\usepackage[english, main=latin]{babel}
\babeltags{english = english}

   \Xbhooknote{\setstretch {\setspace@singlespace}}
   \Xbhookgroup{\setstretch {\setspace@singlespace}}


\title{Line spacing}
This example sets the interline of footnotes with the \emph{setspace} package. The main text is double line spacing, the footnotes are single line spacing.

It use the \verb+\Xbhooknote+ and \verb+\Xbhookgroup+ commands to call some space setting.
Note that these commands are called after loading the \emph{setspace} package, because they use \emph{setspace} commands.

We use \verb`\AtBeginDocument{\doublespacing}` to start doublespacing at the beginning of the \verb+document+ environment. We do not use the \verb+doublespacing+ option of  the \emph{setspace} package, because it dirupts internal \emph{reledmac} computing.