% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///pdflatex

\lfoot{\sffamily\small [sim-os-menus]}
\rfoot{\sffamily\small - \thepage{} -}

\hypersetup{pdfborder=0 0 0}
\NewDocumentCommand\MontreCode{ m }{%




				{\Huge \texttt{sim-os-menus}}\\
				{\LARGE Simulate 'windows', 'terminal' or} \\
				{\LARGE 'context menu' like in an OS.} \\
				{\small \texttt{Version \TPversion{} -- \TPdate}}

	\texttt{Cédric Pierquet}\\
	{\ttfamily c pierquet -- at -- outlook . fr}\\
	\texttt{\url{https://forge.apps.education.fr/pierquetcedric/packages-latex}} \\



	Menu1(>),Menu2,Menu3(>)(*),Menu4 §
	SubMenuA(>),SubMenuB(>)(*) §
	SubSubMenu1,SubSubMenu2,SubSubMenu3(>)(*),SubSubMenu4,SubSubMenu5(>) §

test@DESKTOP:~$ ping -c 2 ctan.org
PING ctan.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.


\begin{TermMac}[Width=14cm,Align=flush left]{}
[test@server]$ ping -c 2 ctan.org
PING ctan.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.











With this package you can create context menu, or terminal, or doc viewer, like in an OS.

Global styles are mostly fixed, but some customizations are possible.


To load the package, simply use:


The package loads the packages:

	\item \MontreCode{tikz} (with \MontreCode{calc,positioning}), \MontreCode{pgf}, \MontreCode{pgffor};
	\item \MontreCode{calc}, \MontreCode{fontawesome5};
	\item \MontreCode{simplekv}, \MontreCode{xintexpr}, \MontreCode{listofitems}, \MontreCode{xstring};
	\item \MontreCode{settobox}, \MontreCode{tabularray};
	\item \MontreCode{tcolorbox} (with \MontreCode{breakable,fitting,skins,listings,listingsutf8,hooks}).



0.1.4: Mastodon or BlueSky posts 'like'
0.1.3: Fofders/Files like in explorer
0.1.2: Script editor viewer 'like'
0.1.1: French version of the commands
0.1.0: Initial version


\section{The macros}

\subsection{Context menu}

I order to create a context menu, the command is:

%----contextual menu
\ContextMenu[keys]{list of items}<tikz options>

Optional keys, between \MontreCode{[...]} are:

	\item \MontreCode{ColBack}: background color;
	\item \MontreCode{ColHL}: = highlight color;
	\item \MontreCode{Rounded}: boolean for rounded corners (\MontreCode{true} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{Font}: font for the items (\MontreCode{\textbackslash normalsize\textbackslash normalfont} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{ColItems}: color(s) for the items (\MontreCode{black} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{MarginV}: vertical margin of the lines (\MontreCode{6pt} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{MarginH}: horizontal margin of the lines (\MontreCode{12pt} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{Arrow}: character for the arrow (\MontreCode{\textbackslash faCaretRight} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{ListSeps}: list for the possible sep lines (empty or for all the levels !);
	\item \MontreCode{ListIcons}: list for the possible icons (empty or for all the levels/items !);
	\item \MontreCode{ListOffsets}: list for the possible vertical offset of levels (from 2, \ldots !) (empty or for all the sub-levels !);
	\item \MontreCode{Icons}: boolean for icons (\MontreCode{false} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{Bar}: boolean for small vertical bar with icons (\MontreCode{true} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{Space}: horizontal space between levels (\MontreCode{-0.125} by default).


The mandatory argument, between \MontreCode{\{...\}}, is given as:


\hfill\MontreCode{item1A,item1B,... § item2A,itemp2B,... § ...}\hfill~

	\item if an item ends with \MontreCode{(*)}, this is the beginning of the next level (\underline{only one} by level !);
	\item if an item ends with \MontreCode{(>)} (\underline{before} optional \MontreCode{(*)}), an arrow is written at the end of the line.

A correct usage of the syntax is necessary for the code !


A few tips, due to \MontreCode{ListIcons}, \MontreCode{ListOffsets} and \MontreCode{ListSeps} keys, which are \textit{sensitive}:

	\item \MontreCode{ListIcons} must have the same number of elements than the number of levels/items (with possible empty items);
	\item \MontreCode{ListSeps} must have the same number of elements than the number of levels (with possible empty items);
	\item \MontreCode{ListOffsets} must have the same number of elements than the numbers of sub-levels (with 0 si no offset !).

%default style
\ContextMenu{Item1A(>),Item1B,Item1C(>)(*),Item1D § Item2A(*),Item2B(>),Item2C}

%custom style
  ListIcons={\faCut,\faIcon[regular]{copy},\faCopy,\faPaste / \faNotEqual}]
  {Item1A(>)(*),Item1B,Item1C(>),Item1D § Item2A(*),Item2B(>),Item2C}

  Menu1(>),Menu2,Menu3(>)(*),Menu4 §
  SubMenuA(>),SubMenuB(>)(*) §
  SubSubMenu1,SubSubMenu2,SubSubMenu3(>)(*),SubSubMenu4,SubSubMenu5(>) §
  SSSSMa,SSSSMa(>)(*),SSSSMc §



In order to create a terminal (Win/UNiX/Mac), environments are:

%----Windows like terminal
\begin{TermWin}[keys]{tcbox options}

%----UNiX like terminal
\begin{TermUnix}[keys]{tcbox options}

%----OSX like terminal
\begin{TermMac}[keys]{tcbox options}

Optional keys, between \MontreCode{[...]} are:

	\item \MontreCode{Title}: title of the terminal (\MontreCode{Terminal Win/UNiX/Mac} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{Align}: horizontal alignment of the box (\MontreCode{center} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{Width}: width of the box (\MontreCode{\textbackslash linewidth} by default).


