% http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/PDF32000_2008.pdf
% makeindex < aebpro_man.idx > aebpro_man.ind


\color{red}After December 2020, the JavaScript Bridge is no longer available. The methods of this section
are no longer supported.}}}






\newdimen\aebdimen \aebdimen6pt %\partopsep \advance\aebdimen\partopsep




    title={ The \texorpdfstring{\pkg{rmannot} Package\\[1em]}{rmannot Package: }
        Rich Media Annotations\texorpdfstring{\\[1em]}{ }for Acrobat DC},
    author={D. P. Story},
    subject={Documentation for AeB Pro from AcroTeX},
    version={v2.2.1, 2021/04/21},
    keywords={Rich Media Annotations, SWF, FLV, MP3, AcroTeX, AcroFlex, LaTeX},
    copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story},
\def\dps{$\hbox{$\mathfrak D$\kern-.3em\hbox{$\mathfrak P$}%
   \kern-.6em \hbox{$\mathcal S$}}$}




    \normalfont #1}




    C:/Users/Public/Documents/My TeX Files/%
  My TeX Files/tex/latex/aeb/aebpro/rmannot/examples/rm3da/assets/knurl.swf}

    My TeX Files/tex/latex/aeb/aebpro/rmannot/%


%    \makebox[\linewidth][c]{%
%        \rmAnnot[poster=AcroAd_poster,enabled=pageopen]%
%            {.5\linewidth}{.5\linewidth*\ratio{265bp}{612bp}}{AcroAd}}%

var titleOfManual="The rmAnnot MANUAL";
var manualfilename="Manual_BG_Print_rmannot.pdf";
var manualtemplate="Manual_BG_Green.pdf"; // Blue, Green, Brown
var _pathToBlank="C:/Users/Public/Documents/ManualBGs/"+manualtemplate;
var doc;
var buildIt=false;
if ( buildIt ) {
    console.println("Creating new " + manualfilename + " file.");
    doc = \appopenDoc({cPath: _pathToBlank, bHidden: true});
    var _path=this.path;
    var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/");
    \docSaveAs\newDO ({ cPath: _path });
    doc = \appopenDoc({cPath: manualfilename, oDoc:this, bHidden: true});
    \docSaveAs\newDO({ cPath: manualfilename });
} else {
    console.println("Using the current "+manualfilename+" file.");
var _path=this.path;
var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/");





After December 2020, PDF content that uses \app{Flash Player} will no longer
be supported by \app{Acrobat DC}/\app{Reader DC} (\app{AA}/\app{AR}), this includes all files of type \FT{FLV} and \FT{SWF}. As a result, Rich
Media Annotations (\RMA) has changed, its ``richness'' is now ``plain-ness''; of particular
importance, the JavaScript Bridge\FmtMP{JavaScript bridge dead} has collapsed, there is no control of the
media using JavaScript. The good news is the \pkg{rmannot} package remains functional!
Supported file types are,
    \item \textbf{Video:} \FT{MOV}, \FT{MP4}, \FT{M4V}, \FT{3GP}, \FT{3G2}
    \item \textbf{Audio:} \FT{MP3}
    \item \textbf{3D:} \FT{U3D}, \FT{PRC}
This documentation describes the revised package.

\paragraph*{Legacy documentation prior to the EOL of Flash player support.}
Should you have a version of \app{Acrobat} prior to the EOL of Flash player,
refer to the legacy documentation
\href{rmannot_man-flash.pdf}{rmannot\_man-flash.pdf}.\footnote{Flash player
is still supported by \app{Acrobat XI}/\allowbreak\app{Adobe Reader XI} or
prior. Any version of \app{Acrobat DC}/\allowbreak\app{Adobe Reader DC},
however, may not play Flash content, even though it is an older DC version
because of any updates received.} None of the code of \pkg{rmannot} has been
removed, so you can still incorporate FLV/SWF files into your document, but such
media may not run on your computer; it pays to keep \app{AA/AR XI} or earlier.

Source material for the creation of this package is the document
\textsl{Adobe Supplement to the ISO 32000}, June 2008. This document
contains the PDF specification---the so called, BaseLevel~1.7,
ExtensionLevel~3 specification---of the rich media annotation.

\paragraph*{At the time of this writing.} Recent versions of \app{AA/AR DC} offer the option of
using Flash content or of using the new multimedia methods. This option is
found under \uif{Edit > Preferences}, select the category \uif{3D \&
Multimedia Options} in the left panel, as shown in \hyperref[fig:3DMMOpts]{Figure~\ref*{fig:3DMMOpts}}.
At the top of the right-hand panel observe the checkbox item \uif{Use Flash
Player for playing 3D and multimedia content.} By clearing this checkbox, you
can experience the new multimedia player. After December 2020, these options
will probably be removed.

  \caption{3D \& Multimedia Options}\label{fig:3DMMOpts}

\exAeBBlogPDF{p=}\textbf{Examples.} In addition to the examples that ship
with the \textsf{rmannot} package, there are numerous examples of
\textsf{rmannot} on my
\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog//?tag=rmannot-package}{{\AcroTeX} Blog} (having tag
\textsl{rmannot-package}). There is also a whole series of articles on the
\textbf{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?cat=22}{Rich Media Annotation}} using
\pkg{AeB Pro} and \textsf{rmannot}.\footnote{Articles that use \FT{FLV} or
\FT{SWF} files, or uses the ``JavaScript bridge'' will not work in recent versions
of \app{Acrobat DC} or \app{Acrobat Reader DC} after EOL of Flash player.}


The requirements for your {\LaTeX} system are highlighted in this section.

\subsection{{\LaTeX} Package Requirements}

The following packages, in addition to the standard {\LaTeX}
distribution, are required:
   \item \pkg{AeB} (\AcroTeX{} eDucation Bundle) The most recent version.
      In particular the \pkg{eforms} package and its companion
      package \pkg{insdljs}. The \pkg{AeB Pro} package is recommended. (All
      the demo files use \pkg{AeB Pro}.) Get it at \href{http://ctan.org/pkg/acrotex}{ctan.org/pkg/acrotex}.
  \item The \pkg{graphicxsp} package. The latest version, I made
      some slight modifications of this package for \pkg{rmannot}.
      This package allows the embedding of poster graphics for use in
      the appearances of the annotations when they are not activated.
      Get it at \href{http://ctan.org/pkg/graphicxsp}{ctan.org/pkg/graphicxsp}.
  \item (Recommended) Many of the demo files use \pkg{AeB Pro}
      (\href{http://ctan.org/pkg/graphicxsp}{ctan.org/pkg/aeb-pro}) is a recommended
      addition to your {\AcroTeX} collection.
The installation instructions for \pkg{AeB} and \pkg{AeB Pro} must be read very closely
as there are certain JavaScript files that must be copied to the correct
location on your local hard drive.

\subsection{PDF Creator Requirements}

The \textsf{rmannot} package supports \app{Acrobat Distiller 9.0} (or later)
as the PDF creator. The document author must have \app{Acrobat 9.0 Pro} (or later) and
its companion application \app{Distiller}.\footnote{Current \app{Acrobat} is \app{Acrobat DC}} The document author typically uses
\app{dvips} to produce a Postscript file, which is then distilled to obtain a

If you are using \app{Acrobat DC} to build \pkg{rmannot}, it is necessary \emph{to clear the checkbox}
\uif{Enable Protected Mode at startup}\FmtMP{Protected Mode}, this checkbox is found under the menu
\uif{Edit > Preferences}. In the \uif{Preferences} dialog box, select
\uif{Security (Enhanced)} category from the left panel; the targeted checkbox
is at the top line on the right panel. Refer to \hyperref[fig:SP]{Figure~\ref*{fig:SP}} for a visual.

  \caption{\tops{\protect\uif}{}{Security (Enhanced) Preferences}}\label{fig:SP}

\subsubsection{\tops{\protect\pkg}{}{rmannot} and non-Distiller workflows}

With \pkg{rmannot} dated 2021/04/21 or later, a non-Distiller workflow can be
utilized to compile and build a PDF; however, any Rich Media annotation
created by \cs{rmAnnot} is non-functional and is represented by a frame box
with the caption \textsf{Distiller required}. This allows the document author
to use his/her favorite PDF creator and favorite PDF previewer to develop the
document. To build the document to be published, \app{Acrobat/Distiller} are
required at the tail end of the workflow \textsf{tex -> dvi -> ps -> pdf}.

\subsection{Supported Media Formats}\label{s:MediaFmts}


\subsubsection{Supported video formats}

The resource for video formats is
\href{\urlFmts#main_Video_formats__Acrobat_DC_Pro_}{Supported file formats
Acrobat and Reader}, see the sections \textbf{Video formats (Acrobat Pro
DC)}, \textbf{Video formats (Acrobat X Pro)} and \textbf{Video formats
(Acrobat~9 Pro and Pro Extended)}.  The \textsf{rmannot} package generally
supports all formats listed there that have a `Yes' in the column labeled
\textbf{Direct placement without transcoding}; in particular,
\textsf{rmannot} supports \expandafter\st\expandafter{\FT{SWF}},
\expandafter\st\expandafter{\FT{FLV}}, \FT{MOV}, \FT{MP4}, \FT{M4V},
\FT{3GP}, \FT{3G2}, and \FT{MP3} files. Some of these are not supported by
version~9. \st{For greatest compatibility, use {\FT{SWF}}, {\FT{FLV}} (or
{\FT{F4V}}, Version~9.2 or later).}

\subsubsection{Supported audio format}

The resource for audio formats is
\href{\urlFmts#main_Audio_formats__Acrobat_}{Supported file formats
Acrobat and Reader}, see the section \textbf{Audio formats (Acrobat)}. For
assured compatibility, use \FT{MP3} files for audio.

