  [2014/01/03 v1.1.1 Referenceable enumerated items (refenums.sty)]

% This package provides commands to define enumerable items with a number
% and a long name, which can be referenced referenced later with the name
% or just the short form. For instance, "Milestone M1: Specification created"
% can be defined and later on be referenced with `M1` or
% `M1 ("Specification created")`. The text in the references is derived from
% the definition and also rendered as hyperlink to the definition.
% Thus, a change of the definition also leads to a change of all references
% to the text. This ensures consistency in the text.

% The latest source code is available at https://github.com/koppor/refenums


%Defines command \refenumenclosing and \refenuminlineenclosing if it is not already defined

% tip by http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/73710/9075
 \newcommand{\labelname}[1]{% \labelname{<stuff>}

% Setup environment
% Called ONCE for each enum
% #1: (optional) the seperator between EnumId and Number. Default: "-". If set to COMBINED, the output format changes to <PrintName> <EnumId><Number>
% #2: Enum Id (no spaces, only characters), also used later in defineReferenceableEnumElement
% #3: Print Name of enum type, if "ONLYSHORT" then only the short name is used and a long name never printed
%Define global counter

%Store print name
\expandafter\newcommand\csname #2PrintName\endcsname{#3}

%Store separator
%tipp by http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/64019/9075
\expandafter\newcommand\csname #2Separator\endcsname{#1}

%Store COMBINED and setup cref


%End of definition of setupRefEnums

%internal command, used only at defineReferenceableEnumElement
% #1: Enum Id (no spaces, only characters), also used to print short form of enum and to reference the setup at setupRefEnums
% #2: Full Name of the enum to be defined
% \arabic{#1} returns the counter value
#1\csname #1Separator\endcsname\arabic{#1}: #2%
\csname #1PrintName\endcsname\ #1\arabic{#1}: #2%
\csname #1PrintName\endcsname\ \arabic{#1} (#1\csname #1Separator\endcsname\arabic{#1}): #2%

% Generic command to define counter elements
% Called for EACH element
% #1: (optional) the command to wrap the text under. Defaults to refenumenclosing
% #2: Enum Id (no spaces, only characters), also used to print short form of enum and to reference the setup at setupRefEnums
% #3: Full Name of the enum to be defined
% #4: Label Id of the enum when referencing it
%increase counter
%store the ``caption'' into a sepcial variable being used later for referencing
%label directly put after refstepcounter to enable sectioning commands to be used as enumeration
%Print out the thing
\csname #1\endcsname{\defRefEnumHelper{#2}{#3}}%

% Same as \defRefEnum but for inline referenceable elements!
% One uses either without ``Inline'' or with ``Inline'' for a group of types
 \csname #1\endcsname{(#2\csname #2Separator\endcsname\arabic{#2}) #3}%

% Generic command to reference to an enum. The print name is put in brackets after the identifier.
% Output: <EnumId><Num> (``<PrintName>'')
% #1: Enum Id (no spaces, only characters!)
% #2: Label Id

% Generic command to reference to an enum. The print name is put in quotes after the identifier.
% Output: <EnumId><Num>: ``<PrintName>''
% #1: Enum Id (no spaces, only characters!)
% #2: Label Id
 \refEnum{#1}{#2}: \enquote{\nameref{enum:#1:#2}}%

% \refEnumFull defaults to \efEnumFullP
