\babeltags{english = english}

\title{Sectioning commands with critical notes}


This file provides examples of using sectioning command with reledmac. The section titles are in the line numbering, and have critical and side notes.

We use the \verb+\reledxxx+ commands, each of them in their own \verb+\pstart…\pend+ group.

Page breaks are manually added before chapter with \verb+\beforeeledchapter+.


I use git to manage some packages.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten..




I use git to manage some packages.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten.


I use git to manage some packages.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten.


I use git to manage some packages.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten..




I use git to manage some packages.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten.


I use git to manage some packages.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten.