\subsubsection{Supported 3D formats}

The resource for audio formats is
file formats Acrobat and Reader}, see the section \textbf{2D and 3D formats}.
\app{Acrobat} and this package support filetypes \FT{U3D} and \FT{PRC}.


\subsection{Comments on \tops{\protect\app}{}Distiller}

The installation is simple enough. Unzip \texttt{rmannot.zip} in a
folder that is on your {\LaTeX} search path.  Refresh your filename
database, if appropriate.

I am perhaps the last one using YandY, but if there is anyone else,
there is one other thing to do. The distribution comes with the
default poster file for the \FT{MP3} file; the name of this file is
\texttt{ramp3poster.eps} (found in the \texttt{graphics} subfolder).
For YandY users, this file needs to be copied to a folder on the
\texttt{PSPATH}. If you don't know what I'm talking about, follow
the steps below.

Open \textsf{dviwindo}, and go to \texttt{Preferences\;>\;Environment}
and choose \texttt{PSPATH} from the drop down menu. Add the path
at the end of your \texttt{PSPATH} string.\footnote{If your
\textsf{YandY System} installation is elsewhere, enter that path.}
It is important to have the double backslash at the end of the path.
This tells the \textsf{YandY System} to search all subfolders for
the graphics files. When you are finished, your \texttt{PSPATH}
should look something like this:
Be sure to separate these paths by a semicolon.

\textbf{\textcolor{red}{Important:}} In recent versions of \app{Acrobat},
security restrictions have been put in place to prevent
\app{Distiller} from reading files (the Postscript \psf{file}
operator does not work). Fortunately, \app{Distiller} has a switch that
turns off this particular restriction. To successfully use this
package, therefore, you need to run Distiller by using the
\texttt{-F} command line switch. I personally use the \app{WinEdt}
application as my text editor,\footnote{\app{WinEdt} home page:
\url{www.winedt.com}} and use the \uif{GSView} button on the toolbar to pass the
PS file to \app{Distiller} with the \texttt{-F} switch.
toolbar. Edit \texttt{GSView.edt} to read,
  Run(|%$('GSView'); %1 -F "%P\%N.ps"|,'%P',0,0,'%N.ps - GSview',1,1);
Note the use of the \texttt{-F} switch following \texttt{\%1}. The argument \texttt{\%1}
is the path to the ``GSView'' application; this is redefined, as shown in Figure~\ref*{fig:EM}.

\caption{\uif{Options > Execution Modes > Ghostscript}}\label{fig:EM}

If this package is used to create rich media annotations without the
\texttt{-F} switch, you typically get the following error message in the
Distiller log file
%%[ Error: undefinedfilename; OffendingCommand: file ]%%
This tells you that either you have not started Distiller with the
\texttt{-F} command line switch, or Distiller can't find one of the
files that the \psf{file} operator was trying to read.

\subparagraph*{Mac OS Users.} The above comments on the \texttt{-F} command line
switch are for \textsf{Windows~OS} users, \textsf{Mac~OS} users must choose the
\texttt{AllowPSFileOps} user preference, this is located in the
\texttt{plist}, possibly located at,
You can use Spotlight, the search utility on Mac, to search for
\texttt{com.adobe.distiller}. This finds the file
\texttt{com.adobe.distiller9.plist}. Clicking on this find, Spotlight opens
\texttt{com.adobe.distiller9.plist} in the \texttt{plist} editor, see
\hyperref[plist]{Figure~\ref*{plist}}. If necessary, click on the arrow next
to the Root to expand the choices, then click the up and down arrows at the
far right in the \texttt{AllowPSFileOps} row to select \texttt{Yes} as the

\paragraph*{For \app{Acrobat DC} users.} Recent versions of \app{Acrobat Distiller DC} have a
switch labeled \uif{Trust all files opened via Acrobat Distiller} under
\uif{File > Preferences}, as shown in \hyperref[fig:TD]{Figure~\ref*{fig:TD}}
on page~\pageref*{fig:TD}. When this checkbox is checked, there is no need
for the \texttt{-F} switch.

\caption{\uif{\app{Acrobat Distiller}: File > Preferences}}\label{fig:TD}

% \section{Options of this Package}

\section{Setting the Paths and Posters}

The paths to the supported media files are required to appear in the preamble, and any poster
graphics are required to appear in the preamble as well.

\subsection{Setting the Paths}

There are two types of paths: System paths to resources needed by
\app{Acrobat Distiller}, and media paths to the files used in the

\paragraph*{System Paths.} This package uses \app{Acrobat Distiller~DC},
which requires the document author to have \app{Acrobat~DC}.\footnote{In the
post-\FT{FLV}/\FT{SWF} era, in theory versions of \app{Acrobat} built prior
to the EOL of Flash player should work correctly for this package.} In the
\app{Acrobat} program folder is a \texttt{Multimedia Skins} folder. \st{This
folder contains the skins ({\FT{SWF}} files) used in providing playing
controls to {\FT{FLV}} video files, and in the \texttt{Players} subfolder you
will find \texttt{VideoPlayer.swf} and \texttt{AudioPlayer.swf}. The former
plays {\FT{FLV}} files with an appropriate skin for user controls, the latter
plays {\FT{MP3}} files.} The document author needs to set the path to these
files, which are passed on to the distiller. This is easily done using the
\Com{AcroVer} command.
{\noindent}Place the command in the preamble or in the \texttt{rmannot.cfg}
configuration. The optional argument (\key{win} or \key{mac}) indicates the
platform used to build the document; the \opt{win} option now takes one of
two value, 32 or 64. This change is needed as Adobe rolls out its 64-bit
versions of \app{Acrobat} and \app{Adobe Reader}. The required argument is
the version of \app{Acrobat} you are using to build your {\RMA} document.
When no optional argument is passed, \texttt{win} is assumed (\uif{Windows
OS}). Possible values for \meta{version} are \texttt{DC}, a year
(\texttt{2015} or later), or a version number, such as \texttt{9},
\texttt{10}, or \texttt{11}.\footnote{A value of \texttt{Beta} is also
recognized, for those in the Beta Program of \app{Acrobat}.} The default is
\cs{AcroVer\darg{DC}}, which is equivalent to \cs{AcroVer[win=32]\darg{DC}}.

The \textsf{rmannot} package, based on the information passed to it by
\cs{AcroVer}, builds the appropriated path and passes this path to the
\cs{pathToSkins} command as its argument. Should the path be proven to be
incorrect, you can hunt down the correct path and directly enter it
in the preamble, or in the \texttt{rmannot.cfg} configuration file. For
version XI (version 11) of \app{Acrobat}, for example, the path is,
\takeMeasure{\string\pathToSkins\{C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/\%}%
\pathToSkins{C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/%
    Acrobat 11.0/Acrobat/Multimedia Skins}
The path for the Mac OS may look like this,
\takeMeasure{\string\pathToSkins\{/Applications/Adobe\string\ Acrobat\string\ 9\string\ Pro/Adobe\string\ Acrobat\string\ }%
\pathToSkins{/Applications/Adobe\ Acrobat\ XI\ Pro/Adobe\ Acrobat\
    Pro.app/Contents/Resources/Multimedia\ Skins}
These paths differ from platform to platform and \cs{AcroVer} tries to
take all platforms and versions into consideration.

%Note what the path is to the Multimedia Skins folder. The command
%\cs{pathToSkins} also defines the path to the \texttt{Players} subfolder.

%Future releases of \app{Acrobat} may change the name of the folders, so
%a \Com{pathToPlayers} command is also provided; as with \cs{pathToSkins},
%\cs{pathToPlayers} takes one argument, the path to the players.

\handpoint The \pkg{rmannot} distribution comes with a
\texttt{rmannot.cfg} file. In this file, you can place the \cs{AcroVer}
command with its appropriate arguments for your platform and version of
\app{Acrobat}. Remember, if you update your \app{Acrobat}, update
also the \meta{version} argument of \cs{AcroVer}.

\paragraph*{Document Media Paths.}
Each media file must be declared in the preamble using the
\Com{saveNamedPath} command.
\noindent The optional argument \meta{mime\_type} is normally not needed.
Only media with the extensions listed in
\hyperref[s:MediaFmts]{Section~\ref*{s:MediaFmts}} are supported. The
extension of the file name is isolated to determine the mime type.  The
second parameter \meta{name} is a \emph{unique} name that will be used to
reference this media file. Finally, \meta{path} is full and absolute path to
the media file. The path includes the file name and extension. For

Once the paths are defined in this way, the media files are
referenced using their given names. This has a couple of purposes.
    \item The names are used to determine if the media file has
        already been embedded in the document. Though the media clip
        may be used in several rich media annotations, the \pkg{rmannot}
        attempts to embed a media file only once.
    \item The command \cs{saveNamePath} uses
        \cs{hyper@normalise}, of the \texttt{hyperref} package, to
        ``sanitize'' special characters, so the path may contain
        characters that normally have special meaning to {\LaTeX}.
    \item Defining the path once leads to a consistent reference to
        the file paths, and reduces the chance of typos.
A brief example to illustrate the use of the names assigned by the
\cs{saveNamedPath} follows:\takeMeasure{\string\rmAnnot\darg{1280bp}\darg{720bp}\darg{calliope}}
{\noindent}The above example would use the default poster image to give a
visual of the annotation when it is not activated. The next section
discusses how to define and implement your own poster image.

