% \iffalse % meta-comment % %% This is the showlabels package %% %%%% Copyright 1999, 2001-09, 2013-22, Norman Gray %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public Licence, either version 1.3c %% of this licence or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this licence is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Norman Gray <https://nxg.me.uk> %% %% This work consists of the files showlabels.dtx and showlabels.ins, %% and the derived file showlabels.sty. %%%% File: showlabels.dtx %%%% Source: dc6d682fadbc, 2022-07-18T23:32:32+01:00 % This is revision dc6d682fadbc, 2022-07-18T23:32:32+01:00. %<+package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %<+package>\ProvidesPackage{showlabels}[2022/07/18\space v1.9.2] %<+package>\typeout{Package: `showlabels' v1.9.2\space<2022/07/18>} % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \EnableCrossrefs % \end{macrocode} % Some commonly used abbreviations for option names, filenames, % counters and packages. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\Lopt[1]{\textsf{#1}} % package options \newcommand\file[1]{\texttt{#1}} % filename %\newcommand\Lcount[1]{\textsl{\small#1}} \newcommand\Lenv[1]{\textsl{\{#1\}}} \newcommand\Lpackage[1]{\textsf{\{#1\}}} % packages %% \url macro (url.sty does this better, but we don't want extra dependencies) \def\setpathdots{\discretionary{.}{}{.}} \def\setpathslash{\discretionary{/}{}{/}} {\catcode`\.=\active \catcode`\/=\active \gdef\pathcats{% \catcode`\%=12 \catcode`\~=12 \catcode`\.=\active \let.\setpathdots \catcode`\/=\active \let/\setpathslash \catcode`\#=12 \catcode`\_=12}% } \def\setpath#1{\ttfamily <\nobreak #1\nobreak>\endgroup} \def\url{\begingroup\pathcats\setpath} \begin{document} % \OnlyDescription \DocInput{showlabels.dtx} \PrintIndex \end{document} %</driver> % % \fi % % % \title{The \texttt{showlabels} package} % \author{Norman Gray\\https://nxg.me.uk} % \date{Version 1.9.2, 2022 July 18} % % \maketitle % % This package helps you keep track of all the labels you define, by % putting the name of new labels into the margin whenever the % |\label| command is used. % % You can do the same thing for other commands (see below). % The only one for which this is \emph{obviously} useful is the % |\cite| command, but it is also reasonable to do it with, for example, % the |\ref| or |\begin| commands. % % Invoke this package with the command |\usepackage{showlabels}| in % the preamble, and you may give the following options: % \begin{quotation} % \begin{tabular}{lp{25em}} % \Lopt{outer} & [default] all notes are placed in the text's outer % margin\\ % \Lopt{inner} & \dots inner margin\\ % \Lopt{left} & \dots left margin\\ % \Lopt{right} & \dots right margin\\ % \Lopt{marginal} & [default] put notes in the margin\\ % \Lopt{inline} & put notes inline, as much as possible, and ignore % any of the margin-placement options above \\ % \Lopt{nolabel} & do not insert a marginal note for |\label| commands % (see command |\showlabels| below)\\ % \Lopt{draft} & [default] does nothing, partner of\dots\\ % \Lopt{final} & turns off all the package's functionality % \end{tabular} % \end{quotation} % If you don't use the \Lopt{twoside} option, % then all pages are `right-hand' pages, and the `outer margin' is the % right hand one. % % The package will also work in the presence of the \Lopt{twocolumn} % option. In this case, the options \Lopt{inner}, \Lopt{outer}, % \Lopt{left} and \Lopt{right} will be ignored, and the label will be % placed in the nearer margin. % % Finally, we have the options \Lopt{final} and \Lopt{draft}. The option % \Lopt{final} turns off all the functionality of this package. This % is included so that if that % option is given globally in the |\documentclass| declaration then this % package does respect it. The \Lopt{draft} option does nothing, and therefore % simply continues the default behaviour of this package; it is here % to partner the \Lopt{final} option. % % \DescribeMacro{\showlabels} % If you wish the package to do its magic with another command |\foo| % which takes at least one argument (for example |\cite|), % then give the command |\showlabels{foo}|. % The default behaviour of the package is to give the command % |\showlabels{label}| internally; if you don't want this to happen -- % perhaps because you \emph{only} want |\cite| commands highlighted -- % then give the option \Lopt{nolabel} to the |\usepackage| command: % |\usepackage[nolabel]{showlabels}|. % % You can call |\showlabels{foo}| with commands which have starred % forms, |\foo*{arg}|, or optional arguments, |\foo[opt]{arg}|. A % technical wrinkle is that, in each case, the |{arg}| is read with % all of its characters being catcode `other'; I~can't think of a % realistic case where this is a problem, since the commands typically % given to |\showlabels| will almost certainly do something equivalent % to this anyway, but it is a mild change from the default behaviour % of the command |\foo|. % % You can do this |\showlabels| step even with commands that you % invoke only implicitly. If, for example, you want to label each of the % entries in your bibliography, then |\showlabels{bibitem}| % will do this for each of the items that appear in the % \Lenv{thebibliography} environment, whether it is writen by you or % by \BibTeX\ (if you use the `biblatex' package, then the % corresponding command would be % |\makeatletter\showlabels{blx@bibitem}\makeatother|, but notice that % this is in principle an undocumented internal of the `biblatex' % package, so may change). % % By default, the package displays labels in the margin of the % document, but as an alternative, labels can be kept inline as much % as possible; this is much more legible when there are multiple % labels on a single line. To select this, give the option % \Lopt{inline}, and to select the default behaviour, use % \Lopt{marginal}. % % \DescribeMacro{\showlabelsinline} % It is sometimes convenient (for example when a document encounters a % situation which this package mishandles) to force inline labels % temporarily, within a block or environment. Use the % |\showlabelsinline| macro to do that. % \DescribeMacro{\showlabelsmarginal} % The corresponding |\showlabelsmarginal| command has the opposite % effect (included for symmetry; it's less likely to be useful). % % \section{Formatting} % % If you want to change the font the labels appear in, redefine the % |\showlabelfont| command, which by default expands to % |\small\ttfamily|. For example, to have