% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///arara % arara: pdflatex: {shell: no, synctex: no, interaction: batchmode} % arara: pdflatex: {shell: no, synctex: no, interaction: batchmode} if found('log', '(undefined references|Please rerun|Rerun to get)') \documentclass[english,11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{pynotebook} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{soul} \usepackage{codehigh} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{fontawesome5} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \fancyhf{} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} %\rhead{\sffamily\small\affloetalab[Legende]} \lfoot{\sffamily\small [pynotebook]} \cfoot{\sffamily\small - \thepage{} -} \rfoot{\hyperlink{matoc}{\small\faArrowAltCircleUp[regular]}} \usepackage{hologo} \usepackage{xspace} \providecommand\tikzlogo{Ti\textit{k}Z} \providecommand\TeXLive{\TeX{}Live\xspace} \providecommand\PSTricks{\textsf{PSTricks}\xspace} \let\pstricks\PSTricks \let\TikZ\tikzlogo \usepackage{hyperref} \urlstyle{same} \hypersetup{pdfborder=0 0 0} \usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \def\TPversion{0.1.3} \def\TPdate{30/03/2024} \sethlcolor{lightgray!25} \NewDocumentCommand\ShowCode{ m }{% \hl{\vphantom{\texttt{pf}}\texttt{#1}}% } \usepackage{babel} \begin{document} \pagestyle{fancy} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{0.88\linewidth} \begin{tcolorbox}[colframe=yellow,colback=yellow!15] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c} {\Huge \texttt{pynotebook}}\\ \\ {\LARGE Present a Jupyter notebook, with} \\ {\LARGE tcolorbox, and listings or piton/pyluatex.} \\ \\ {\small \texttt{Version \TPversion{} -- \TPdate}} \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{tcolorbox} \end{minipage} \end{center} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c} \texttt{Cédric Pierquet}\\ {\ttfamily c pierquet -- at -- outlook . fr}\\ \texttt{\url{https://github.com/cpierquet/pynotebook}} \end{tabular} \end{center} \hrule \phantomsection \hypertarget{matoc}{} \tableofcontents \vspace*{5mm} \hrule \vspace*{5mm} \vfill~ \textit{\footnotesize Thanks to F. Pantigny for his package \textsf{piton} and his help.}\dotfill{\footnotesize\ttfamily\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/piton}} \textit{\footnotesize And thanks to Tobias Enderle for his package \textsf{pyluatex}.}\dotfill{\footnotesize\ttfamily\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/pyluatex}} \pagebreak \section{Samples, with listings} \begin{NotebookMarkdown}{\linewidth} {\Large\bfseries This is a test for a \textsf{Markdown} block.} It's possible to use \LaTeX{} formulas, like % \[ \left\lbrace\begin{array}{l} F_0 = 0\\ F_1 = 1 \\ F_{n+2} = F_{n+1} + F_n \end{array}\right. \] \end{NotebookMarkdown} \begin{NotebookRaw}{\linewidth} This is a sample block, with RAW output. Just to use all capacities of Jupyter notebook ;-) \end{NotebookRaw} \begin{NotebookIn}{\linewidth} def fibonacci_aux(n,a,b): if n == 0 : return a elif n == 1 : return b else: return fibonacci_aux(n-1,b,a+b) def fibonacci_of(n): return fibonacci_aux(n,0,1) print([fibonacci_of(n) for n in range(10)]) \end{NotebookIn} \begin{NotebookOut}{\linewidth} [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] \end{NotebookOut} \begin{NotebookRaw}{\linewidth} Now we’re going to work with lists. Just a little example with a prime numbers, in french. \end{NotebookRaw} \begin{NotebookIn}{\linewidth} def proc_exec() : choix = "o" while choix == "o" : n = -1 while n <= 1 : n = int(input("Saisir un entier n, supérieur à 2 : ")) if estpremier(n) == True : print(f"{n} est premier.") else : print(f"{n} n'est pas premier.") listeres = listenombrepremiers(n) print(f"La