\paragraph*{Defining a RM Path.}
The rich media resources for your {\RMA} may reside on your local computer or
on the Internet. As a way of reducing the amount of typing, you can use
\Com{defineRMPath} to define common paths to your
{\noindent}The command uses \cs{hyper@normalise} (of \pkg{hyperref}) to
``sanitize'' the path. The first argument \meta{\cs{cmd}} is the command to
be created, and \meta{path} is the path to the media folder. After the
definition, the command \meta{\cs{cmd}} expands to \meta{path}. For
{\noindent}We first define a path to our resources, then save those paths along with the file names.

You can use \cs{defineRMPath} to define URLs as well:
Now, \cs{myRMURLs} points to your common video resources on the Internet.

\subsection{Creating Posters}\label{createPosters}

A \emph{poster} is an \FT{EPS} graphics file that covers the {\RMA} when the
annotation is not activated. The \cs{rmAnnot} command has a \key{poster} key
that is recognized as part of optional key-value pairs. The use of the
\key{poster} key is optional, if you do not specify one, one will be
generated for you. (More on the default poster appearance is presented
below.) The poster image is visible when the rich media annotation is not

To create a poster for your rich media annotation, use a graphics application
(\app{Adobe Illustrator}, \app{Adobe Photoshop}, etc.), and save as an
\FT{EPS} file. You can also create a single page PDF from a TEX source file,
as this package does. Move this file to your source file folder. Let's call
this file \texttt{cool\_poster.eps}. In the preamble place the command,
The first argument is a \emph{unique name} for the graphic, the
second argument is the path name of the graphic (without the
extension). The name is used as the value of the \key{poster}

The command actually has an optional first argument. This argument
is passed to the command \cs{includegraphics} (of the \pkg{graphicx}
package). The general syntax of the command is,
The command uses the \pkg{graphicxsp} package to embed the file
in the PDF document. The graphical image can then be used multiple
times in many annotations.For example,
\noindent See \Nameref{rmAnnot} for additional discussion of the \texttt{poster}
key and \cs{rmAnnot}.

The graphic itself should have the same \emph{aspect ratio} as the rich
media annotation; this is important if the graphic contains text or
images that would get otherwise distorted.

\paragraph*{Default Poster Image.}\label{para:DPI} The \pkg{rmannot} package has
default poster appearance. This poster appearance takes one of two
forms. If the media file is \FT{MP3}, an image of the \app{AudioPlayer} control
bar is used; otherwise it is dynamically generated (with the correct
dimensions) using the following PostScript operators:
\takeMeasure{\quad\string\rma@ps@txt@x\string\adj@measure\string\rma@ps@txt@y\string\adj@measure moveto}
!10 0 \this@width\space\this@height\space rectfill
!1\rma@ps@txt@x\adj@measure\rma@ps@txt@y\adj@measure moveto
!1\rma@ps@relfontsize\rma@ps@fontsize selectfont
The commands \cs{this@width} and \cs{this@height} are the width and
height of the annotation. The command \cs{adj@measure} converts a
measurement to a proportion of the smaller of the two measurements
\cs{this@width} and \cs{this@height}.
%\footnote{The code presented
%here is a simplified version of the actual code found in
%\pkg{rmannot.dtx}. The definition of the default poster has a
%number of macros that can be redefined to change the placement of
%text, the color, size of the font, etc. See \texttt{rmannot.dtx}
%for details.}

Note that, in the above code, some text is generated in the lower left corner
of the annotation, the text is \cs{rma@posternote}. This command is populated
by the value of the \key{posternote} key of the optional argument of
\cs{rmAnnot}. The default value of \texttt{posternote} is
`\st{\textsf{AcroTeX Flash}}' \st{or} `\textsf{AcroTeX Video}' or
`\textsf{AcroTeX MP3}', depending on the file type of the media. This can be
changed through the \texttt{posternote} key.

The default poster itself can be redefined by a document author who
is schooled in Postscript things, perhaps if only to change colors,
or font, or location of the poster note.

\paragraph*{The \cs{setPosterProps} command.}\label{para:sPP}
The parameters of the above display can be set with the \cs{setPosterProps} command.
\def\2{\rlap{\hskip\eflength\texttt{color=.7529 setgray}}}%
\def\5{\rlap{\hskip\eflength\texttt{textColor=.4 setgray}}}%
\def\9{\rlap{\hskip\eflength\sffamily\bfseries{Default settings}}}%
The defaults are shown to the right of the display frame box. All values are either numbers or Postscipt code.
    \item [\key{color=\meta{color}}] The background color of the default
        poster. The \meta{color} specification is a Postscript color
        operator and its arguments.
    \item [\key{xPos=\meta{num}}] The horizontal starting position (from
        the lower-left corner) of the \key{posternote} text. This is a
        relative value; \meta{num} is measured as percentage of the smaller
        of the two dimensions of the annotation.
    \item [\key{yPos=\meta{num}}] The vertical starting position (up from
        the lower-left corner) of the \key{posternote} text. This is a
        relative value; \meta{num} is measured as percentage of the smaller
        of the two dimensions of the annotation.
    \item [\key{textColor=\meta{color}}] The text color (of the poster
        note)  of the default poster. The \meta{color} specification is a
        Postscript color operator and its arguments.
    \item [\key{relTextSize=\meta{num}}] The size of the text (of the
        poster note); the value of \meta{num} is interpreted as a
        percentage of the smaller of the two dimensions of the annot. (The
        text size is resized when the annot is resized.)
    \item [\key{textSize=\meta{num}}] The size of the text of the poster note.
    \item [\key{textFont=\meta{font-name}}] The name of the Postscript font
        to be use to display the poster note. The default is \texttt{Helvetica}.

\section{\texorpdfstring{\protect\cs}{\CMD}{rmAnnot} and its Options}\label{rmAnnot}

The \cs{rmAnnot} command creates a rich media annotation (\RMA), an object
first introduced in Version~9 of \app{Acrobat}/\allowbreak\app{Adobe Reader}
(\app{AA}/\allowbreak\app{AR}), through which media files are played. Media
files can be either embedded in the document or linked via a URL.

%\app{Acrobat}/\app{Adobe Reader}
%have a built-in Flash player that plays \textsf{SWF}, \textsf{FLV} and
%\FT{MP3} files.

Media files in other formats need to be converted to one of the supported
formats, refer to \hyperref[s:MediaFmts]{Section~\ref*{s:MediaFmts}} for a
list of supported media formats.

%\footnote{The new \textbf{Acrobat 9 Pro Extended} can
%convert media files to \textsf{FLV}, but embed the converted file in the PDF,
%so we cannot really use that re-encoded file with our \pkg{rmannot}
%package. Adobe Flash Video Encoder converts many movie formats to
%\textsf{FLV} format, which can, in turn, be used in this package. Other
%utilities may be available as shareware or commercialware.}

\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{rmAnnot}}{\CMD{rmAnnot}} Command}

The primary command of this package is \Com{rmAnnot}, which has four
arguments, one optional and three required.
{\noindent}The command creates a {\RMA} based on the \meta{name} and
conforming to the dimensions (\meta{width} and \meta{height}) and
\meta{options} specified.

\paragraph*{On the dimensions.} The \meta{width} and \meta{height} parameters are what they are,
the width and height to be used in the rich media annotation. The aspect
ratio should be the same as the aspect ratio of the media media. The
annotation can be resized using the \key{width}, \key{height}, or \key{scale}
keys, described below.

\subparagraph*{Acquiring the dimensions.} The dimensions can (usually) be
obtained from the properties of the media file, as displayed by the operating
system. In \uif{File Explorer} of \app{Windows OS}, open the folder
containing the media file in question, select the media file of interest,
right-click on it and select \uif{Properties} from the dropdown menu. The
media file properties dialog box appear, choose the \uif{Details} tab, as
shown in \hyperref[fig:MFP]{Figure~\ref*{fig:MFP}}, you can obtain the
dimensions of the media from the \uif{Frame width} and \uif{Frame height}

  \caption{Media file Properties}\label{fig:MFP}

\subparagraph*{Dimensions for \FT{MP3} Files.} A special legacy poster can be
used. The dimensions of the legacy poster are \cs{cntrlbrWd} by
\cs{cntrlbrHt}\FmtMP{\cs{cntrlbrWd}\\\relax\cs{cntrlbrHt}}. The legacy poster
appears when the \key{poster} key is not specified. Refer to the named
paragraph \textbf{\nameref{para:MP3DP}} on page~\pageref*{para:MP3DP} and to
the subsection ``\nameref{ss:AddRrmsMP3}'' on  page~\pageref*{ss:AddRrmsMP3}
for more information on \FT{MP3} files.

\paragraph*{The other arguments.} The \meta{name} argument references a media file defined by the
\cs{saveNamedPath} in the preamble. The \meta{options} are discussed in the
subsection that follows.

\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{rmAnnot}}{\CMD{rmAnnot}} Options}

The \cs{rmAnnot} command has many key-value pairs that are passed to
it through its first optional argument. Most of these key-value
pairs correspond to options available through the user interface of
\app{Acrobat}. Below is a listing of the key-values, and a brief
description of each.

    \item[\key{name=\meta{name}}] The value, \meta{name}, is the name of
        the annotation. If none is supplied, a name of
        \verb!aebRM\therm@Cnt! is used, where \texttt{rm@Cnt} is a {\LaTeX}
        counter that is incremented each time \cs{rmAnnot} is expanded. The
        value of the \key{name} key is used primarily for JavaScript
        purposes. For example, the code
var rma=this.getAnnotRichMedia({nPage:this.pageNum,cName:!meta~name@});
acquires the object for the {\RMA} on the current page with a name of \meta{name}.

