% \LaTeX-Main\ % !TeX encoding=UTF-8 % !TeX spellcheck=en_US %% %% The LaTeX package sanitize-umlaut - version 1.3.0 (2023/05/15) %% sanitize-umlaut.tex: Manual %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Copyright (c) 2016-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de> %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'. %% %% This work consists of all files listed in README %% \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{ltxdoc} \usepackage{sanitize-umlaut.doc} \usepackage{% sanitize-umlaut} \def\version{1.3.0}% \def\datum{2023/05/15}% \hypersetup{ pdftitle={Manual for the sanitize-umlaut package}, pdfauthor={Thomas F. Sturm}, pdfsubject={sanitize umlauts for makeindex}, pdfkeywords={index, umlauts, makeindex, pdflatex} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \begin{center} \begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,hbox,tikznode,left=8mm,right=8mm,boxrule=0.4pt, colback=white,colframe=black!50!yellow, drop lifted shadow=black!50!yellow,arc is angular, before=\par\vspace*{5mm},after=\par\bigskip] {\bfseries\LARGE The \texttt{sanitize-umlaut} package}\\[3mm] {\large Manual for version \version\ (\datum)} \end{tcolorbox} {\large Thomas F.~Sturm% \footnote{Prof.~Dr.~Dr.~Thomas F.~Sturm, Institut f\"{u}r Mathematik und Informatik, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany; email: \href{mailto:thomas.sturm@unibw.de}{thomas.sturm@unibw.de}}\par\medskip \normalsize\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/sanitize-umlaut}\par \url{https://github.com/T-F-S/sanitize-umlaut} } \end{center} \bigskip \begin{absquote} \begin{center}\bfseries Abstract\end{center} The packages sanitizes umlauts to be used directly in index entries for MakeIndex and friends with |pdflatex|. This means, that inside |\index| an umlaut can be used as \texttt{"U} or \texttt{Ü}. In both cases, the letter is written as \texttt{"U} into the raw index file for correct processing with MakeIndex and |pdflatex|. |lualatex| and |xelatex| are also supported with a different approach. \end{absquote} \begin{tcolorbox}[breakable,enhanced jigsaw,title={Contents},fonttitle=\bfseries\Large, colback=yellow!10!white,colframe=red!50!black,before=\par\bigskip\noindent, colbacktitle=red!50!yellow!75!black, enlargepage flexible=\baselineskip,pad at break*=3mm, attach boxed title to top center={yshift=-0.25mm-\tcboxedtitleheight/2,yshifttext=2mm-\tcboxedtitleheight/2}, boxed title style={enhanced,boxrule=0.5mm, frame code={ \path[tcb fill frame] ([xshift=-4mm]frame.west) -- (frame.north west) -- (frame.north east) -- ([xshift=4mm]frame.east) -- (frame.south east) -- (frame.south west) -- cycle; }, interior code={ \path[tcb fill interior] ([xshift=-2mm]interior.west) -- (interior.north west) -- (interior.north east) -- ([xshift=2mm]interior.east) -- (interior.south east) -- (interior.south west) -- cycle;} }, drop fuzzy shadow] \makeatletter \@starttoc{toc} \makeatother \end{tcolorbox} \clearpage \section{Purpose of the Package}% The package sanitizes umlauts to be used directly in index entries for |makeindex| and friends with |pdflatex|. This means, that inside |\index| an umlaut can be used as \myverb{"U} or \myverb{Ü}. In both cases, the letter is written as \myverb{"U} into the raw index file for correct processing with |makeindex| and |pdflatex|. The package is intended \begin{itemize} \item for documents in German language using the babel package with a setting identical or similar to \myverb{\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}}. \item for documents which are processed by |latex| or |pdflatex| (also for |lualatex| or |xelatex|, but with more compilation overhead). \item for documents with an index which is processed using the MakeIndex program. \item for authors who like to use \myverb{\index{Übermaß}} instead of \myverb{\index{"Uberma"s}}. \end{itemize} All these conditions are satisfiable by simply including the |sanitize-umlaut| package. An alternative would be to filter the resulting raw \myverb{.idx} index \emph{before} |makeindex| is applied to create the final \myverb{.ind} index. Another alternative is to replace MakeIndex by Xindy or another index processor. \clearpage \section{Important Compatibility Informations}% \subsection{Past} Until 2018, the default encoding for \LaTeX\ files was 7-bit ASCII. For other encodings, packages like |inputenc| had to be loaded. Also, |inputenc| used to expand characters like umlauts during |\index| output. The package |sanitize-umlaut| version 1.00 replaced this expansion code for |\index| output to get \myverb{"U} instead of \myverb{Ü}, etc. \subsection{Present} Since April 2018, the default encoding for \LaTeX\ files has been changed to UTF-8. This is done by preloading the UTF-8 settings of the package |inputenc| by default \LaTeX, i.e. if you want to use UTF-8 (recommended!), you do not longer need to load |inputenc| inside your preamble. But, also the implementation of |inputenc| changed for UTF-8 (October 2019?). Nowadays, characters like umlauts are not longer expanded during |\index| output, but are preserved as is. Therefore, |sanitize-umlaut| version 1.00 \textbf{is not compatible} to |inputenc| with UTF-8 dating from 2019 or newer. |sanitize-umlaut| version 1.10 (or newer) patches some UTF-8 code of \LaTeX/|inputenc| to return and replace character expansion during |\index| output. This patch \textbf{is not compatible} to older versions of \LaTeX/|inputenc| (before October 2019). Therefore, if your \LaTeX\ distribution is not reasonable up to date, you should stay at version 1.00 of |sanitize-umlaut|. With the 2022 June release of \LaTeX, characters defined via |utf8.def| are now defined as |\protected| macros. Therefore, |sanitize-umlaut| version 1.2.0 (or newer) patches some relevant parts of two-octets characters during |\index| back to pre 2022 June behaviour. Obviously, you loose |\protected| here, if you load |sanitize-umlaut|. |sanitize-umlaut| version 1.3.0 (or newer) also supports |lualatex| and |xelatex| with a different approach. Here, |\index| is patched such that its argument is processed to replace umlauts. \subsection{Future} As always, the future is dark and difficult to see. Further changes of |inputenc| implementation may force further changes of |sanitize-umlaut|. Hopefully, this will not happen too soon or too often. Also, if some miracle happens, MakeIndex may be updated one day to recognize UTF-8 properly to make |sanitize-umlaut| superfluous. \clearpage \section{Package Usage}% \subsection{Prerequisites} The source document may need some encoding by |inputenc| since |pdflatex| is assumed as engine. For example: \begin{dispListing} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \end{dispListing} For |utf8| (UTF-8), modern \LaTeX\ does not need this package inclusion any more! Also, for |lualatex| and |xelatex| this has to be omitted. Just some few encodings are supported by |sanitize-umlaut|. These are the most important for German language texts: \tcbox[center,size=minimal,enhanced,frame hidden,colback=red!10]{\begin{tabular}{>{\ttfamily}l>{\ttfamily}l}\toprule \textnormal{\bfseries encoding} & \textnormal{\bfseries recognized as}\\\midrule utf8 & utf8\\ utf8-2018 & utf8-2018\\ latin1, ansinew, cp1252 & latin1\\ applemac & applemac\\\bottomrule \end{tabular}} Further, the |babel| package with German settings is needed: \begin{dispListing} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \end{dispListing} \subsection{Package Application} Now, the package application is simple. You just put \begin{dispListing} \usepackage{sanitize-umlaut} \end{dispListing} into your document preamble \emph{after} |inputenc| and, maybe, after |babel|. That is all. \subsection{Sanitized Characters} The umlauts and the sharp s are replaced by their |babel| shorthand codes which are written to the \myverb{.idx} file. \tcbox[center,size=minimal,enhanced,frame hidden,colback=red!10]{\begin{tabular}{>{\ttfamily}l>{\ttfamily}l}\toprule \textnormal{\bfseries character} & \textnormal{\bfseries replacement}\\\midrule ä & "a\\ ö & "o\\ ü & "u\\ Ä & "A\\ Ö & "O\\ Ü & "U\\ ß & "s\\\bottomrule \end{tabular}} \clearpage \subsection{Technical Information} The package uses \myverb{\inputencodingname} (set by \LaTeX\ and the |inputencoding| package) to determine the current encoding. The package redefines the \myverb{\@sanitize} macro at the begin of the document. It adds some encoding redefinitions to this macro. \myverb{\@sanitize} is used inside \myverb{\index} in a local group. If another package (besides |babel|) also changes this macro or uses it outside \myverb{\index}, strange things may happen. If \myverb{\inputencodingname} is \emph{not} present, the package checks, if the current engine is |luatex| or |xetex| and patches the \myverb{\index} macro itself. All umlauts inside the argument of \myverb{\index} are replaced by their |babel| shorthand codes using \LaTeX3 token replacement. This increases compilation time considerably compared to the \myverb{\@sanitize} hack for |pdflatex|. A very rough figure is approximately a plus of 0.8 seconds per 10000 \myverb{\index} calls (will differ on other maschines and other example codes). \clearpage \section{Application Examples}% \tcbinputlisting{docexample,listing file=german.ist,listing only,minted style=colorful, title={file |"german.ist"| for the