liste des entiers premiers <= à {n} est {listeres}.") print(f"Il y a donc {len(listeres)} entiers premiers <= à {n}.") choix = input("Recommencer [o/n] ? ") \end{NotebookIn} \begin{NotebookIn}{\linewidth} proc_exec() \end{NotebookIn} \begin{NotebookConsole}{\linewidth} Saisir un entier n, supérieur à 2 : 14 14 n'est pas premier. La liste des entiers premiers <= à 14 est [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]. Il y a donc 6 entiers premiers <= à 14. Recommencer [o/n] ? o Saisir un entier n, supérieur à 2 : 1 Saisir un entier n, supérieur à 2 : -3 Saisir un entier n, supérieur à 2 : 25 25 n'est pas premier. La liste des entiers premiers <= à 25 est [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]. Il y a donc 9 entiers premiers <= à 25. Recommencer [o/n] ? n \end{NotebookConsole} %\vspace*{5mm} % %\begin{center} % With \ShowCode{piton} and \ShowCode{pyluatex} (with code execution, but with \hologo{LuaLaTeX} and \textsf{--shell-escape}) : %\end{center} % %\includegraphics[clip]{pynotebook-samples-pitonpyluatex.pdf} \pagebreak \section{History} \verb|v0.1.3|~:~~~~Modification with \texttt{gobble} (for \textsf{piton}) \verb|v0.1.2|~:~~~~Enhancements with \texttt{gobble} (for \textsf{piton}) \verb|v0.1.1|~:~~~~New block \textsf{In/Out} with \textsf{piton/pyluatex} (tks to F. Pantigny) \verb|v0.1.0|~:~~~~Initial version \vspace*{15mm} \pagebreak \section{The package pynotebook} \subsection{Ideas} The idea is to provide environments to reproduce a Jupyter notebook : \begin{itemize} \item with \textit{blocks} for \textsf{RAW} or \textsf{Markdown} ; \item with \ShowCode{listings} and no limitation with compiler, but without code execution ; \item with \ShowCode{piton} and \ShowCode{pyluatex} with \hologo{LuaLaTeX} and \textsf{--shell-escape}. \end{itemize} The documentation use \hologo{pdfLaTeX}, but examples with \hologo{LuaLaTeX} are given in an other doc. \subsection{Loading} The package loads within the preamble, with \ShowCode{\textbackslash usepackage\{pynotebook\}}. The loaded packages are \ShowCode{tcolorbox} (with \ShowCode{skins,breakable,listings}), \ShowCode{calc}, \ShowCode{xstring} and \ShowCode{iftex}. If \hologo{LuaLaTeX} is detected, \ShowCode{piton} is loaded (but there's an option to avoid the loading), whereas \ShowCode{pyluatex} needs to be manually loaded, due to the declaration of the executable. \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] %with pdflatex \usepackage{pynotebook} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] %with LuaLaTeX and piton \usepackage{pynotebook} \usepackage[options]{pyluatex} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] %with LuaLaTeX but without piton capability \usepackage[nopiton]{pynotebook} \end{codehigh} \subsection{Global usage} In order to respect the left-alignment, the \textit{titles} \ShowCode{In [ ]} and \ShowCode{Out[ ]} can add a blank character, to avoid offset due to counter with two digits ! \pagebreak \section{Common text blocks} \subsection{Intro} The different text blocks are given with their own output. The package provides environments : \begin{itemize} \item for a \textsf{RAW} block, with \texttt{teletype} font ; for a \textsf{Mardown} block, with all \hologo{LaTeX} support ; \item a version with \textsf{piton} is given, in order to align perfectly the blocks ! \end{itemize} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookRaw}[options tcbox]{<width>} <code> \end{NotebookRaw} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookMarkdown}[options tcbox]{<width>} <code> \end{NotebookMarkdown} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookPitonRaw}[options tcbox]{<width>} <code> \end{NotebookPitonRaw} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookPitonMarkdown}[options tcbox]{<width>} <code> \end{NotebookPitonMarkdown} \end{codehigh} \subsection{Examples} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookMarkdown}{\linewidth} {\Large\bfseries This is a test for a \textsf{Markdown} block.