    \item[\texttt{enabled=\meta{value}}] The \texttt{enabled} key determines when the
        annotation is activated, possible values are \key{onclick},
        \key{pageopen}, and \key{pagevisible}.
        \item[\key{onclick}] The annotation is activated when the
            user clicks on the annotation, or is activated through
        \item [\key{pageopen}] The annotation is activated when
            the page containing the annotation is opened.
        \item[\key{pagevisible}] The annotation is activated
            when the page containing the annotation becomes visible.
            (Useful for continuous page mode.)

    The default is \key{onclick}.

    \item[\key{deactivated=\meta{value}}] The \key{deactivated} key determines when the
        annotation is deactivated, possible values are \key{onclick},
        \key{pageclose}, and \key{pageinvisible}.
        \item [\key{onclick}] The annotation is deactivated by
            user script or by right-clicking the annotation and choosing
            \uif{Disable Content}.
        \item [\key{pageclose}] The annotation is deactivated when
            the page containing the annotation is closed.
        \item [\key{pageinvisible}] The annotation is deactivated
            when the page containing the annotation becomes invisible.
            (Useful for continuous page mode.)
    The default is \key{onclick}.

    \item [\key{windowed=\meta{\upshape{true|false}}}] A Boolean, which if
        \texttt{true}, the media is played in a floating window. The
        default is \texttt{false}, the media is played in the annotation on
        the page. For information on how to set the floating window
        parameters, see \mlNameref{winparams}.
    \item [\key{url}=\meta{\upshape{true|false}}] A Boolean, which if
        \texttt{true}, the media is to be interpreted as an URL. The
        default is \texttt{false}, the media is embedded from the local
        hard drive within the PDF file.

       To stream media, it is necessary to clear the checkbox \uif{Enable
       Protected Mode at startup}, this checkbox is found under the menu
       \uif{Edit > Preferences}. In the \uif{Preferences} dialog box,
       select \uif{Security (Enhanced)} category from the left panel; the
       targeted checkbox is the top line on the right panel. Refer to
       \hyperref[fig:SP]{Figure~\ref*{fig:SP}} for a visual.

       For end-users\FmtMP{End-users} viewing the streaming media from \app{Adobe Reader
       DC}, the user also needs to clear the \uif{Enable Protected Mode at
       startup} as well.

    \item [\key{borderwidth=\meta{\upshape{none|thin|medium|thick}}}]
        The\FmtMP{After Dec.~2020\\not obeyed } value of the
        \key{borderwidth} key determines whether a border is drawn around
        the annotation when it is activated. The default is \texttt{none}.
    \item [\texttt{poster=\meta{name}}] The name of a poster graphic
        created by \cs{makePoster}. See the section \Nameref{createPosters}
        for additional details.
    \item [\key{posternote=\meta{text}}] When the poster key is not given, the
        default poster is generated. A short note of text appears in the
        lower left-corner. The text for that note can be passed to the
        default poster appearance through \texttt{posternote}. See
        \mlNameref{createPosters} for additional details.
    \item [\key{defaultposter=\meta{\upshape{true|false}}}] A
        Boolean,\FmtMP{New: \key{defaultposter}\\{2020/08/21}}
        which if true, replaces the default \FT{MP3} control bar with the
        default poster image as described in the paragraph
        \textbf{\mlnameref{para:DPI}} on page~\pageref*{para:DPI}. The
        default is \texttt{true}. This key is obeyed only for \FT{MP3} files and
        when the \key{poster} key \emph{is not} specified.
    \item [\key{invisible=\meta{\upshape{true|false}}}] A Boolean
        which\FmtMP{After Dec.~2020,\\this key is not useful}, if present,
        \textsf{rmannot} creates a transparent poster for the \RMA. The
        {\RMA} has not hidden property as form fields do, the best you can
        do is to give the {\RMA} a transparent poster and place it in an
        obscure corner of the page, or under a form field. Normally, if
        \key{invisible} is specified, the video content is played in a
        window (that is, the \key{windowed} option is specified)
        and controlled by JavaScript methods.

        \textbf{Note:} The \key{invisible} option requires that
        you distill the document with a job options setting of
        \texttt{Standard\_transparency}, distributed with the \textsf{graphicxsp}
    \item [\st{{\key{transparentBG=\meta{\upshape{true|false}}}}}]\FmtMP{After Dec~2020,\\\FT{SWF} is not supported} \st{This option
        is available for \textsf{SWF} files only. Quoting the \emph{Adobe
        Supplement} document, ``A flag that indicates whether the page
        content is displayed through the transparent areas of the rich
        media content (where the alpha value is less than 1.0). If
        \texttt{true}, the rich media artwork is composited over the page
        content using an alpha channel. If false, the rich media artwork is
        drawn over an opaque background prior to composition over the page
        content.'' The default is \texttt{false}.}
    \item [\st{{\key{passcontext=\meta{\upshape{true|false}}}}}]\FmtMP{After Dec~2020,\\\FT{SWF} is not supported}
        \st{A Boolean, if \texttt{true}, passes
        right-click context to Flash. Should be used only if there is a
        way of deactivating the annotation, perhaps through JavaScript.
        Recognized only for \textsf{SWF} files. The default is \texttt{false}.}

        \st{\textsf{SWF} file developers can select this option to replace the
        \textsf{Acrobat} context menu with the context menu of the
        originating \textsf{SWF} file. When the user right-clicks the \textsf{SWF}
        file, the available options are from the originating file.}
    \item [\key{skin=\meta{value}}] For playing a video file,
        \st{seven}two different skins are available for the user to control
        the video, these are \texttt{all}\FmtMP{New: \key{all}
        key\\{2020/08/21}}, \st{\texttt{skin1}, \texttt{skin2},
        \texttt{skin3}, \texttt{skin4}, \texttt{skin5}, \texttt{skin6},
        \texttt{skin7}}, and \texttt{none}. In the latter case, the media
        is played when activated, but there is no user interface to control
        the play. As for the description of each of the skins,
        \item [\texttt{all}] All Controls
        \item [\st{\texttt{skin1}}] \st{All Controls}
        \item [\st{\texttt{skin2}}] \st{Play, Stop, Forward, Rewind, Seek, Mute, and Volume}
        \item [\st{\texttt{skin3}}] \st{Play}
        \item [\st{\texttt{skin4}}] \st{Play and Mute}
        \item [\st{\texttt{skin5}}] \st{Play, Seek, and Mute}
        \item [\st{\texttt{skin6}}] \st{Play, Seek, and Stop}
        \item [\st{\texttt{skin7}}] \st{Play, Stop, Seek, Mute, and Volume}R
        \item [\texttt{none}] No Controls

%    You can add other skins as well. If you have \textsf{Adobe Flash
%    Professional CS5}, you have access to other skins. Place a new skin in
%    the location Acrobat expect them to be in (as defined by
%    \cs{PathToSkins}, then place a declaration like the following in the
%    preamble of your document:
%    MinimaUnderPlayBackSeekCounterVolMuteNoFull.swf}
%(Here, I've wrapped the line around for display purposes.) Now, when you
%use \cs{rmAnnot}, you can specify \texttt{skin=skin8} as a key-value in the optional
%parameter list.

    \item [\st{{\texttt{skinAutoHide=\meta{\upshape{true|false}}}}}]\FmtMP{After Dec~2020,\\no supported}
        \st{A Boolean, if \texttt{true}, the skin auto hides.
        Only valid for video files.}
    \item [\texttt{skinBGColor=\meta{color\_hex}}]\FmtMP{After Dec~2020,\\no supported}
        The color of the skin.
        The value is a color in hex format. The default is
        \texttt{0x5F5F5F}.  Only valid for \textsf{FLV} files.

    \item [\texttt{skinBGAlpha=\meta{num}}]\FmtMP{After Dec~2020,\\no
        supported} The alpha level of the skin, a number between 0 and 1.
        The default is 0.75. Only valid for \textsf{FLV} files.
    \item [\texttt{volume=\meta{num}}] The initial volume level of the
        video file, a number between 0 (muted) and 1 (max volume). The
        default is 1.0. Only valid for \textsf{FLV} files.
%    \item \texttt{speed}: Description quoted from the \textsl{Adobe
%        Supplement} document. ``A positive number specifying the speed to be used
%        when running the animation. A value greater than one shortens
%        the time it takes to play the animation, or effectively speeds
%        up the animation.'' The default is 1.
%    \item\texttt{playcount}: Description quoted from the \textsl{Adobe
%        Supplement} document. ``An integer specifying the play count for
%        this animation style. A nonnegative integer represents the
%        number of times the animation is played. A negative integer
%        indicates that the animation is infinitely repeated.'' The
%        default is -1.
    \item [\texttt{cuepoints=\meta{list\_cuepoints}}] If the video is encoded with cue points, you
    can associate a JavaScript action with each. The value of \texttt{cuepoints}
    is a comma delimited list of cue points. See the paragraph
    \Nameref{cuepoints} for more details.

    \item [\texttt{resources=\meta{list}}] Use this key to list all files that are
        required to run a \textsf{SWF} file.  The value of the resources
        key is a \emph{comma-delimited} list of path names created by the
        \cs{saveNamedPath} command. \emph{The files referenced within this
        key are embedded in the PDF.} Files that are on the Internet---and
        are played from the Internet---should not be listed here.

    \item [\texttt{flashvars=\meta{vars}}] Flash developers can use the
        \texttt{flashvars} key to add ActionScript variables for the
        \textsf{SWF} file. See the discussion of
        \textbf{\nhnameref{NameCmds}} in the paragraph below.
The next three keys resize the {\RMA} in the recommended way. Only \emph{one
key} is recognized for any \cs{rmAnnot} command. They are examined in the
order of \key{width}, \key{height}, and \key{scale}.