examples}} \begin{fullexample}{run arara} % !TeX encoding=UTF-8 % arara: pdflatex % arara: makeindex: { style: german.ist, german: true } % arara: pdflatex \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % utf8 is default now \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{sanitize-umlaut} \makeindex \begin{document} \section{Basic Example} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \index{Aber} \index{Arg} \index{Ärger} \index{Ofen} \index{Ö - wie schön} \index{oberhalb} \index{Ufer} \index{Übermaß} \index{Latex=\LaTeX} \index{Ärger>Index} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \printindex \end{document} \end{fullexample} \begin{fullexample}{run arara} % !TeX encoding=UTF-8 % arara: pdflatex % arara: makeindex: { style: german.ist, german: true } % arara: pdflatex \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % utf8 is default now \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{sanitize-umlaut} \usepackage[hyperindex,colorlinks]{hyperref} \makeindex \begin{document} \section{Example with hyperref} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \index{Aber} \index{Arg} \index{Ärger} \index{Ofen} \index{Ö - wie schön} \index{oberhalb} \index{Ufer} \index{Übermaß} \index{Latex=\LaTeX} \index{Ärger>Index} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \printindex \end{document} \end{fullexample} \begin{fullexample}{run arara} % !TeX encoding=UTF-8 % arara: pdflatex \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % utf8 is default now \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage[makeindex]{imakeidx} \makeindex[options=-s german.ist -g] \usepackage{sanitize-umlaut} \begin{document} \section{Example with imakeidx} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \index{Aber} \index{Arg} \index{Ärger} \index{Ofen} \index{Ö - wie schön} \index{oberhalb} \index{Ufer} \index{Übermaß} \index{Latex=\LaTeX} \index{Ärger>Index} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \printindex \end{document} \end{fullexample} \begin{fullexample}{run arara} % !TeX encoding=UTF-8 % arara: pdflatex \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % utf8 is default now \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage[makeindex]{imakeidx} \makeindex[options=-s german.ist -g] \usepackage{sanitize-umlaut} \usepackage[hyperindex,colorlinks]{hyperref} \begin{document} \section{Example with imakeidx and hyperref} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \index{Aber} \index{Arg} \index{Ärger} \index{Ofen} \index{Ö - wie schön} \index{oberhalb} \index{Ufer} \index{Übermaß} \index{Latex=\LaTeX} \index{Ärger>Index} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \printindex \end{document} \end{fullexample} \begin{fullexample}{run arara} % !TeX encoding=UTF-8 % arara: pdflatex \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % utf8 is default now \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage[makeindex]{imakeidx} \indexsetup{level=\section*,noclearpage} \makeindex[name=personen,title=Personenregister,options=-s german.ist -g] \makeindex[name=allgemein,title=Allgemeines Register,options=-s german.ist -g] \usepackage{sanitize-umlaut} \begin{document} \section{Example with multiple indexes} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \index[personen]{Huber, Hans} \index[personen]{Hübner, Jörg} \index[allgemein]{Aber} \index[allgemein]{Arg} \index[allgemein]{Ärger} \index[allgemein]{Ofen} \index[allgemein]{Ö - wie schön} \index[allgemein]{oberhalb} \index[allgemein]{Ufer} \index[allgemein]{Übermaß} \index[allgemein]{Latex=\LaTeX} \index[allgemein]{Ärger>Index} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \clearpage \printindex[allgemein] \printindex[personen] \end{document} \end{fullexample} \begin{fullexample}{run arara} % !TeX encoding=UTF-8 % arara: lualatex \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage[makeindex]{imakeidx} \indexsetup{level=\section*,noclearpage} \makeindex[name=personen,title=Personenregister,options=-s german.ist -g] \makeindex[name=allgemein,title=Allgemeines Register,options=-s german.ist -g] \usepackage{sanitize-umlaut} \begin{document} \section{Example with multiple indexes for lualatex} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \index[personen]{Huber, Hans} \index[personen]{Hübner, Jörg} \index[allgemein]{Aber} \index[allgemein]{Arg} \index[allgemein]{Ärger} \index[allgemein]{Ofen} \index[allgemein]{Ö - wie schön} \index[allgemein]{oberhalb} \index[allgemein]{Ufer} \index[allgemein]{Übermaß} \index[allgemein]{Latex=\LaTeX} \index[allgemein]{Ärger>Index} Test äöüÄÖÜß. \clearpage \printindex[allgemein] \printindex[personen] \end{document} \end{fullexample} \end{document}