# The `passopt` package
Passing options to packages or classes (v1.01c)

## Abstract
`passopt` allow reset the global options of a loaded macro package or document class, or to change the position of the pre-passed options in the list to the right.

## License
This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the CC-BY 4.0 License. The latest version of this license is in https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode

## Website
| [Gitee](https://gitee.com/texno3/passopt) | [Github](https://github.com/texno3/passopt) | [CTAN](https://ctan.org/pkg/passopt) |

## Maintainer
Qu Yi<br/>
Email: toquyi@163.com

## Contributor
Jonathan P. Spratte