    \item[\key{width}=\meta{length}] Resizes the {\RMA} to a width of
        \meta{length}; the aspect ratio of the annot is preserved. For
        example, the following
{\noindent}resizes so the width of the annot is \texttt{.5\string\linewidth}.
    \item[\key{height}=\meta{length}] Resizes the {\RMA} to a height
        of \meta{length}; the aspect ratio of the annot is preserved.
    \item[\key{scale}=\meta{pos-num}] Rescales the {\RMA} by a scale factor of \meta{pos-num}; eg,

\paragraph*{The \cs{Name} and \cs{urlName} commands.}\label{NameCmds} Within the optional
parameters of the \cs{rmAnnot} command, two convenience commands, \Com{Name}
and \Com{urlName}, are defined. They can be used, for example, with the
\texttt{flashvars} key.

The \cs{Name} command may be used to set the value of a flash
variable. \cs{Name} has one argument, the symbolic name of a file
embedded by \cs{saveNamedPath}. The expansion of
\cs{Name\{\meta{name}\}} will appear in the Resources tab of the Edit
Flash dialog box. For example, if we define \texttt{myVid} as
then \cs{Name\{myVid\}} expands to \texttt{myVid.flv}. If the path is grouped
with braces, like so,
then \verb!\Name{myVid}! expands to \texttt{assets/myVid.flv}. This latter form
corresponds to adding a directory using the Add Directory button on the
Resources tab of the Edit Flash dialog box.

We can then use \cs{Name} as follows:
where \texttt{mySWF} is the name of an \textsf{SWF} application that takes a flash variable named \texttt{source}, the value
of the variable is the video to be played.

The \cs{urlName} command is designed for resources on the Internet, and which are passed to the
\textsf{SWF} application with a flash variable.
The expansion of \verb!\urlName{myVid}! is
We can then use \cs{urlName} as follows:
Note that we don't list \texttt{myVid} as a resource, we just pass the URL to
\texttt{mySWF} as a flash variable.

\paragraph*{Note.} The \cs{Name} and \cs{urlName} commands are defined within
the optional parameters of \app{Acrobat} form fields created by the \textsf{eforms}

\paragraph*{On Cue Points.}\label{cuepoints} A cue point is any significant
moment in time occurring within a video clip. Cue points can be embedded
in the \textsf{FLV} using \textsf{Adobe Flash Professional}, or some other video encoder.

The value of the \texttt{cuepoints} key is a list of cue points data, a
``typical example'' is
\textbf{\textcolor{red}{Comments:}} Having made such a definition, we then say
\verb!cuepoints={\myCuePoints}!, note that \cs{myCuePoints} must be enclosed in
braces. Note also in the above example, that the comment character
(\texttt{\%}) is used after each comma (\texttt{,}) in a line break. Because of the way the
argument is initially parsed, these comment characters are needed.

\newtopic\indent Each of the cue points is a comma-delimited list of key-value pairs; the
keys are \texttt{type}, \texttt{name}, \texttt{time}, and \texttt{action}.
Each of these are briefly described.

    \item [\texttt{type=\meta{\upshape nav|event}}] Possible values for this key are \texttt{nav} and
    \texttt{event}, and describes the type of cue point this is.
        \item [\texttt{type=nav}] Navigation cue points enable users to seek
        to a specified part of a file. Embed Navigation cue points in the
        \textsf{FLV} stream and \textsf{FLV} metadata packet when the \textsf{FLV} file is encoded.

        Navigation cue points create a keyframe at the specified
        cue point location, so you can use code to move a video player�s
        playhead to that location. You can set particular points in an \textsf{FLV}
        file where you might want users to seek. For example, your video
        might have multiple chapters or segments, and you can control the
        video by embedding navigation cue points in the video
        file.\footnote{Taken in part from
    \item [\texttt{type=event}] Event cue points can also be embedded in
    your \textsf{FLV} stream and \textsf{FLV} metadata packet when video clip is encoded.
    You can write code to handle the events that are triggered at
    specified points during \textsf{FLV} playback.\footnote{Ibid.}
    \item [\texttt{name=\meta{name}}] The name of the cue point
    \item [\texttt{time=\meta{time}}] The time in milliseconds the cue point
    \item [\texttt{action=\meta{script}}] JavaScript code that is executed
    when this cue point is reached.

\subsubsection{Setting the Floating Window Parameters}\label{winparams}

When the \key{windowed} key is set to \texttt{true}, the rich media
annotation appears in a floating window. Use the \Com{setWindowDimPos}
command to set the dimensions of the window and its
\CmdLoc This command may be placed anywhere and will take affect for the next rich media annotation
created by \cs{rmAnnot}.

\PD There are a number of key-value pairs (\meta{KV-pairs}) for setting the floating window; the default values are
normally adequate for most applications.

\item [\texttt{width=\meta{KV-pairs}}] The width is described by three
    \emph{key-value pairs}, \texttt{default}, \texttt{max}, and
    \texttt{min}, measured in default user space units. The \meta{KV-pairs}
    have the form \texttt{\meta{key}=\meta{value}}.

    For example, \texttt{width=\darg{default=300,max=600,min=80}}.

    Default values:
    \texttt{default=288}, \texttt{max=576}, \texttt{min=72}.

\item [\texttt{height=\meta{KV-pairs}}] The height is described by three
    \emph{key-value pairs}, \texttt{default}, \texttt{max}, and
    \texttt{min}, measured in default user space units. The \meta{KV-pairs}
    have the form \texttt{\meta{key}=\meta{value}}.

    For example, \texttt{height=\darg{default=300,max=600,min=80}}.

    Default values: \texttt{default=216},
    \texttt{max=432}, \texttt{min=72}.

\item[\texttt{position=\meta{\upshape{halign|valign|hoffset|voffset}}}] The
    position of the floating window is described by four key-value pairs.
    \item [\texttt{halign=\meta{\upshape{near|center|far}}}] The
        \texttt{halign} describes the horizontal alignment of
        the window. Valid values are \texttt{near}, \texttt{center} and
        \texttt{far}. The default is \texttt{far}. For languages that
        read from left-to-right, a value of \texttt{near} refers to the
        left edge of the viewing window; whereas \texttt{far} refers to
        the right edge of the viewing window. (For right-to-left reading
        languages, the description of \texttt{near} and \texttt{far} are

    \item [\texttt{valign=\meta{\upshape{near|center|far}}}] The \texttt{valign} parameter describes
        the vertical alignment of the window. Valid values are
        \texttt{near}, \texttt{center} and \texttt{far}. The default is

    \item [\texttt{hoffset=\meta{num}}] The description of \texttt{hoffset} is
        paraphrased from the \textsl{Adobe Supplement} document: The
        offset from the alignment point specified by the \texttt{halign}
        key. A positive value for \texttt{hoffset}, when \texttt{halign}
        is either \texttt{near} or \texttt{center}, offsets the position
        towards the \texttt{far} direction. A positive value for
        \texttt{hoffset}, when \texttt{halign} is \texttt{far}, offsets
        the position towards the \texttt{near} direction. The default is~18.
    \item[\texttt{voffset=\meta{num}}] The description of \texttt{voffset} is
        paraphrased from the \textsl{Adobe Supplement}
        document: The offset from the alignment point
        specified by the \texttt{valign} key. A positive
        value for \texttt{voffset}, when \texttt{valign} is
        either \texttt{near} or \texttt{center}, offsets the
        position towards the \texttt{far} direction. A positive value
        for \texttt{voffset}, when \texttt{valign} is \texttt{far}, offsets the
        position towards the \texttt{near} direction. The default is~18.
In layman's terms the combination of \texttt{halign=far,\,valign=near} puts
the floating window in the upper right corner of the active window of
\textsf{Adobe Reader/Acrobat}, assuming a left-to-right reading language.  The
values of \texttt{voffset=18,\,hoffset=18}, moves the floating window 18
points down and 18 points to the left. That would be its initial position.

\paragraph*{\textcolor{red}{Note}}: This feature, the positioning of the
window, never worked in Version~9, but has been implemented for

The \Com{resetWindowDimPos} command can be used to reset the
floating window parameters to their default values.


In this section, several examples are presented that illustrate the \cs{rmAnnot}
and some of the key-value pairs.


The poster is an image that is displayed when the rich media annotation is not activated.
If a poster is not specified using the \texttt{poster} key, one is supplied for it.
Consider the following Flash animation.
Above are two rich media annotations, each running the same \FT{3GP}
file. The one on the left uses the default poster, the one on the
right uses a custom poster. In the annotation on the left, you see
the default \texttt{posternote}, this can be changed using the
\texttt{posternote} key.

%The custom poster was obtained by viewing the \FT{3GP} file in a media player
%and taking a snapshot of the first frame.
%cropping the PDF, then saving the resulting PDF as an EPS file.
%After you crop the printed image, you can determine its dimensions
%by moving your mouse to the lower-left corner; the width and height
%values should appear. Use these in setting up your annotation.

The verbatim listing for the two above annotations is found below.
{\noindent}The poster \texttt{ow-poster} was defined in the preamble of this document.

Below is the same video, the one on the left is a generic poster
created from a {\LaTeX} source file, then saved as an EPS file, the
one on the right was obtained from the poster page generated by
\app{Acrobat}. (See the paragraph below,
\hyperref[acroposter]{page~\pageref*{acroposter}}, for details on
how this was done.)
The verbatim listing for the two above annotations follows:
{\noindent}Posters and media files are embedded only once, so using the same
poster and/or media file multiple times does not increase the file
size significantly.

