
\useThisSeed{606574325} % comment out this line, and uncomment next line to get ...
%\useLastAsSeed         % a new pseudo-random sequence each time you compile.

% Other useful switches
%\ranToksOn             % the default

\parindent0pt \parskip6pt

    Test file for \textsf{ran\_toks} Package\\[3pt]
        D. P. Story

Test of the \verb!\ranToks! command.

I have {\nToksFor{myPals}} pals, they are \useRanTok{1}, \useRanTok{2},
\useRanTok{3}, \useRanTok{4}, {\useRanTok{5}} and \useRanTok{6}. (Listed
in the order of best friend to least best friend.)

Test of the \verb!\bRTVToks!/\verb!\eRTVToks! pair of commands, which encloses
\texttt{rtVW} environments.

Roses are red and violets are blue,
I've forgotten the rest, have you too?
I gave up saying bad things like
\verb!$#%%%^*%^&#$@#! when I was just a teenager.
I am a good guy, pass it on! The code for this last sentence is,
%#$% I am a good guy, pass it on! ^&*&^*
How did that other stuff get in there?

Use \verb!\useRTName! command when another list separates the current
position from the list you want to use. Here we want to use the list named
\texttt{myPals}, but since that definition, a new list named
\texttt{myThoughts} was declared.

List of pals: \useRanTok{1}, \useRanTok{2}, \useRanTok{3},
\useRanTok{4}, \useRanTok{5}, and \useRanTok{6}.

For mixing lists. it might be easier to use the optional parameter:
{\useRanTok[myPals]{1}} and \useRanTok[myThoughts]{1}

The \cs{rtTokByNum} can retrieve an item from the list in its declared order;
eg, from the \texttt{myPals} list, the first and last are
{\rtTokByNum[myPals]{1}} and \rtTokByNum[myPals]{\nToksFor{myPals}}.

We demonstrate the command \cs{reorderRanToks} and the optional parameters of \cs{displayListRandomly}:
List of pals: \displayListRandomly[\ifnum\i=\last\space and \fi][\ifnum\i=\last.\else,\fi\space]{myPals}
The reordering is global, so \displayListRandomly[\ifnum\i=\last\space and \fi][\ifnum\i=\last\else, \fi]{myPals}
are listed in the same order as above, and different from the original random order seen in the second paragraph
of this document.

Without the Oxford comma: My pals are
\displayListRandomly[\ifnum\i=\last and \fi][\ifnum\i=\last.\else\ifnum\i=\lessone\relax\space\else, \fi\fi]{myPals}

The following is the same logic but uses the syntax of the \textsf{ifthen} package: My pals are
\displayListRandomly[\ifthenelse{\i=\last}{and }{}][\ifthenelse{\i=\last}{.}{\ifthenelse{\i=\lessone}{\space}{, }}]{myPals}

Test the \cs{copyRanToks} command:
\copyRanToks{myPals}{myPals1}\displayListRandomly[\ifthenelse{\i=\last}{and }{}][\ifthenelse{\i=\last}{.}{\ifthenelse{\i=\lessone}{\space}{, }}]{myPals1}
This does not change the order of the \texttt{myPals} list, which is still
\displayListRandomly[\ifnum\i=\last\space and \fi][\ifnum\i=\last.\else,\fi\space]{myPals}
