# SEU-ML-Assign LaTeX Template LaTeX Template for Southeast University Machine Learning Assignment > - GitHub Project Site: https://tvj.one/ml-tex > - CTAN: https://ctan.org/pkg/seu-ml-assign > - Website: https://seu-ml-assign.github.io ## Class and Options This project provides the `seu-ml-assign` class. | Option | Explanation | Default | | - | - | :-: | | `solution` | Write solutions (for students). | • | | `problem` | Write problem sets (for instructors). || | `oneside` | One-sided document. | • | | `twoside` | Two-sided document. || | `9pt` | Set font size as 9 points. || | `10pt` | Set font size as 10 points. | • | | `11pt` | Set font size as 11 points. || | `12pt` | Set font size as 12 points. || ## Commands and Usage Please refer to the [documentation](http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/seu-ml-assign/seu-ml-assign-doc.pdf). The main higher level commands provided in this template are `\problem[<points>]{title}` and `\subproblem{title}`. ## Publication This project has been contained in [**CTAN**](https://ctan.org/pkg/seu-ml-assign), and so is in **TeX Live**. ## Issues Please go to [issues](https://github.com/Teddy-van-Jerry/SEU-ML-Assign_LaTeX_Template/issues) to report them if any. ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT License](https://github.com/Teddy-van-Jerry/SEU-ML-Assign_LaTeX_Template/blob/master/LICENSE).