\paragraph*{Default \FT{MP3} poster.}\label{para:MP3DP}
For \FT{MP3} files, the default poster is an EPS file that is an image of
the player control bar, the example below shows the \FT{MP3} poster and audio
The code for the above annotation follows:
\noindent A custom poster can be inserted using the \texttt{poster} key, as

\paragraph*{The \textsf{Acrobat Pro} generated poster.}\label{acroposter}
To acquire the same poster image that \app{Acrobat} generates,
use the following steps:
    \item Open \app{Acrobat}
    \item Drag and drop your media file onto an empty \app{Acrobat} window
    \item Press \uif{Ctrl-P}, or select \uif{File > Print}
    \item Select \app{Adobe PDF} as the printer
    \item Select \uif{Choose paper source by PDF page size}
    \item Select \uif{Use custom paper size when needed}
    \item Press \uif{OK}
    \item A new PDF should be created, and it should be the same
        size as the poster image
    \item Choose \uif{File > Save As}, select \uif{Encapsulated
        PostScript (*.eps)} as the \uif{Save as type}
    \item Press \uif{Save}, and save to an appropriate folder.

\subsubsection{Additional remarks on \tops{\protect\FT}{}{MP3}}\label{ss:AddRrmsMP3}

For versions of \app{AA}/\app{AR} prior to the EOL for \app{Flash} content, a
control bar was used to control the playback of an MP3. The poster version is
still available, as seen below:
however, the control bar \emph{does not appear} when the \FT{MP3} is played,
rather, the new player appears. The \pkg{rmannot} package now offers
alternatives to the old control bar:
\setPosterProps{textSize=14,xPos=20,yPos=20,textColor=1 0 0 setrgbcolor}%
\makebox[1.5in][c]{\footnotesize\textcolor{red}{\ding{183}} Default Poster}\quad
\makebox[1.5in][c]{\footnotesize\textcolor{red}{\ding{184}} Customized Default Poster}\quad
\makebox[1.5in][c]{\footnotesize\textcolor{red}{\ding{185}} Custom Poster}
The verbatim listing of the the above three {\RMA}s:
\takeMeasure{\small\string\setPosterProps\darg{textSize=14,xPos=20,yPos=20,textColor=1 0 0 setrgbcolor}\%}%
!2\setPosterProps{textSize=14,xPos=20,yPos=20,textColor=1 0 0 setrgbcolor}%
{\noindent}\textbf{Comments on \FT{MP3} posters}
\item[\textcolor{red}{\ding{182}}] When no poster option is taken, as in
    display~\textcolor{red}{\ding{182}} above, the old control bar is used
    as the poster.

\item[\textcolor{red}{\ding{183}}] When \key{defaultposter} key appears,
    the control bar poster \emph{is not used}; what is used in the default
    poster image, refer to the paragraph titled \textbf{\nameref{para:DPI}}
    on page~\pageref*{para:DPI} for information on this poster. In this
    example, \key{posternote} is used to add text to the poster. Without
    the \key{posternote} the default text appears as `\textsf{AcroTeX MP3}'

\item[\textcolor{red}{\ding{184}}] The {\RMA} labeled as
    \textcolor{red}{\ding{184}} uses the \cs{setPosterProps} command, as
    described in paragraph \textbf{\nameref{para:sPP}} on
    page~\pageref*{para:sPP}, to modify the size, positioning and color of
    the poster note.

\item[\textcolor{red}{\ding{185}}] In this {\RMA}, the \key{poster} key is specified.


\subsubsection{Skin Options}

When a \textsf{FLV} video file is used, the video is played by the
VideoPlayer.swf and uses one of the seven standard skins.
Customizing information is actually passed using FlashVars. (For \textsf{FLV}
files, the user does not have access to the FlashVars, the
application, in this case, this package, uses the FlashVars.)
Customizing options include a choice of skin, setting the auto hide
flag, a choice of the color of the skin, setting the opacity of the
skin and setting the initial volume level. The following illustrates
some of the options on a short \textsf{FLV} video with a horse theme.
\rmAnnot[posternote=All Controls,width=2in]{209bp}{157bp}{horse1}\quad
\rmAnnot[posternote={skin6: Play, Seek, Stop},skin=skin6,
The video on the left shows the default settings (default skin, skin
alpha, volume level, etc.), while the same video on the right uses
skin6, with skin color of \texttt{0xFF0000} (red) and skin alpha
level set to 0.25.

            var rm=this.getAnnotRichMedia({nPage: this.pageNum, cName: "acrolimerick"});\r
            if (rm.activated) rm.callAS("multimedia_play");\r
            else rm.activated=true;
Note, click on the {\AcroTeX} logo to play an \FT{MP3} file.

\subsection{Third-party Video Players}

When you play an \textsf{FLV} file, the \textsf{SWF} file \texttt{VideoPlayer.swf} is
embedded in the PDF. It is \texttt{VideoPlayer.swf} that plays the \textsf{FLV}
file. It is this \textsf{SWF} file that allows us to customize the look of the \RMA,
what skin to use, skin color, skin opacity, value, speed, and so on.

The \texttt{VideoPlayer.swf} file, which is shipped with Acrobat Pro, version~9 or
later, lacks several useful features, among these are the ability to play
more than one video in the same rich media annotation (\RMA).

In the past year, there have been two extensions to Adobe's

    \item \texttt{VideoPlayerX.swf} is an extension to the video player
        shipped by Adobe. This one is being developed by
        Full documentation can be found on this page. Both documentation
        and the widget itself are found in the \texttt{videoplayerx} folder
        of the \pkg{rmannot} package distribution.

    \item \texttt{VideoPlayerPlus.swf} is available from Joel Geraci's web
    site \mlhref{http://blogs.adobe.com/pdfdevjunkie/2010/03/introducing_the_video_player_p.html}
    {The PDF Developer Junkie Blog}. Joel is a guru at Adobe.  Extended
    features are in the form of additional JavaScript API to play more
    than one video in an \RMA, change skins, change skin color, and a few
    others. Full documentation can be found on the reference blog page.

    \color{red}Beginning 2016/10/09, the use of
    \texttt{VideoPlayerPlus.swf} is deprecated, and defaults to

%    I have extensively tested the \texttt{VideoPlayerPlus.swf}, and it seems to
%    work as advertised, no problem.

\textbf{Installation of third-party players.} If you want to use either or
both of these video players, download them from the appropriate web site:
    \item \href{http://www.uvsar.com/projects/acrobat/videoplayerx/}
    {VideoPlayerX.swf}: Also available in the \texttt{videoplayerx} folder.
    \item \st{VideoPlayerPlus.swf}

%    \href{http://blogs.adobe.com/pdfdevjunkie/2010/03/introducing_the_video_player_p.html}
%    {VideoPlayerPlus.swf}
If you download from
\href{http://www.uvsar.com/projects/acrobat/videoplayerx/}{UVSAR}, rename the
SWF widget to \texttt{VideoPlayerX.swf}; or simply retrieve it from the
\texttt{videoplayerx} folder. Place \texttt{VideoPlayerX.swf} into the same
folder that contains Adobe's \texttt{VideoPlayer.swf}. This is where the
\textsf{rmannot} package will look for it.

Once you have installed the widgets \textsf{rmannot} can use it. If you want
to the {UVSAR} extension \texttt{VideoPlayerX.swf}, make following declaration
in the preamble:
\def\1{\makebox[0pt][l]{\hspace*{\linewidth}\quad\normalfont(defaults to \cs{useVideoPlayerX})}}

\redpoint On 13 Oct 2011,
published build VP10.2 of \textbf{VideoPlayerX}. The new widget subsumes the
\textbf{VideoPlayerPlus} of
Geraci}. The build is targeted at Flash Player~10, so \textbf{VideoPlayerX}
requires \textsf{Adobe Acrobat} or \textsf{Adobe Reader~9.2}, \app{Acrobat} is
required to build the document using \textsf{rmannot}, but \textbf{Reader} is only needed to view the
document. Therefore, if extended API is needed for your document, I would recommend the
use of \textbf{VideoPlayerX}.

\redpoint On 28 Oct 2014,
published build VP10.4 of \textbf{VideoPlayerX}; this is the one that in the
\texttt{videoplayerx} folder.

\exAeBBlogPDF{p=} Articles and examples of the use of these players are found at the
\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog}{{\AcroTeX} Blog}, articles on the
\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?tag=rmannot-package}{rmannot package}
illustrate each of these players; more generally, there are multiple
articles on \href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?cat=22}{rich media annotations}.

\newtopic In addition to  {\AcroTeX} Blog articles on the topic, sample files for the \textbf{VideoPlayerX}
that come with the distribution are \texttt{vpx-btn.tex} and \texttt{vpn-combo.tex}.

\subsubsection{JavaScript/ActionScript API for Video Players}

\color{red}After December 2020, the JavaScript Bridge is no longer available. The methods of this section
are no longer supported.}}}

Normally, we use \cs{rmAnnot} to create a {\RMA} to play a \textsf{FLV} (or \textsf{SWF} or
\FT{MP3}) without any controls. The user clicks on the {\RMA} and the media
content plays. For \textsf{FLV} files, a skin may be provided to control over the
movie once the {\RMA} becomes activated. For a fancier presentation, you
might want to create control buttons to control the movie; to do that, you
need to use the JavaScript API for the \RMA.

In this section we document the JavaScript API for \RMA. The resources for
this section are the
{JavaScript for Acrobat API Reference}
and \textbf{\href{http://www.uvsar.com/projects/acrobat/videoplayerx/}{UVSAR}}.

%\href{http://blogs.adobe.com/pdfdevjunkie/2010/03/introducing_the_video_player_p.html}{The PDF Developer Junkie Blog},

\newtopic\noindent The basic methodology for passing a command to the the video player:
    \item \textbf{Get the RMA object.} To do this use either the
    \texttt{Doc.getAnnotRichMedia()} or \texttt{Doc.getAnnotsRichMedia()}
    methods. Note that in the latter method the word \texttt{Annots} is
    plural, the plural form distinguishes these to methods from each
    other. The former gets a single {\RMA} object, while the latter returns
    an array of {RMA} objects. For work with \textsf{rmannot}, I prefer the
    use of \texttt{Doc.getAnnotRichMedia()}.