labels in a slanted font, % and green, you could include the definition % \begin{quote} % |\renewcommand{\showlabelfont}{\small\slshape\color{green}}| % \end{quote} % in the preamble of your document (as long as you have loaded the % \Lpackage{color} package, of course). % % Alternatively, the |\showlabels| command has an optional argument containing % formatting commands, which allows you to format |\cite| labels, for % example, differently from |\label|. Thus: % \begin{quote} % |\showlabels[\color{green}]{cite}| % \end{quote} % The optional formatting command can be either a font-changing % command, as illustrated here, \emph{or} a command which takes a % single argument, such as % \begin{quote} % |\showlabels[\fbox]{cite}| % \end{quote} % % If, finally, you want complete control over the labels, you can % instead override |\showlabelsetlabel|, which initially expands to % just |\showlabelfont #1|. You can use this mechanism to get a % variety of effects. For example, if you say % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage{showlabels,rotating}|\\ % |\renewcommand{\showlabelsetlabel}[1]|\\ % \null\qquad |{\begin{turn}{60}\showlabelfont #1\end{turn}}|\\ % \end{quote} % then you end up with your labels at a jaunty angle in the margin. % % The command |\showlabeltype| will expand to the current label type % (ie, `label' or `cite', etc), so it would be possible for % |\showlabelsetlabel| to conditionalise on that, if you felt that % were necessary.\footnote{The support for a one-argument command in % $\backslash$\texttt{showlabels}, and the presence of the % $\backslash$\texttt{showlabeltype} macro, were added in version 1.9.} % % If instead you want to adjust how inline markings are displayed, you % can change the definition of the % |\showlabelrefline| rule from its default. % For example, defining this to be % \begin{quote} % |\color{red}\hrule width 0.1em height 1.5ex depth 0pt | % \end{quote} % produces a fattish red line, and defining it to be % \begin{quote} % |\hrule width 0pt height 1.5ex depth 0pt| % \end{quote} % suppresses the line but still positions the text between the lines. % % \section{Compatibility with other packages, and other problems} % % The \Lpackage{showlabels} package works by redefining the |\label| % command, along with a few internal \LaTeX\ commands. All the other commands it % defines are `hidden' by prefixing them with `\texttt{SL@}', with % the exception of the user commands |\showlabelfont| and % |\showlabelsetlabel|. Each of % the three redefined commands carefully includes its previous % definition. The \Lpackage{showlabels} package should therefore come % \emph{last} of the packages you include using |\usepackage|. % % In version 1.1, the package was modified to conform to the slightly % different mechanism that \texttt{amsmath} uses to produce equation % numbers. Do note that the % |\usepackage{showlabels}| command \emph{must} appear after the % |\usepackage{amsmath}| if it is to detect that you are using the % \Lpackage{amsmath} package\footnote{Note that AMS-\LaTeX\ and the % \texttt{amstex} package have been declared `obsolete' in favour of % the \texttt{amsmath} package. This package now claims conformance % with the \texttt{amsmath} package alone, though it will probably % work with older versions in fact.}. % % In version 1.3e, the package became compatible with the % \Lpackage{hyperref} package in particular, and in general with other % packages which themselves modify the |\label| command. This will % work, however, only if the \Lpackage{showlabels} package is loaded % after other packages which do this. Notwithstanding Sebastian % Rahtz's excellent general advice on this, \Lpackage{showlabels} should % be loaded after \Lpackage{hyperref}. % % In version 1.7, the package became compatible with the % equation-numbering mechanism of the \Lpackage{IEEEtrantools} % package. As with \Lpackage{amsmath}, this involves a certain amount % of special-casing. % % For reasonably obvious reasons, this package will not work at all % well with the \Lpackage{multicol} package, and for possibly less obvious % reasons, it won't work with the \Lopt{leqno} option either (at some point % it should be modified to at least recognise and warn of the conflict in % either case, though it's not obvious to me how to do that). The % package \emph{should} now work with \Lpackage{wrapfig}, though I'm not % sure that I've exhausted that package's various clevernesses, and % there might be some spacing and layout bugs which manifest % themselves in that context. Please report them; in the mean time, % using option \Lopt{inline} should act as a workaround for any that % appear. % % When labels appear in the margins, they sometimes appear on the % `wrong' side in \Lopt{twoside} mode. This is a fairly inevitable % side-effect of the way that \TeX\ builds pages, and a specific % symptom of the general problem described in % \url{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=oddpage}. % As that answer suggests, there are bear-traps involved in the % standard solutions. Now, showlabels is (a)~permanently teetering % on the edge of clashing with everything else that messes around with % labels, and (b)~a draft-only package rather than anything that % would appear in a final document. (a)~means that I'm rather nervous % about putting too much cleverness in there, and incidentally shy of % putting any dependencies on other packages; (b)~means that I feel it % doesn't really matter enough to be worth removing robustness. So % I'm afraid I don't plan to change this, and I simply put up with the % occasional slip. Again the \Lopt{inline} option is a possible % workaround. % % The package might still work with \LaTeX2.09, but that's neither % supported, nor even still tested. % % This software is copyright, 1999, 2001-09, 2013-22 Norman Gray. % It is released under the terms of the \LaTeX\ Project Public Licence. % See the copyright declaration at the top of file \texttt{showlabels.dtx}, % and the file \texttt{lppl.txt}, for the licence conditions. % % The canonical home page of the package is % \url{https://purl.org/nxg/dist/showlabels}, and it is on CTAN at % \url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/showlabels}. The source is in % a repository online: \url{https://heptapod.host/nxg/showlabels}. % % \section{Other packages} % % The \Lpackage{showlabels} package has a large overlap in % functionality with David Carlisle's \Lpackage{showkeys}, although % the latter will only handle |\label| and |\cite| keys. If % \Lpackage{showlabels} fails in some particular situation, you might % want to try using \Lpackage{showkeys}, but please do mention the % problem, typically by email to me. % % \section{History and Credits} % % I've received bug reports, fixes, or implementable suggestions from many % people, including % Andreas Balser, % bartgol (on Stackexchange), % Francesco Biccari, % Francis M. C. Ching, % Sven de Vries, % A L Dukeman, % Michael Friendly, % Guillermo Garza, % Tino G\"ortem\"oller, % Lester L. Helms, % Boris Kheyfets, % Hagen Kleinert, % David R. Leal Valmana, % Olivier Michel, % Enno Nagel, % Sungmo Park, % Ignacy Sawicki, % Andrei Shelankov, % Patrick Sibille, % `Stirling' (on Stackexchange), % Mariano Su\'arez-Alvarez, % Ji\v ri Vesely, % Elmar Walhorn, % Alex Watson, % Ben William Carabelli, % Roland Winkler. % Many thanks to all. If I've missed your name out of this list % (or indeed if I've alphabetised you incorrectly), % please accept my apologies, and do let me know. % % The package was originally released by me on 1991 September 21, under the name % \texttt{labels.sty}. % On 1992 January 29, Darrel Hankerson % \url{hank@ducvax.auburn.edu}, made the update to NFSS, and % changed the name to `showlabel.sty'. % % \subsection{Release notes} % \begingroup % \iffalse the following are variously unsatisfactory % \def~{\texttt{\textasciitilde}} % \def~{$\sim$} % \fi % \catcode`\~=12 % \iffalse @RELEASENOTES@ \fi % \begin{description}\item[1.9.2, 2022 July 18]\relax No code changes from 1.9.2-b1, but the documentation notes a new home repository.\par \item[1.9.2-b1, 2022 June 11]\relax \P\thinspace Fixed a spacing bug when used with the |wrapfig| package % (issue 2\footnote{\url{https://heptapod.host/nxg/showlabels/-/issues/2}}). % Thanks to Romano Giannetti for the report. \P\thinspace Added a |\showlabelsmarginal| command. \P\thinspace The code has moved (again) to % heptapod.host\footnote{\url{https://heptapod.host}}: the new % repository is % https://heptapod.host/nxg/showlabels\footnote{\url{https://heptapod.host/nxg/showlabels}}. % The issues links in the list below are therefore broken.\par\item[1.9.1, 2021 October 27]\relax Commands with optional arguments, such as % |\bibitem[P\'olya]{polya_54}| are now handled with the % correct catcodes. % Fixes issue 1\footnote{\url{https://heptapod.host/nxg/showlabels/-/issues/1}} % (new sequencing for issues). % Thanks to Michael Levitin for the report here.\par \item[1.9, 2021 October 9]\relax \P\thinspace Robustness fix: macros in arguments are now handled, so that % (after |\showlabel{index}|), % |\index{Poincar\'e}| doesn't cause an error. \P\thinspace The |\showlabel[optarg]{command}| optional argument % can now take a one-argument command. \P\thinspace The macro |\showlabeltype| expands to the current % label type, for possible use in |\showlabelsetlabel|.\par\item[1.8, 2016 June 9]\relax The |ntheorem| package exposed an apparently % long-standing incompleteness in the handling of |amsmath| % documents. % Fixes issue 9\footnote{\url{https://bitbucket.org/nxg/showlabels/issues/9/}}.\par \item[1.7, 2015 December 8]\relax Release v1.7.\par \item[1.7b2, 2015 December 7]\relax Make the combination of amsmath and [inline] mode work % (fixes issue 8\footnote{\url{https://bitbucket.org/nxg/showlabels/issue/8/}} % – thanks to A L Dukeman for the report; % what is it about showlabels and 6 December?!).\par \item[1.7b1, 2014 December 6]\relax This is a much-delayed bugfix release (by coincidence % \emph{exactly} a year after the previous release!).\par \P\thinspace Give |\showlabels| an optional formatting argument % (implements issue 1\footnote{\url{https://bitbucket.org/nxg/showlabels/issue/1/}} % – thanks to Francesco Biccari for the suggestion). \P\thinspace Special-case the IEEEtrantools package % (fixes issue 2\footnote{\url{https://bitbucket.org/nxg/showlabels/issue/2/}} % – thanks to Boris Kheyfets for the report and test case, and to % Ben William Carabelli for additional analysis and a draft fix). \P\thinspace The |[final]| option now works with the % |{amsmath}| package % (fixes issue 3\footnote{\url{https://bitbucket.org/nxg/showlabels/issue/3/}} % – thanks to Guillermo Garza and Enno Nagel for the report, and to % Guillermo for the test case). \P\thinspace Handle the hyperref package's |\ref*{label}| variant % (fixes issue 4\footnote{\url{https://bitbucket.org/nxg/showlabels/issue/4/}} % – thanks to Alex Watson for the report and test case). \P\thinspace Handle the case where a label is in a display, but not in maths mode % (fixes issue 5\footnote{\url{https://bitbucket.org/nxg/showlabels/issue/5/}} % – thanks to ‘bartgol’ on Stackexchange for the report and test case).\par\item[1.6.6, 2013 December 6]\relax \P\thinspace Add configuration interface |\showlabelrefline| and % ensure that |\color| works in % |\showlabelfont|. \P\thinspace Various documentation tweaks. \P\thinspace Change licence from GPL to LPPL. \P\thinspace Fix link to repository.\par\item[1.6.5, 2009 May 27]\relax Fixed a bug in the way that labels including underscores (and % other ‘exotic’ characters) were displayed.\par \item[1.6.4, 2008 October 10]\relax Fixed another poor interaction between eqnarray and amsart. Now % we get equation labels in eqnarray, and we don't get marginal notes % about |\eqref| (which is good; might this finally be fixed?).\par \item[1.6.3, 2008 July 24]\relax Release 1.6.2 broke compatibility with the \emph{rest} of % amsmath (|eqnarray| became the only thing that worked % within amsmath)! Fixed. Doh!\par \item[1.6.2, 2008 June 27]\relax The reimplementation of eqnarray within amsart was such that % equation labels disappeared in that case. Fixed.\par \item[1.6.1, 2007 June 17]\relax Fix an errant test, which mangled equation labels starting % with two identical letters.\par \item[1.6, 2006 May 26]\relax The |\showlabels| command will now work with commands % (such as |\cite| or |\includegraphics|) which % take an optional argument.\par \item[1.5a, 2005 March 17]\relax Defined |\showlabelfont| using % |\ttfamily| rather than |\tt| (I'd % avoided doing this before to avoid a seemingly pointless % incompatibility with LaTeX 2.09, but (a) I imagine the % package is incompatible with that for other reasons, and (b) % it's really not worth the hassle...).\par \item[1.5, 2004 October 8]\relax Added |\showlabelfont| and % |\showlabelsetlabel| commands, allowing % customisation of the printed labels. Added and documented % options [final], [draft] (the former makes this package do % nothing; the latter is the default behaviour).