}\\ It's possible to use \LaTeX{} formulas, like % \[ \left\lbrace\begin{array}{l} F_0 = 0\\ F_1 = 1 \\ F_{n+2} = F_{n+1} + F_n \end{array}\right. \] \end{NotebookMarkdown} \begin{NotebookRaw}{\linewidth} This is a sample block, with RAW output. Just to use all capacities of Jupyter notebook ;-) \end{NotebookRaw} \end{codehigh} \begin{NotebookMarkdown}{\linewidth} {\Large\bfseries This is a test for a \textsf{Markdown} block.}\\ It's possible to use \LaTeX{} formulas, like % \[ \left\lbrace\begin{array}{l} F_0 = 0\\ F_1 = 1 \\ F_{n+2} = F_{n+1} + F_n \end{array}\right. \] \end{NotebookMarkdown} \begin{NotebookRaw}{\linewidth} This is a sample block, with RAW output. Just to use all capacities of Jupyter notebook ;-) \end{NotebookRaw} \pagebreak \section{The code blocks, with listings} \subsection{Intro} With \ShowCode{listings}, the different blocks are given with their own output (no code execution). The package provides environments : \begin{itemize} \item with \texttt{In~[...]} ; \item with \texttt{Out[...]} ; \item without \textit{header}, eg for a \textit{console execution}. \end{itemize} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookIn}(*)[options tcbox]{<width>} <code> \end{NotebookIn} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookOut}(*)[options tcbox]{<width>} <code> \end{NotebookOut} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookConsole}[options tcbox]{<width>} <code> \end{NotebookConsole} \end{codehigh} The starred versions removes the counter, and don't display it. The blocks with \textit{header} (\texttt{In/Out}) are automatically numbered, and the global style is fixed. \subsection{Examples} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookIn}{\linewidth} def fibonacci_aux(n,a,b): if n == 0 : return a elif n == 1 : return b else: return fibonacci_aux(n-1,b,a+b) def fibonacci_of(n): return fibonacci_aux(n,0,1) [fibonacci_of(n) for n in range(10)] \end{NotebookIn} \begin{NotebookOut}{\linewidth} [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] \end{NotebookOut} \begin{NotebookConsole}{\linewidth} [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] \end{NotebookConsole} \end{codehigh} \pagebreak \begin{NotebookIn}{\linewidth} def fibonacci_aux(n,a,b): if n == 0 : return a elif n == 1 : return b else: return fibonacci_aux(n-1,b,a+b) def fibonacci_of(n): return fibonacci_aux(n,0,1) [fibonacci_of(n) for n in range(10)] \end{NotebookIn} \begin{NotebookOut}{\linewidth} [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] \end{NotebookOut} \begin{NotebookConsole}{\linewidth} [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] \end{NotebookConsole} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookIn}*[flush right]{13cm} def fibonacci_aux(n,a,b): if n == 0 : return a elif n == 1 : return b else: return fibonacci_aux(n-1,b,a+b) def fibonacci_of(n): return fibonacci_aux(n,0,1) [fibonacci_of(n) for n in range(10)] \end{NotebookIn} \begin{NotebookOut}*[flush right]{13cm} [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] \end{NotebookOut} \begin{NotebookConsole}[flush right]{13cm} [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] \end{NotebookConsole} \end{codehigh} \begin{NotebookIn}*[flush right]{13cm} def fibonacci_aux(n,a,b): if n == 0 : return a elif n == 1 : return b else: return fibonacci_aux(n-1,b,a+b) def fibonacci_of(n): return fibonacci_aux(n,0,1) [fibonacci_of(n) for n in range(10)] \end{NotebookIn} \begin{NotebookOut}*[flush