}
\author{Tibor Tómács\\{\normalsize\href{mailto:tomacs.tibor@gmail.com}{\texttt{tomacs.tibor@gmail.com}}}}

The aim of the \texttt{numspell} package is to spell the cardinal and ordinal numbers from 0 to $10^{66}-1$ (i.e.~maximum 66 digits).

The supported languages are English (British and American), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, and Latin\footnote{Thanks to Keno Wehr for the Latin language module.} (classical, medieval, modern, and ecclesiastic).
The spelling will happen in the current language.

The \texttt{numspell} package requires the services of the \texttt{xstring} and \texttt{iflang} packages.

Load the package as usual, with

Spelling the cardinal number $n=\text{\color{green!50!black}\itshape$\langle$num$\rangle$}\cdot10^{\text{\color{green!50!black}\itshape$\langle$zeros$\rangle$}}$, where $0\leq n\leq 10^{66}-1$. The default value of \commandinline|!<zeros>!| is \texttt{0}. For example
\verb|\numspell{12000}| $\to$ \numspell{12000}\\
\verb|\numspell[3]{12}| $\to$ \numspell[3]{12}\\
\verb|\numspell[6]{12}| $\to$ \numspell[6]{12}\\
\verb|\numspell[63]{1}| $\to$ \numspell[63]{1}

The \verb|\numspell| stores the result in this command. For example
\verb|\numspell{12000}; \thenumspell| $\to$ \numspell{12000}; \thenumspell\\
\verb|\numspell{1}; \numspell{2}; \thenumspell| $\to$ \numspell{1}; \numspell{2}; \thenumspell

It generates the \commandinline|\thenumspell!<name>!| command, which saves the current \verb|\thenumspell|. For example

In the number spelling, the spaces around the dashes are flexibility for the optimal hyphenation. Its value is \texttt{0pt plus} \commandinline|!<length>!|.
The default value of \commandinline|!<length>!| is \texttt{2pt}. For example

It works like \verb|\numspell|, but the number spelling will not be printed.
In other words, the following two lines are equivalent:
For example

It works like \verb|\numspell|, but the first letter will be capital. For example
\verb|\Numspell{12000}| $\to$ \Numspell{12000}\\
\verb|\Numspell[3]{12}| $\to$ \Numspell[3]{12}\\
\verb|\Numspell[6]{12}| $\to$ \Numspell[6]{12}\\
\verb|\Numspell[63]{1}| $\to$ \Numspell[63]{1}

It works like \verb|\Numspell|, but the number spelling will not be printed.
In other words, the following two lines are equivalent:
For example

Spelling the ordinal number
where $0\leq n\leq 10^{66}-1$. The default value of \commandinline|!<zeros>!| is \texttt{0}. For example
\verb|\ordnumspell{12000}| $\to$ \ordnumspell{12000}\\
\verb|\ordnumspell[3]{12}| $\to$ \ordnumspell[3]{12}\\
\verb|\ordnumspell[6]{12}| $\to$ \ordnumspell[6]{12}\\
\verb|\ordnumspell[63]{1}| $\to$ \ordnumspell[63]{1}

It works like \verb|\ordnumspell|, but the number spelling will not be printed.
In other words, the following two lines are equivalent:
For example

It works like \verb|\ordnumspell|, but the first letter will be capital. For example
\verb|\Ordnumspell{12000}| $\to$ \Ordnumspell{12000}\\
\verb|\Ordnumspell[3]{12}| $\to$ \Ordnumspell[3]{12}\\
\verb|\Ordnumspell[6]{12}| $\to$ \Ordnumspell[6]{12}\\
\verb|\Ordnumspell[63]{1}| $\to$ \Ordnumspell[63]{1}

It works like \verb|\Ordnumspell|, but the number spelling will not be printed.
In other words, the following two lines are equivalent:
For example

\section{Commands for English language}
If the \texttt{english}, \texttt{british}, \texttt{ukenglish} or \texttt{UKenglish} language is active, then the number spelling will happen in British English. But it will be in American English, if the \texttt{american}, \texttt{usenglish} or \texttt{USenglish} language is active.
Using British English, you can rechange the number spelling to American English by this command.
Using American English, you can rechange the number spelling to British English by this command.