\par \item[1.4a, 2003 January 28]\relax Acquired the |[left]| and % |[right]| options, and fixed a bug which affected % |\label| commands in captions.\par \item[1.4, 2001 July 24]\relax Became (more) compatible with the % wrapfig package. Also, I added the % |\showlabels| command, to have the package display % references to commands other than |\label| % (|\cite| and |\ref| are obvious ones), % and an |[inline]| option to have labels (etc.) % displayed inline where possible, rather than always in the % margin.\par \item[1.3e, 2001 May 30]\relax Became compatible with the hyperref package in % particular, and in general with other packages which % themselves modify the |\label| command. This will % work, however, only if the showlabels package is loaded after % other packages which do this. Notwithstanding Sebastian % Rahtz's excellent general advice on this, showlabels should % indeed be loaded after hyperref.\par \item[1.3e, 2001 May 31]\relax After a long delay, here is an updated version of my showlabels % package. It corrects all the reported bugs which I could reproduce, % namely:\par \P\thinspace The package now formats labels correctly when the % |\label| command appears outside either an equation or a % |\caption| (silly of me). \P\thinspace A couple of people reported problems in the interaction with the % amsmath package. Either these were confined to that package's earlier % incarnations as AMS-LaTeX or the amstex package, or else there's some % arcane circumstance I can't reproduce, so I haven't found anything to % fix on this matter. Note that the % |\usepackage{showlabels}| command must come \emph{after} % the |\usepackage{amsmath}| command. Bug-sightings here % will be warmly appreciated. \P\thinspace I haven't worried too much about the precise formatting of the % labels – this is, after all, supposed to be a draft-only % package.\par\item[1.1, 2001 January 1]\relax Modified to conform to the slightly % different mechanism that |amsmath| uses to produce equation % numbers. I don't habitually use |amsmath|, so I won't % discover any bugs or weaknesses with its support here, and I'd % consequently be glad to be informed of any that appear. Do note that % the |\usepackage{showlabels}| command \emph{must} appear % after the |\usepackage{amsmath}| if it is to detect that % you are using the amsmath package. Note also that, since these % additions appeared, AMS-LaTeX and the |amstex| package seem % to have been declared ‘obsolete’ in favour of the |amsmath| % package. This package now claims conformance with the % |amsmath| package alone, though it will probably work with % older versions in fact.\par This is the first version of the package to be distributed under % the name |showlabels|.\par \item[Updated, 1992 January 29]\relax On 1992 January 29, Darrel Hankerson % (|hank@ducvax.auburn.edu|), made the update to NFSS, and % changed the name to |showlabel.sty|.\par \item[Original, 1991 September 21]\relax The package was originally released by me on 1991 September 21, under the name % |labels.sty|.\par \end{description}% \endgroup % % \StopEventually{} % % \section{Implementation} % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> % \end{macrocode}% % \iffalse % Update history: % October 94: Norman Gray (gray@nxg.name). Modified to be a % \LaTeX2e package. % 29-Jan-92 Darrel Hankerson (hank@ducvax.auburn.edu) % Update to NFSS. Change name to `showlabel.sty'. Substitute % \nintt -> \small\tt % \sevit -> \scriptsize\it % 21-Sep-91 Norman Gray no_gray@vax.acs.open.ac.uk % Original release of labels.sty % \fi % % Before we do anything else, find out if we're using \Lpackage{amsmath}\dots. % Note that, since these additions appeared, AMS-\LaTeX\ and the % \texttt{amstex} package seem to have been declared `obsolete'. This % package now claims conformance with the \texttt{amsmath} package. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifSL@AMS \@ifundefined{maketag@@@} \SL@AMSfalse {\SL@AMStrue\typeout{with amsmath equation tags}} % \end{macrocode} % % The command which sets equation text is |\SL@eqntext|, which tests % whether the content should be inline or not. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@eqntext{% \ifSL@labelsinline \let\@tempa\SL@interlinetextleft \else \let\@tempa\SL@eqnlrtext \fi \@tempa } % \end{macrocode} % % The |\SL@wrap@labeller| macro wraps the given macro in such a way % that we display the label. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@wrap@labeller#1{% \expandafter\let\csname SL@orig@#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname #1\endcsname \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{% \csname SL@orig@#1\endcsname \ifx\SL@labelname\relax % do nothing \else \SL@eqntext{\SL@labelname}% \fi \global\let\SL@labelname\relax}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\@eqnnum} % This replacement for |\@eqnnum| will produce a note, sticking % into the margin beside the equation number, showing the equation's label. % |\SL@labelname| is initialised to |\relax|, redefined within the % |\label| macro, and reset to |\relax| here. If it's already equal % to |\relax| here, the equation number hasn't been labelled, and so % we avoid putting anything in the margin. In the \Lpackage{amsmath} case % we instead redefine |\maketag@@@|. % % First, deal with the case where the document uses the % \Lpackage{amsmath} macros. % \begin{macrocode} \ifSL@AMS % \end{macrocode} % % \Lpackage{amsmath} redefines |\label| to set the macro |\df@label|, % and then uses |\maketag@@@{\df@label}| or |\tagform@| to form tags % (ie, equation labels) in equations. So we hook into \emph{both} of % these macros. If the |\df@label| is % empty (almost certainly because the user has used the % \Lenv{eqnarray} environment within \Lpackage{amsmath}), then fall back % on the |\SL@labelname| contents instead. % \iffalse See tests t2, t11 and t18. \fi % We must make sure to leave |\SL@labelname| equal to |\relax| at the % end of this macro, otherwise a |{eqnarray}| followed by an (AMSTeX) % |\eqref| can end up with the wrong label being referred to by the % |\maketag@@@| within |\eqref| (or something like that). % % The test here must be |\ifx\SL@labelname\relax| with % |\global\let\SL@labelname\relax|, not |\expandafter\ifx\SL@...| and % |\global\def\SL@labelname{\relax}| (as it once was), since the % latter evaluates to true when |\SL@...| is |\relax| \emph{and} when % |\SL@...