%% resmes Restriction of measures symbol in LaTeX
%% Copyright (c) 2022 Paolo
%% Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/Loara/resmes/blob/main/LICENSE)

\input l3docstrip.tex



This is a generated file.

resmes Restriction of measures symbol in LaTeX

Copyright (c) 2022 Paolo

Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/Loara/resmes/blob/main/LICENSE)



\Msg{:^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^)}
\Msg{*-* Hey dude, remember you have to move the following file *-*}
\Msg{*-* into a directory searched by TeX!! *-*}
\Msg{*-* To produce the documentation look it up on the Internet. *-*}
\Msg{*-* See ya! *-*}
\Msg{:^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^)}