    \item[] \texttt{Doc.getAnnotRichMedia()} takes two arguments, the
    first is the page number, and second is the name (a string) of the
    annot. For example
var rma = this.getAnnotRichMedia(this.pageNum, "myCoolRMA");
The first argument is normally \texttt{this.pageNum}, which is a
JavaScript property referring to the current page.
    \item \textbf{Activate the RMA.} Use the \texttt{RMA.activated}
    property, a Boolean:
    You can, as an alternative say, \verb|if(!rma.activated) rma.activated=true;|
    \item \textbf{Make the call(s).} Use the \texttt{callAS} method of the {RMA}
    object. For example, if you want to play the video, you might say,
Putting these lines together to play media, we have
var rma = this.getAnnotRichMedia(this.pageNum, "myCoolRMA");
if(!rma.activated) rma.activated=true;
Those are the basics of making a call over the ``bridge'' to the video
player widget. In the rest of the section, we concentrate on the
JavaScript APIs, the third line above
\texttt{rma.callAS("multimedia\_play");}. The first argument of the
\texttt{callAS} method is a string which names the method to use. Note
that this first argument is a string. Additional argument may be used if
the multimedia method requires them.

\paragraph*{The Scripting Bridge between JavaScript and ActionScript.}
When a JavaScript method, such as  \texttt{rma.callAS("multimedia\_play")}, is
executed on the PDF side, the specified ActionScript function
\texttt{multimedia\_play()} is executed in the \textsf{SWF} widget
(for example, in \texttt{VideoPlayer.swf}). The \texttt{callAS} communicates
across what is called the ``scripting bridge'' to the ActionScript engine. For more
information on the scripting bridge, see the \textbf{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?tag=scripting-bridge}
{\AcroTeX{} Blog}}.

\subsubsection{Core API}

The following methods are defined for all three players. The first
argument of the \texttt{callAS} method is a string, which names the
(ActionScript) method to use in the video player widget. The
\pkg{rmannot} package defines some convenience commands to give the
user a consistent experience between video players (\textbf{VideoPlayer},
\textbf{VideoPlayerX}). %\textbf{VideoPlayerPlus},

Play the video or sound clip from the current location\\[6pt]
Pause playback of the current media\\[6pt]
Rewind the media clip to the beginning. This method does not pause the
Move the play head to the next cue (chapter) point\\[6pt]
Move the play head to the previous (chapter) point\\[6pt]
Move the play location to an offset of time from the beginning of the media, where time is measured in
Mute the audio of the media\\[6pt]
Set the volume level. The volume is a number between 0 and 1 inclusive. A value of 0 mutes the audio,
while a volume of 1 sets the volume level to the maximum level.


\paragraph*{Examples of usage}\leavevmode
var rma = this.getAnnotRichMedia(this.pageNum, "myCoolRMA");
if(!rma.activated) rma.activated=true;
rma.callAS(\mmVolume, .5);  // half-volume
rma.callAS(\mmPlay);        // and play it

\subsubsection{API of VideoPlayerPlus}

The \textbf{VideoPlayerPlus} supports all the functions of the core API,
and adds four more functions.

Sets a new source file for the  video. The video can either be
embedded resource or a URL to streaming content.\\[6pt]
Sets a new skin file to be used by the player. This should be an
embedded resource.\\[6pt]
Sets a new background color for the player skin in the form of
Sets the auto hide behavior for the player bar. [\texttt{true} or \texttt{false}]

\paragraph*{Examples of usage} %\vspace{-\baselineskip}
    var rma = this.getAnnotRichMedia(this.pageNum, "myCoolRMA");
    if(!rma.activated) rma.activated=true;
    // use embedded video as source
    rma.callAS(\mmSource, "myVideo.flv");
    // use video on web as source
//  rma.callAS(\mmSource, "http://www.example.com/myCool.flv");
    rma.callAS(\mmPlay);        // and play it

\subsubsection{\tops{\st}{*}{API of VideoPlayerX}\tops{}{*}}

\color{red}After December 2020, \texttt{VideoPlayerX.swf} is no longer supported.}}}

The \textbf{VideoPlayerX} redefines many of the core API, which returned
void, to methods that return meaningful information. It also adds many new

In the table below, the functions marked with an `$*$' are also core functions
that have been re-defined to have a return value.
Pause playback of the current media.\par \medskip
Returns on success: Playhead time in seconds
Mute the audio of the media\par\medskip
Returns on success: Previous volume setting.
Set the volume level. The volume is a number between 0 and 1 inclusive. A value of 0 mutes the audio,
while a volume of 1 sets the volume level to the maximum level.\par\medskip
Returns on success: Previous volume setting.\\[6pt]
Seeks to the named navigation cue point in an \textsf{FLV} video.\par\medskip
Returns on success: Empty string\\
Returns on error: String ERROR: xxxx where xxx is one of the standard
numeric error codes defined in ActionScript 3.0.
Sets the source for the video (a URL or a local file reference).\par\medskip
Returns on success: \texttt{local=} or \texttt{remote=} and the source in string format.\par\medskip
If the remote source cannot be played for any reason, the player automatically returns to playing the local source instead.
Sets a new skin file to be used by the player. This should be an
embedded resource.\\[6pt]
Sets a new background color for the player skin in the form of
Sets the background alpha for the player skin (will only take effect where
the skin supports alpha changes).\par\medskip
Returns on success: Previous alpha value.
Switches to the local source if \texttt{isLocal} is set to \texttt{true},
or to the remote source if \texttt{isLocal} is \texttt{false}.\par\medskip
Returns on success: source filename/URL in string format.\\
Returns on error: \texttt{"NOT AVAILABLE"}.\\[6pt]
\texttt{multimedia\_getMetdata( attribute:String ):String}&\cs{mmGetMetaData}\\[-\extrarowheight]
    Returns the video metadata associated with the attribute. Valid attribute strings are
    \texttt{width}, \texttt{height}, \texttt{audiocodecid}, \texttt{videocodecid}, \texttt{framerate},
    \texttt{videodatarate}, and \texttt{duration}.\\[6pt]
Returns the video state. The possible values for the state property are
\texttt{buffering}, \texttt{connectionError}, \texttt{disconnected},
\texttt{loading}, \texttt{paused}, \texttt{playing}, \texttt{rewinding},
\texttt{seeking}, and \texttt{stopped}.\\[6pt]
    Sets video scale mode. Valid attribute strings are \texttt{exactFit},
\texttt{noScale}, and \texttt{maintainAspectRatio}.\par\medskip
Returns on success: Previous value.\par\medskip
Note that if the scale mode is changed to \texttt{"maintain\-Aspect\-Ratio"}, the align
mode will be switched to ``top left'' rather that ``center''.\\[6pt]
Returns a string in the form \texttt{"NNNN fp=FFFF vp=VVVV"},
where \texttt{NNNN} is the name of the Rich Media Annotation,
\texttt{FFFF} is the version of Flash Player being used, and \texttt{VVVV} is the
version of the \textsf{VideoPlayerX} code (currently 10.2). The length of each
element is variable.\\[12pt]
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\large\textbf{New API for version 10.2}}\\[6pt]
%The \textsf{VideoPlayerX} now accepts all the extended ActionScript calls
%defined by Joel Geraci's \textsf{VideoPlayerPlus}
The two functions \texttt{\href{http://www.uvsar.com/projects/acrobat/videoplayerx/listener.php}{vpx\_listener()}} and
\texttt{\href{http://www.uvsar.com/projects/acrobat/videoplayerx/init.php}{vpx\_init()}} are listening and initialization
functions. Follow these two links for information on these functions.\\[6pt]
Sets the background color for the Stage (the area around the video when it
isn't scaled to fit the annotation). For example,
var rm=this.getAnnotRichMedia(this.pageNum,"myRMA");
Sets if the video should loop automatically when it reaches the end of the
timeline. The default is \texttt{true}. \par\medskip
Returns on success: Previous value of the setting.\\[6pt]
Sets the auto hide behavior for the player bar.\\[12pt]
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\large\textbf{New API for version 10.4}}\\[6pt]
Determines whether the video loop control button should appear on mouseover. A value of
\texttt{true} shows the button, a value of false \texttt{hides} the button. This function
is \emph{ineffective} when placed in the \texttt{vpx\_init()} function.
Returns on success: Previous value of the setting.

There are considerably more functions that are not listed here. For a full list, go
to the page \href{http://www.uvsar.com/projects/acrobat/videoplayerx/}
{VideoPlayerX: Enhanced Video Tool for Adobe Acrobat}
on the \textbf{UVSAR} website. The documentation is also in the \texttt{videoplayerx} folder.

\paragraph*{Examples of usage} %\vspace{-\bigskipamount}
    var rma = this.getAnnotRichMedia(this.pageNum, "myCoolRMA");
    if(!rma.activated) rma.activated=true;
    // use embedded video as source
    rma.callAS(\mmSource, "myVideo.flv");
    // use video on web as source
//  rma.callAS(\mmSource, "http://www.example.com/myCool.flv");
    rm.callAS(\mmShowLoopButton, false); // no loop button
    rma.callAS(\mmPlay);        // and play it

\subsubsection{Methods shared by all Video Players}

The three players (\textbf{VideoPlayer}, \textbf{VideoPlayerPlus}, and
\textbf{VideoPlayerX}) all share the core API. Beyond the core API,
extended API supported by \textbf{VideoPlayerPlus} and
\textbf{VideoPlayerX} are different, but they do have some overlap. Though
there is overlap, the common methods may have different names, this is one
of the main reasons for the convenience commands. The command,
\cs{mmSource}, for example, expands to the string
\texttt{"multimedia\_source"} for \textbf{VideoPlayerPlus}, but for
\textbf{VideoPlayerX} expands to the string

\paragraph*{Extended API Overlap:} \cs{mmSource}, \cs{mmSkin}, and

\newtopic For either player (\textbf{VideoPlayerPlus} or \textbf{VideoPlayerX}), you
can dynamically load in a new source file (either local or remote),
designate the skin and skin color.