right]{13cm} [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] \end{NotebookOut} \begin{NotebookConsole}[flush right]{13cm} [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] \end{NotebookConsole} \pagebreak \section{The code blocks, with piton and pyluatex} \subsection{Intro} With \ShowCode{piton} and \ShowCode{pyluatex}, the different blocks are given with the code to be displayed (\texttt{In/Out}) or with the code to be executed (\textsf{Out} or \textsf{Console}). The package provides environments : \begin{itemize} \item with \texttt{In~[...]} ; \item with \texttt{Out[...]} ; \item with \texttt{In[...]\&{}Out[...]} ; \item without \textit{header}, eg for a \textit{console execution}. \end{itemize} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookPitonRaw}[options tcbox]{width}<gobble options> <code> \end{NotebookPitonRaw} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookPitonMarkdown}[options tcbox]{width} <code> \end{NotebookPitonMarkdown} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookPitonIn}(*)[options tcbox]{width}<gobble options> <code> \end{NotebookPitonIn} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookPitonOut}(*)[options tcbox]{width}<gobble options> <code> \end{NotebookPitonOut} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookPitonInOut}(*)[options tcbox]{width}<gobble options> <code> \end{NotebookPitonInOut} \end{codehigh} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \begin{NotebookPitonConsole}[options tcbox]{width}<gobble options> <code> \end{NotebookPitonConsole} \end{codehigh} The starred versions removes the counter, and don't display it. The blocks with \textit{header} (\texttt{In/Out}) are automatically numbered, and the global style is fixed. \smallskip \texttt{gobble options} are given within \textsf{piton} syntax : \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{auto-gobble} ; \item \texttt{env-gobble} ; \item \texttt{gobble=xx} ; \item \texttt{tabs-auto-gobble} ; \item a mix of them. \end{itemize} \subsection{Examples} Due to the necessary usage of \hologo{LuaLaTeX} and \textsf{--shell-escape}, examples are given in a separate file. \pagebreak \section{Some customization} \subsection{Ideas} The package provides macros, in order to : \begin{itemize}[itemsep=2pt] \item configure the \textit{words} \texttt{In/Out} in \textsf{french} ; \item configure the spacing before and after the boxes (\ShowCode{0.33\textbackslash baselineskip} by default). \end{itemize} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \SetJupyterLng{fr} %set french words \SetJupyterParSkip{<length>} %modify space before/after (or default) \setcounter{JupyterIn}{<nb>} %modify the counter \end{codehigh} \subsection{Examples} \begin{codehigh}[language=latex/latex2,style/main=cyan!10,style/code=cyan!10] \SetJupyterLng{fr} \SetJupyterParSkip{\baselineskip} \setcounter{JupyterIn}{14} \begin{NotebookIn}{0.75\linewidth} def fibonacci_aux(n,a,b): if n == 0 : return a elif n == 1 : return b else: return fibonacci_aux(n-1,b,a+b) def fibonacci_of(n): return fibonacci_aux(n,0,1) [fibonacci_of(n) for n in range(15)] \end{NotebookIn} \begin{NotebookOut}{0.75\linewidth} [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] \end{NotebookOut} \end{codehigh} \SetJupyterLng{fr} \SetJupyterParSkip{\baselineskip} \setcounter{JupyterIn}{14} \begin{NotebookIn}{0.75\linewidth} def fibonacci_aux(n,a,b): if n == 0 : return a elif n == 1 : return b else: return fibonacci_aux(n-1,b,a+b) def fibonacci_of(n): return fibonacci_aux(n,0,1) [fibonacci_of(n) for n in range(10)] \end{NotebookIn} \begin{NotebookOut}{0.75\linewidth} [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] \end{NotebookOut} \end{document}