\section{Commands for French language}
The following commands only work, if \texttt{french} language is active.
By default, \verb|\ordnumspell{1}| $\to$ \ordnumspell{1},\\
but \verb|\numspellpremiere\ordnumspell{1}| $\to$ {\numspellpremiere\ordnumspell{1}}

\item\commandinline|\numspellpremier| (default)\\
{\numspellpremiere\ordnumspell{1}}; {\numspellpremier\ordnumspell{1}}

\section{Commands for Hungarian language}
The following commands only work, if \texttt{magyar} or \texttt{hungarian} language is active.
It works like \verb|\numspell|, but the number spelling will start with Hungarian definite article. For example
\verb|\anumspell{1}| $\to$ \anumspell{1}\\
\verb|\anumspell{2}| $\to$ \anumspell{2}}

It works like \verb|\anumspell|, but the number spelling will not be printed.
In other words, the following two lines are equivalent:
For example

It works like \verb|\anumspell|, but the first letter will be capital.

It works like \verb|\anumspell*|, but the first letter will be capital.

It works like \verb|\ordnumspell|, but the number spelling will start with Hungarian definite article. For example
\verb|\aordnumspell{1}| $\to$ \aordnumspell{1}\\
\verb|\aordnumspell{2}| $\to$ \aordnumspell{2}}

It works like \verb|\aordnumspell|, but the number spelling will not be printed.
In other words, the following two lines are equivalent:
For example

It works like \verb|\aordnumspell|, but the first letter will be capital.

It works like \verb|\aordnumspell*|, but the first letter will be capital.

\section{Commands for Italian language}
The following commands only work, if \texttt{italian} language is active.
\item\commandinline|\numspellitmasculine| (default)\\
The ordinal numbers will be printed in masculine form. For example\\
\verb|\ordnumspell{1}| $\to$ \ordnumspell{1}

The ordinal numbers will be printed in feminine form. For example\\
{\numspellitfeminine\ordnumspell{1}}; {\numspellitmasculine\ordnumspell{1}}

\section{Commands for the Latin language}
The following commands only work, if one of the next languages is active: \texttt{latin}, \texttt{classiclatin}, \texttt{medievallatin}, or \texttt{ecclesiasticlatin}.
\item\commandinline|\numspelllamasculine| (default)\\
All numbers will be printed in masculine form. For example\\
\verb|\numspell{1}, \numspell{2}, \numspell{200}, \ordnumspell{1}|\\[2mm]
\numspell{1}, \numspell{2}, \numspell{200}, \ordnumspell{1}

All numbers will be printed in feminine form. For example\\
\verb|\numspell{1}, \numspell{2}, \numspell{200}, \ordnumspell{1}|\\[2mm]
\numspell{1}, \numspell{2}, \numspell{200}, \ordnumspell{1}

All numbers will be printed in neuter form. For example\\
\verb|\numspell{1}, \numspell{2}, \numspell{200}, \ordnumspell{1}|\\[2mm]
\numspell{1}, \numspell{2}, \numspell{200}, \ordnumspell{1}


In British English the spelling of \num{\mynum} is
In American English the spelling of \num{\mynum} is
In French the spelling of \num{\mynum} is
In German the spelling of \num{\mynum} is
In Hungarian the spelling of \num{\mynum} is
In Italian the spelling of \num{\mynum} is
In Latin the spelling of \num{\mynum} is
In British English the spelling of 123,456,789 is
In American English the spelling of 123,456,789 is
In French the spelling of 123,456,789 is
In German the spelling of 123,456,789 is
In Hungarian the spelling of 123,456,789 is
In Italian the spelling of 123,456,789 is
In Latin the spelling of 123,456,789 is

\do{\ordnumspell{\themycount}\stepcounter{mycount},\ }\dots
\do{\ordnumspell{\themycount}\stepcounter{mycount},\ }\dots

\do{\stepcounter{mycount}\themycount,\ }\dots
\do{\stepcounter{mycount}\themycount,\ }\dots

Do not use the \verb|\numspell|, \verb|\numspell*|, \verb|\Numspell|, \verb|\Numspell*|, etc.\ commands inside sectioning commands and \verb|\MakeUppercase|.
An example for the illustration of the problem:
\section{The \ordnumspell{123} factor}

The following mistakes occur:
\item On the page 1: ``\numspell{123}''\\
Required: \numspell*{123}\MakeUppercase{``\thenumspell''}
\item On the heading: \emph{``THE \ordnumspell{123} FACTOR''}\\
Required: \ordnumspell*{123}\MakeUppercase{\em``The \thenumspell\ factor''}
\item On the pdf bookmark: ``The 123 factor''\\
Required: ``The \ordnumspell{123} factor''

\subsubsection*{The solution}

\section{The \thenumspell\ factor}