\paragraph*{\textcolor{red}{Examples.}} Again, over time, I plan posting
several example files to illustrate \textbf{VideoPlayerPlus} or \textbf{VideoPlayerX}
and their capabilities. Keep your browser set to the
\href{http://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/aebblog.html}{AeB Blog}.

    and 3D}\label{RM3D}

Here is something that I've only just come to realize: If you use the user
interface (UI) of \app{Acrobat} and you create a 3D annotation in
\app{Acrobat}, then give it a \textsf{SWF} as a resource, the 3D annot
gets converted into a Rich Media annotation ({RMA}). Looking through the
specification as described in the \emph{Adobe Supplement to ISO 32000}, I
determined to implement this feature, and why not since most of the
structure (that of an {RMA}) was already in place by way of my
\textsf{rmannot} package. So, this version of \textsf{rmannot} supports
what I'll call \emph{Rich Media 3D annotation} (\RMAD).

Initially, it was not a challenge to get a 3D model to appear in a {\RMA}
created by \pkg{rmannot}, some straight forward modifications to
\textsf{rmannot} were required with \emph{ISO 32000} as a guide. Looking
at Alexander Grahn's very fine and brilliant \pkg{movie15} package, I
saw the difficulties of defining and creating \emph{view}s through the
{\LaTeX} interface. With Alexander's permission, I gently lifted all the
really heavy code from \pkg{movie15}, and placed it in
\textsf{rmannot}. I offer up my great and humble thanks for his kindness
in allowing the use of his code (characterized by commands beginning with
\texttt{@MXV} in \texttt{rmannot.dtx}).

If you want to insert an {\RMAD} annotation into your document, begin by
calling the \pkg{rmannot} package with the \opt{use3D} option
Using this option brings in a large amount of code to support 3D. Regular
{\RMA}s can be created as usual, if you do not use 3D there is no reason to
use this option.

The 3D Models support by \app{Acrobat}/\app{Adobe Reader} are \FT{U3D} and \FT{PRC}. To
construct a \RMAD, you use one of these filetypes as the fourth argument
of \cs{rmannot}, for example,
\cs{rmAnnot} files and resources are referred to symbolically, and need to
be declared in the preamble. For example, we might declare
\cs{rmAnnot} parses the fourth argument, and looks at its extension. If
the extension is \texttt{.u3d} or \texttt{.prc}, the appropriate 3D
structure is generated for this annotation.

The first optional argument of \cs{rmAnnot} has two new key-value pairs,
both Boolean: \texttt{toolbar} and \texttt{modeltree}.
    \item\key{toolbar}: A Boolean, which if true (the default), causes
    the 3D toolbar to appear when the annot is activated.  If
    \key{toolbar=false}, the toolbar does not appear when the
    annotation is activated.
    \item\key{modeltree}: A Boolean, which if true causes the \uif{Model
    Tree} as viewed in the \uif{Navigation Pane}. The default is false,
    the \uif{Model Tree} is not displayed when the annotation is activated.
There are a large number of key-values that support {\RMAD} annotations,
rather than inserting them into the first optional parameter of \cs{rmAnnot},
I've created a separate command, \cs{setRmOptions3D} for this purpose. The
command may appear appear anywhere before the {\RMAD} it is referencing.
The syntax is,
    3DOptions={!meta(options from movie15)},
The command takes two arguments, the first \meta{annot\_name} is the name of
the annot, as declared by the name key in the first optional argument of
\cs{rmAnnot}, like so,
In the above example, we've named this annot \texttt{my3DDice}, and it is
this name we would put in as the first argument of \cs{setRmOptions3D} in
line~(1) above.

The second argument of \cs{setRmOptions3D} takes key-value pairs, but there \st{are only two keys} is only one key:
\texttt{3DOptions}\st{ and \texttt{3DResources}}. Each
of these will be explained in turn.

\paragraph*{\texttt{3DOptions}} As noted in line~(3), the value of
this key are key-value pairs defined in \textsf{movie15}, appropriate to
3D models. The keys supported are \texttt{3Dbg}, \texttt{3Djscript},
\texttt{3Dcoo}, \texttt{3Dc2c}, \texttt{3Droo}, \texttt{3Daac},
\texttt{3Droll}, \texttt{3Dviews}, \texttt{3Dlights}, and
\texttt{3Drender}. See the \mlhref{http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/movie15/doc/movie15.pdf}
{{\protect\textsf{movie15}} documentation} for a description of these keys.

There are a couple of differences. First \texttt{3Dviews} is the
\texttt{3Dviews2} of \textsf{movie15}. Alexander Grahn had deprecated his
original \texttt{3Dviews} key, and later came up with a better format for
storing the views.  Since we are beginning anew, \texttt{3Dviews} uses the new
format as described in the \mlhref{http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/movie15/doc/movie15.pdf}
{{\protect\textsf{movie15}} documentation} as

Another difference is with the \texttt{3Djscript} key. The file
descriptor must be a symbolic name, defined by \cs{saveNamedPath} command.
The value of \texttt{3Djscript} can be a comma delimited list of
JavaScript files, for example,
Again \texttt{myScript} and \texttt{myTurntable} are defined by the \cs{saveNamedPath}
command. In theory, one can build a library of general and specific JavaScripts to
do 3D work, and you can concatenate them together in this way.

The \texttt{3Dviews} key takes as its argument a views file. This is
purely a {\LaTeX} object (not used or required by Distiller), to the usual
filename is needed, for example,

\paragraph*{\texttt{3DResources}.}\FmtMP{After Dec.~2020,\\the \texttt{3DResources} key is deprecated}
\st{This is a key that is new, and
separate from the \textsf{movie15} keys just outlined.
\texttt{3DResources} recognizes four keys, these are \texttt{none},
\texttt{foreground}, \texttt{background}, and \texttt{material}. The
names and values found within \texttt{3DResources} are modeled after the
\textbf{Resources} tab of the \textbf{Edit 3D} dialog box of Acrobat 9 or
    3DOptions={!meta(options from movie15)},
\st{A resource is usually a \textsf{SWF} file, but  can be a \textsf{FLV}, or
another 3D model (\texttt{.u3d}, \texttt{.prc}); \textsf{rmannot} does not
support image files are resources (\textsf{JPG}, \textsf{PNG},

\paragraph*{\textcolor{red}{Note:}} \st{Convert all image files (\textsf{JPG}, \textsf{PNG},
etc) to a \textsf{SWF} for used by \textsf{rmannot}. The
conversion can be made by \textsf{Adobe Flash Professional}, or by using
{\textbf{\href{http://www.swftools.org/}{SWF Tools}}} (use the \textsf{jpeg2swf} and \textsf{png2swf} tools).}

\newtopic\st{\texttt{SWF} files may be bound to the background, foreground, a material
of the 3D model, or not bound at all. \textsf{FLV} and 3D models must be
not bound, and listed under the \texttt{none} key.}

\st{The keys \texttt{none}, \texttt{foreground}, \texttt{background}, and
\texttt{material} may appear multiple times.}

\st{A brief description of the values of each key follows:}\bgroup\tightsettings
    \item \st{\texttt{none}: The value of none is a single key-value
    combination. {\texttt{rName=\meta{name}}}, where {\meta{name}} is the
    symbolic name of a resource file declared by the {\cs{saveNamedPath}}.
    These files can be \textsf{SWF}, \textsf{FLV}, or even another model (advanced).}
    \item \st{\texttt{foreground}: This key binds a resource to the foreground
    of the 3D scene. The \texttt{foreground} key takes at most
    two key-value pairs, only \texttt{rName} is required, the symbolic
    name of the resource. The \texttt{flashvars} key is used to pass flash
    variables to the \textsf{SWF} application.}
    \item \st{\texttt{background}: This key binds a resource to the background
    canvas of the 3D scene. The \texttt{background} key takes at most
    two key-value pairs, only \texttt{rName} is required, the symbolic
    name of the resource. The \texttt{flashvars} key is used to pass flash
    variables to the \textsf{SWF} application.}
    \item \st{\texttt{material}: This key binds a resource to a material. The
    resource name is \texttt{rName} (as defined by {\cs{saveNamedPath})},
    the key \texttt{mName} is the name of the material the resource is to
    be bound to; \texttt{flashvars} is used to pass variables to the \textsf{SWF}
\st{If a \textsf{SWF} resource is to be used as background, foreground, or a
material using 3D JavaScript (through the JS file input by the
\texttt{3Djscript} key), it must be listed through the none key.}

\paragraph*{Example.}\label{RM3Dexample} %\previewOn
We finish off this section with a simple example,\medskip

%        3Djscript=loadDon,
        3Dbg=1 0 0,
%   3DResources={%
%        none={rName=Don},none={rName=AcroAd}
%   }%

%\noindent Notice the nice advertisement playing in the background of the 3D scene.
\newtopic\noindent The verbatim listing is,
    3Dbg=1 0 0,
Further examples will appear, in time, on my
\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog//?tag=rmannot-package}{{\AcroTeX} Blog}.

That's all for now, I simply must get back to my retirement. \dps