| starts with two identical characters, which is wrong (it % took embarrassingly many goes to get this right). The following is % similar to the effect of |\SL@wrap@labeller|, but is not quite identical, % because (a) |\maketag@@@| and |\tagform@| take an argument, % and (b) we also have to check |\df@label|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@setlabel@ams{% \ifx\df@label\@empty \ifx\SL@labelname\relax % do nothing \else \SL@eqntext{\SL@labelname}% \fi \else \SL@eqntext{\df@label}% \fi \global\let\SL@labelname\relax } \let\SL@orig@maketag@@@=\maketag@@@ \def\SL@maketag@@@#1{% \SL@orig@maketag@@@{#1}% \SL@setlabel@ams } \let\SL@orig@tagform@\tagform@ \def\SL@tagform@#1{% \SL@orig@tagform@{#1}% \SL@setlabel@ams } \else % \end{macrocode} % % Next, deal with the `normal' case, without \Lpackage{amsmath}. % Package \Lpackage{amsmath} redefines |\@eqnnum| in terms of % |\maketag@@@|, so we should avoid doing this in the % non-\Lpackage{amsmath} case. % \begin{macrocode} %% \let\SL@eqnnum=\@eqnnum %% \def\@eqnnum{% %% \SL@eqnnum %% \ifx\SL@labelname\relax %% % do nothing %% \else %% \SL@eqntext{\SL@labelname}% %% \fi %% \global\let\SL@labelname\relax %% } \SL@wrap@labeller{@eqnnum} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % And initialise the value of |\SL@labelname| to |\relax|, so that % |\@eqnnum| starts off behaving the right way. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\SL@labelname\relax % \end{macrocode} % % Labels are printed with the font specified by |\showlabelfont|, which % can be overridden within the document: % Define this using |\ttfamily|, unless we're still using \LaTeX 2.09 % (surprising it still works!), in which case stick with |\tt|. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{ttfamily} {\providecommand{\showlabelfont}{\small\tt}} {\providecommand{\showlabelfont}{\small\ttfamily}} % \end{macrocode} % % If you want slightly more general control over the labels, you can % instead override |\showlabelsetlabel|. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand{\showlabelsetlabel}[1]{{\normalfont\showlabelfont\SL@fmt@{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % % For the benefit of |\SL@prlabelname|, define |\SL@gobblethree| to do nothing % other than eat three tokens. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@gobblethree#1#2#3{} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\SL@prlabelname} % Expansion is label name with all catcodes `other' (Appendix~D trickery % abounds!). Use |\r@#1| (defined by |\ref|), rather then just |\#1| % to avoid defining any new control sequences. % % Note that this catcode magic, and the |\@sanitize| in % |\SL@showlabels| below, are doing much the same job, and indeed are % almost redundant with each other. But this |\SL@prlabelname| % doesn't cope with eg |\index{Poincar\'e}|, and the |\@sanitize| % below doesn't cope with |\section{\label{a_b}Foo}| (see tests t4 and t19). % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@prlabelname#1{% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\SL@gobblethree \expandafter\string\csname r@#1\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\showlabels} % Define the |\showlabels| command which allows us to redefine % commands which are to have their arguments highlighted. % That is, |\showlabels{foo}| means that the command |\foo{bar}| will % write `bar' in the margin, as well as executing whatever |\foo| does % normally. % % The net result of all this is that a |\showlabels{foo}| command % arranges things so that, after |\begin{document}|, the original % version of |\foo| is saved in |\SL@origfoo|, and |\foo{bar}| expands into % |\SL@setlabel{bar}\SL@origfoo{bar}|. % % First, define a command |\SL@initfoo|, which, when executed, will % save the current (at that time) behaviour of the command |\foo| as % |\@SL@origfoo|, and then set |\foo| to be equivalent to |\SL@foo|, % which does the magic; we will % shortly give this command to |\AtBeginDocument|, so that it is % switched on at the correct time, when other packages have done % \emph{their} redefinitions of |\foo| (this makes it compatible with % the \Lpackage{hyperref} package, which does its own wholesale redefinitions of % things like |\label|). Below, the locution % |\the\@temptokena| causes the token contents of |\@temptokena| to be % included unexpanded in the definition, despite the |\edef|. % % If the optional |\showlabels| argument is present, then use this as per-command % formatting, so that, for example |\cite| instances may be formatted % distinctively from |\label|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\showlabels{\@ifnextchar[\showlabels@{\showlabels@[]}} \def\showlabels@[#1]#2{% \@temptokena=\expandafter{\csname #2\endcsname} \def\@tempa{#1}% \ifx\@tempa\@empty \expandafter\let\csname SL@fmt@#2\endcsname\relax \else \expandafter\def\csname SL@fmt@#2\endcsname{#1}% \fi \expandafter\edef\csname SL@init@#2\endcsname{% \let\csname SL@orig#2\endcsname\the\@temptokena \let\the\@temptokena\csname SL@#2\endcsname} \AtBeginDocument{\csname SL@init@#2\endcsname}% % \end{macrocode} % \emph{Now} define |\SL@foo| -- it must be undefined when we define % |\SL@initfoo| above, so that it isn't expanded in the |\edef|. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname SL@#2\endcsname{% \expandafter\let\expandafter\SL@fmt@\csname SL@fmt@#2\endcsname \SL@showlabels{#2}} } % \end{macrocode} % % We need a default definition of |\SL@fmt@| for the cases (some % equation formatting) where we don't get to the formatting via this % mechanism. % \begin{macrocode} \let\SL@fmt@\relax % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SL@showlabels} % Now we get to the command which does the main processing. The % |\SL@showlabels| command calls |\SL@setlabel| to format the label % (putting it in the margin, for example), then calls the original % |\foo| command (namely |\SL@origfoo|) with the original argument. % % The command takes a single argument, namely the name of the command % being wrapped (for example, `label'). We set |\@tempa| to be the % original version of that command (stored in |\SL@orig#1|), and then % take one of two similar paths, depending on whether the command has % an optional argument or not. % % We have to be somewhat careful about the positioning of the % |\@bsphack| and |\@esphack| commands. The |\@esphack| command should % \emph{not} come after the call to |\SL@origfoo|, since that would % confuse things terribly if that command took any other arguments, or % otherwise messed with the token stream (there's actually no problem % in the most common case where we're replacing |\label|, and calling % |\SL@origlabel|, but there are problems when we try to replace % |\begin| or |\ref| in this way). Instead, adapt the contents % of |\@esphack|, but instead of calling |\ignorespaces| when % |\@savsk| is positive, add an |\hskip| of 1~scaled point (equal to % $1/65536\mathrm{pt}=5.363\times10^{-9}\mathrm{m}$). This will be % invisible, but it \emph{is} greater than zero, so that if % |\SL@origfoo| itself uses a |\@bsphack|\dots|\@esphack| pair then % the saved |\@savsk| will be positive, and that future |\@esphack| % will correctly invoke |\ignorespaces|; that pair will also pick up % the |\spacefactor| we restore here. The net result is that the % |\SL@setlabel| is invisible, and |\SL@origfoo| is able to make % itself invisible, too. Command sequence |\SL@setlabel| is what does % the work -- this is |\let| equal to either |\SL@margtext| or % |\SL@inlinetext| below. % % We must declare |\SL@showlabels| to be a robust command, or else we % get confusing expansion problems when, for example, we do % |\showlabels{ref}| and use |\ref| in a caption (see test case t3). % We actually handle three distinct cases here, for |\foo{label}|, % |\foo[opt]{label}| and |\foo*{label}| (the last is to handle the % \Lpackage{hyperref} package's |\ref*{label}| variant; see test case % t14). % % Note that in each case, the |label| is read with sanitised % catcodes. That is, I think, always an acceptable thing to do, in % the sense that I can't think of cases where this breaks anything. % % We open a group in order to call |\@sanitize|; we're able to close % it immediately, within the called macros. We call |\@sanitize| in % order to cope with eg |\index{Poincar\'e}| (see discussion of % |\SL@prlabelname| above). We carefully \emph{avoid} calling % |\@sanitize| before reading an optional argument: this is so that % we read that argument with the existing catcode % assignments, so that eg |\bibitem[P{\'o}lya]{polya54}| works as % expected (see test t20). % % We declare |\showlabeltype| to be the `current' label type. It % would be good to put this inside a group, so that it's only visible % locally, but we would then have to be careful exactly when we closed % the group: if we put it inside the group that's opened for % |\@sanitize|, it would be closed too early to have an effect; if we % open another group for |\showlabeltype|, then we'd have to close it % \emph{after} |\SL@orig@@next|, where we risk colliding with whatever % comes after it (and see above). It might be possible to be cleverer % about this, but it's at least harmeless to have the command defined % globally. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand\SL@showlabels[1]{% \@bsphack \expandafter\let\expandafter\SL@orig@@next\csname SL@orig#1\endcsname \def\showlabeltype{#1}% \begingroup \@ifstar {\@sanitize\SL@showlabelsplainstar} {\@ifnextchar[ {\SL@showlabelsopt} {\@sanitize\SL@showlabelsplain}}} \def\SL@showlabelsopt[#1]{% #1 is read before \@sanitize \@sanitize \SL@showlabelsopt@ii{#1}} \def\SL@showlabelsopt@ii#1#2{% \endgroup \SL@setlabel{#2}\relax \ifhmode \spacefactor\@savsf \ifdim\@savsk>\z@ \hskip1sp \fi\fi \SL@orig@@next[#1]{#2}} \def\SL@showlabelsplain#1{% \endgroup \SL@setlabel{#1}\relax \ifhmode \spacefactor\@savsf \ifdim\@savsk>\z@ \hskip1sp \fi\fi \SL@orig@@next{#1}} \def\SL@showlabelsplainstar#1{% \endgroup \SL@setlabel{#1}\relax \ifhmode \spacefactor\@savsf \ifdim\@savsk>\z@ \hskip1sp \fi\fi \SL@orig@@next*{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@makecaption} % The |\@makecaption| command needs special treatment. The % |\SL@margtext| command doesn't work in figure captions, so we need % to force the layout commands to use |\SL@inlinetext| instead, for % all label types, and irrespective of whether we're using the % \Lopt{inline} option. The code here is independent of that in % |\showlabels|, but imitates it, for consistency. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@initmakecaption{% \let\SL@origmakecaption\@makecaption \def\@makecaption##1##2{{% \let\SL@setlabel\SL@inlinetext \SL@origmakecaption{##1}{##2}}}} \AtBeginDocument{\SL@initmakecaption} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SL@margtext} % This is the central bit of this package, used by |\SL@showlabels|. % The argument is the argument of the |\foo| command which we're % processing (for example, the argument to a |\label| command). % % Depending on the mode, put the % current label name in the margin in one of a variety of ways. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@margtext#1{% % \end{macrocode} % % There are three cases here: % \begin{enumerate} % \item We are in maths mode, setting an equation. % \item We are not in maths mode but we \emph{are} within a display % (this can happen in, for example, the \Lenv{cases} environment from % the \Lpackage{cases} package). % \item We are in text. % \end{enumerate} % % Case 1: % In maths mode, produce a label name alongside the equation number. % Save the label name in |\SL@labelname|, so we can use it later % (this is redundant in most \Lpackage{amsmath} contexts, because that % style generally saves this in |\df@label|, but sometimes -- for % example when using the traditional \Lenv{eqnarray} environment % within \Lpackage{amsart} -- |\df@label| can end up unset). % \begin{macrocode} \ifmmode \xdef\SL@labelname{\SL@prlabelname{#1}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Case 2: % Check if we're within a display equation, % and if so act as if we are in maths mode (ie, as above). % Note: most contexts which match case~1 would also be caught by this % test, since |\label| is used almost exclusively within displays, % but it seems clearer to separate the two cases explicitly, as well % as probably dealing better with cases where the package is used for % non-|\label| commands. % \begin{macrocode} \else\ifdim\displaywidth>0pt \xdef\SL@labelname{\SL@prlabelname{#1}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Case 3: % Otherwise, create a box with zero height and depth, and the same width % as the page. Put all this in braces, to contain the setting of % |\box\@tempboxa| (which probably shouldn't be necessary). The box % here we set to be the width of |\hsize|. This is \emph{probably} % best, though there's always the worry that |\linewidth| would be the % more \LaTeX-ish thing to do -- using |\columnwidth| is almost % certainly wrong, since |\linewidth| can sometimes be changed without % |\columnwidth| changing with it (for example, in package % \Lpackage{wrapfig}), causing \Lpackage{showlabels} to fail badly. % \begin{macrocode} \else \setbox\@tempboxa=\vbox to 0pt{% \vss \hbox to \hsize{\SL@lrtext{#1}}}% \dp\@tempboxa\z@ % \end{macrocode} % Attach this box below the last one, using |\nointerlineskip| if we're in % vertical mode, or |\vadjust| otherwise. We need to save and restore % the value of |\prevdepth| (which has the sentinel value -1000pt if we're % adding this box at the beginning of a vertical list, and % |\nointerlineskip| sets |\prevdepth| to this same value). If we don't % do this, we get extra (`interline') vertical space added in this % case (it might be thought smart to use |\marginpar| here, and so % avoid some of this nonsense, but that's not possible since this % might be called within boxes, which |\marginpar| objects to). % \begin{macrocode} \ifvmode \@tempdima=\prevdepth \nointerlineskip\box\@tempboxa\nobreak \prevdepth=\@tempdima \else \vadjust{\box\@tempboxa\nobreak}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % That's it. Finish off the sequence of cases. % \begin{macrocode} \fi\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SL@inlinetext} % This is an alternative way of formatting the label, which puts it % inline as much as possible, and avoids straying into the margins. % We just use the same mechanism as for |\SL@margtext|, but do the % inline-or-not testing there. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@inlinetext#1{% \SL@interlinetextright{\SL@prlabelname{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} % In vmode, put the label between lines. Set the box depth to zero to % make sure that descenders don't mess up the spacing. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@interlinetextleft{\SL@setlefttrue\SL@interlinetext} \def\SL@interlinetextright{\SL@setleftfalse\SL@interlinetext} \def\SL@interlinetext#1{% \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox{\showlabelsetlabel{\SL@prlabelname{#1}}}\dp\@tempboxa\z@ \ifvmode \@tempdima=\prevdepth \nointerlineskip\vbox to 0pt{\vss \hbox to \hsize{\hss \box\@tempboxa}}\nobreak \prevdepth=\@tempdima % \end{macrocode} % And in horizontal mode, squeeze it between the lines, at the current point, % carefully taking up no space. % \begin{macrocode} \else \ifSL@setleft \hbox to 0pt{% \hss \vbox to 0pt{\vss \hbox to 0pt{\hss\box\@tempboxa}% \showlabelrefline }}% \else \hbox to 0pt{% \vbox to 0pt{\vss \box\@tempboxa \showlabelrefline }\hss}% \fi \penalty10000 \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\showlabelrefline} % Set a short line which indicates the point where a label is % attached, when producing inline labels. This additionally positions % the label up above the line. % \begin{macrocode} \def\showlabelrefline{\hrule width 0.05em height 1.5ex depth 0pt } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SL@margintext} % Set the actual text of the label. Use |\SL@prlabelname| here: without % this, a label command given outside of an equation or a |\caption| % will appear wrongly if the label has things like underscores within it. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@margintext#1{{\showlabelsetlabel{\{\SL@prlabelname{#1}\}}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % But where is the marginal text actually set? It can be in the left % margin, the right one, or can alternate. |\SL@lrtext|, used in the % |\vbox| above, is set, under the control of |\SL@labelposition| below, to % one of |\SL@lefttext|, |\SL@righttext| or |\SL@alternatetext|. % \begin{macro}{\SL@righttext} % \begin{macro}{\SL@lefttext} % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@righttext#1{\hfill\rlap{\quad\SL@margintext{#1}}} \def\SL@lefttext #1{\llap{\SL@margintext{#1}\quad}\hfill} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SL@setLR} % Define a switch which allows us to state whether we've decided to % set a particular label to the left or the right, and a macro % |\SL@setLR| to set it. After |\SL@setLR|, |\ifSL@setleft| is true % if a label should be set to the left, and is false if it should go % to the right. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifSL@setleft \def\SL@setLR{% \ifcase\SL@labelposition % 0=outer margin \ifodd\c@page \SL@setleftfalse \else \SL@setlefttrue \fi \or % 1=inner margin \ifodd\c@page \SL@setlefttrue \else \SL@setleftfalse \fi \or % 2=left margin \SL@setlefttrue \or % 3=right margin \SL@setleftfalse \else \SL@canthappen{Impossible labelposition \the\SL@labelposition} \SL@labelposition=3 % put everything in the right-margin for now \SL@setleftfalse \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The code for |\SL@alternatetext| doesn't work perfectly, as it % sometimes manages to get things on the wrong side of the text near the % top of a new page. This is a venial slip, however, as this package % should never be used in a final version. % \begin{macro}{\SL@alternatetext} % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@alternatetext{% \SL@setLR \ifSL@setleft \let\SL@next\SL@lefttext \else \let\SL@next\SL@righttext \fi \SL@next } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % The case where the \Lopt{twocolumn} option is set is slightly different. % There we have to switch between placing the note in the left and right % margins, depending on whether we're setting the first or second column. % This macro, and |\SL@eqntwocoltext| below, uses the switch % |\if@firstcolumn| to decide whether it's in the first or the second % column of the text (I suppose it'll get terribly confused if we use % \file{multicol.sty} along with this). This is defined and maintained in % the base file \file{ltoutput.dtx}. It's not part of the defined % interface, however (there doesn't seem to be one, grump), so I don't % suppose we should really rely on it. There isn't an option, however. % \begin{macro}{\SL@twocoltext} % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@twocoltext{% \if@firstcolumn \let\SL@next\SL@lefttext \else \let\SL@next\SL@righttext \fi \SL@next} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % We have very similar things for equations, except that they are set in % place, rather than within a zero depth box. This code \emph{assumes} that % equation numbers are going to be on the right hand side of the page. It % should probably check for the existence of the \Lopt{leqno} option (how?). % % Note that we \emph{do} want this to be |\columnwidth| rather than % |\hsize|. The \Lpackage{wrapfig} package retains the former as the % width of the whole column, even though it carefully changes the % latter to be the width of the \Lenv{wrapfigure} environment. In the % (unlikely) event we want numbered equations in such an environment % \emph{and} this label ends up on the left, we do want the % label right out in the left margin, rather than on the left of the % \Lenv{wrapfigure} environment. % \begin{macro}{\SL@eqnrighttext} % \begin{macro}{\SL@eqnlefttext} % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@eqnrighttext#1{\rlap{\quad\SL@margintext{#1}}} \def\SL@eqnlefttext #1{\hbox to 0pt{\kern -\columnwidth \llap{\SL@margintext{#1}\quad}\hss}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % Now do the analogues for the equation numbers, in the case of the % alternate page selection\dots % \begin{macro}{\SL@eqnalternatetext} % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@eqnalternatetext{% \SL@setLR \ifSL@setleft \let\SL@next\SL@eqnlefttext \else \let\SL@next\SL@eqnrighttext \fi \SL@next } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \dots and the twocolumn option % \begin{macro}{\SL@eqntwocoltext} % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@eqntwocoltext{% \if@firstcolumn \let\SL@next\SL@eqnlefttext \else \let\SL@next\SL@eqnrighttext \fi \SL@next} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SL@canthappen} % Issues a |\PackageError| command, and solicits bug reports. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@canthappen#1{% \PackageError{showlabels}{#1} {This shouldn't happen -- the package showlabels has a bug. \MessageBreak Please report this, if possible with a sample document which \MessageBreak demonstrates the problem, to \filemaintainer. Thanks.}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % To control the positioning of labels, set the |\SL@labelposition| % switch, which can take values 0, 1, 2, 3, meaning outer, inner, % left, right margin respectively. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\SL@labelposition \SL@labelposition=0 % \end{macrocode} % % We select between the various possibilities using the \Lopt{outer} and % \Lopt{inner} options and, implicitly, the \Lopt{twoside} option. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{outer}{\SL@labelposition=0} \DeclareOption{inner}{\SL@labelposition=1} \DeclareOption{left}{\SL@labelposition=2} \DeclareOption{right}{\SL@labelposition=3} % \end{macrocode} % % Labels can be set either in the margins or inline, by switching % between definitions of |\SL@setlabel|. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifSL@labelsinline \SL@labelsinlinefalse \DeclareOption{marginal}{\SL@labelsinlinefalse} \DeclareOption{inline}{\SL@labelsinlinetrue} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\SL@setlabel} % % Macro |\SL@setlabel| is where we switch between inline and marginal labels. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SL@setlabel{% \ifSL@labelsinline \let\@tempa\SL@inlinetext \else \let\@tempa\SL@margtext \fi \@tempa } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\showlabelsinline} % It is sometimes convenient (for example when a document encounters a % situation which this package mishandles) to force inline labels % temporarily, within a block or environment. Use this macro to do % that. % \begin{macrocode} \def\showlabelsinline{\SL@labelsinlinetrue} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\showlabelsmarginal} % Add the complementary macro for symmetry, even though this is not % likely to be useful. % \begin{macrocode} \def\showlabelsmarginal{\SL@labelsinlinefalse} % \end{macrocode} % By default, we run |\showlabels{label}|. The option \Lopt{nolabel} % turns this off. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifSL@labellabel \SL@labellabeltrue \DeclareOption{nolabel}{\SL@labellabelfalse} % \end{macrocode} % % Define the options \Lopt{final} and \Lopt{draft}. The option % \Lopt{final} turns off all the functionality of this package by % disabling the command |\showlabels|, including the implicit % |\showlabels| command which the package issues as long as the % \Lopt{nolabel} option has not been given. This is included so that if that % option is given in the |\documentclass| declaration then this % package does respect it. \Lopt{draft} does nothing, and therefore % simply continues the default behaviour of this package; it is here % purely to partner the \Lopt{final} option. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{final}{\let\showlabels\@gobble} \DeclareOption{draft}{} % \end{macrocode} % % Process any options that have been set. % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessOptions % \end{macrocode} % and use the values of |\SL@labelposition| and |if@twoside| which may have % been set by those options, to set |\SL@lrtext| to be the % appropriate control sequence. The presence of the \Lopt{twocolumn} option % means that we ignore the \Lopt{inner} and \Lopt{outer} options. % \begin{macrocode} \if@twocolumn \let\SL@lrtext\SL@twocoltext \let\SL@eqnlrtext\SL@eqntwocoltext \else \ifcase\SL@labelposition % 0=outer margin \if@twoside \let\SL@lrtext\SL@alternatetext \let\SL@eqnlrtext\SL@eqnalternatetext \else \let\SL@lrtext\SL@righttext \let\SL@eqnlrtext\SL@eqnrighttext \fi \or % 1=inner margin \if@twoside \let\SL@lrtext\SL@alternatetext \let\SL@eqnlrtext\SL@eqnalternatetext \else \let\SL@lrtext\SL@lefttext \let\SL@eqnlrtext\SL@eqnlefttext \fi \or % 2=left margin \let\SL@lrtext\SL@lefttext \let\SL@eqnlrtext\SL@eqnlefttext \or % 3=right margin \let\SL@lrtext\SL@righttext \let\SL@eqnlrtext\SL@eqnrighttext \else \SL@canthappen{Impossible labelposition \the\SL@labelposition} \SL@labelposition=3 % put everything in the right-margin for now \let\SL@lrtext\SL@righttext \let\SL@eqnlrtext\SL@eqnrighttext \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, label all the |\label| commands % (default behaviour), % unless this has been suppressed through the \Lopt{nolabel} option. % \begin{macrocode} \ifSL@labellabel \showlabels{label} \ifSL@AMS \ifx\showlabels\@gobble % do nothing -- we're in [final] mode (see test case t13) \else \AtBeginDocument{% \let\maketag@@@\SL@maketag@@@ \let\tagform@\SL@tagform@} \fi \fi \@ifundefined{theIEEEsubequationdis}\relax % and \theequationdis {\SL@wrap@labeller{theIEEEsubequationdis} \SL@wrap@labeller{theequationdis}} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % That's us. % % \begin{macrocode} %</package> % \end{macrocode} % % \Finale \endinput