The mandatory argument, between \MontreCode{\{...\}}, are options to give to the tcbox.

Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.22000.493]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.
C:\Users\test>ping ctan.org
Envoi d'une requête 'ping' sur ctan.org [] avec 32 octets de données:
Réponse de octets=32 temps=35 ms TTL=51
Réponse de octets=32 temps=37 ms TTL=51
Réponse de octets=32 temps=35 ms TTL=51
Réponse de octets=32 temps=39 ms TTL=51
Statistiques Ping pour
Paquets: envoyés = 4, reçus = 4, perdus = 0 (perte 0%),
Durée approximative des boucles en millisecondes:
Minimum = 35ms, Maximum = 39ms, Moyenne = 36ms

\begin{TermUnix}[Align=flush right]{hbox}
test@DESKTOP:~$ ping -c 2 ctan.org
PING ctan.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.

\begin{TermMac}[Width=14cm,Align=flush left]{}
[test@server]$ ping -c 2 ctan.org
PING ctan.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.



In order to create a 'fake' viewer (for \textsf{pdf} or \textsf{img}), environments are:

%----PDF Viewer like
\begin{PDFViewer}[keys]{tcbox options}

%----Image Viewer like
\begin{IMGViewer}[keys]{tcbox options}

%----Script editor like
\begin{PYViewer}[keys]{tcbox options}

Optional keys, between \MontreCode{[...]} are:

	\item \MontreCode{Title}: title of the viewer;
	\item \MontreCode{Align}: horizontal alignment of the box (\MontreCode{center} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{Width}: width of the box (\MontreCode{\textbackslash linewidth} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{Halign}: horizontal alignment fot the content (\MontreCode{left} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{Icons}: boolean for the icons (\MontreCode{true} by default).


The mandatory argument, between \MontreCode{\{...\}}, are options to give to the tcbox.





%with listings, or piton, for example
nterms = int(input("Entrez un nombre: "))

n1 = 0
n2 = 1

print("\n la suite Fibonacci est: ")
print(n1, ",", n2, end=", ")

for i in range(2, nterms):
    suivant = n1 + n2
    print(suivant, end=", ")

n1 = n2
n2 = suivant


\subsection{Folders/files as in explorer}

The \MontreCode{forest} package, with his library \MontreCode{edges}, can present foldertrees.

\begin{ForestDirTree}[keys]{forest options}

Available \textsf{keys}, betweeen \MontreCode{[...]}, are:

	\item \MontreCode{font}: font of texts;
	\item \MontreCode{coliconfolder}: \MontreCode{gray} by default;
	\item \MontreCode{coliconfile}: \MontreCode{gray} by default;
	\item \MontreCode{iconfolders}: boolean for folder icons;
	\item \MontreCode{iconfiles}: boolean for file icons;
	\item \MontreCode{vsep}: vertical space between items (\MontreCode{0.15em} by default);
	\item \MontreCode{iconfolder}: icon for folder;
	\item \MontreCode{iconfile}: icone for file.


\textsf{Folders} need to be given within \MontreCode{<folder\_name>,FTdir}.

\textsf{Files} need to be given within \MontreCode{<file\_name>,FTfile}.


Mandatory argument, between \MontreCode{\{...\}}, corresponds to \textsf{forest} specific commands.



Styles are global, but can be locally defined.

\tikzset{FTedge/.style={thick,->,densely dashed,red,>=latex}}
    {l sep=2em}


\subsection{Posts as in Mastodon or BlueSky}

It's possible to present posts as in Mastodon or BlueSky.

\begin{MastodonPost}[options]<tcolorbox keys>

\begin{BlueSkyPost}[options]<tcolorbox keys>

Available \textsf{keys}, betweeen \MontreCode{[...]}, are:

	\item \MontreCode{width}: width of box;
	\item \MontreCode{avatar}: image of the avatar (square if possible !);
	\item \MontreCode{name}: pseudo of the account
	\item \MontreCode{account}: account name;
	\item \MontreCode{time}: time of post;
	\item \MontreCode{counters}: counters for views/likes/shares;
	\item \MontreCode{font}: font fir main text;
	\item \MontreCode{colbg}: background color of box.

Headers and footers are given by following macros, and can be redefined if necessary !

\begin{tcblisting}{colframe=lightgray,colback=lightgray!5,listing only}
		$\vcenter{\hbox{\includegraphics[height=4ex]{\mastodonaccountavatar}}}$& {\hspace*{1.25ex}\mastodonaccountname \\ \hspace*{1.25ex}\color{darkgray}{\mastodonaccountadress}} & \color{darkgray}{\faGlobeAmericas~\mastodontime} \\


	\textcolor{darkgray}{\scriptsize\scalebox{-1}[1]{\faShare}~\mastodonnumbers[1] \hfill \faRetweet~\mastodonnumbers[2] \hfill \faStar[regular]~\mastodonnumbers[3] \hfill \faBookmark[regular] \hfill \faEllipsisH}

	\textcolor{darkgray}{\scriptsize\faComment*[regular]~\mastodonnumbers[1] \hfill \faRetweet~\mastodonnumbers[2] \hfill \faHeart[regular]~\mastodonnumbers[3] \hfill \faEllipsisH \hfill~}

\textbf{TeX}, stylized within the system as \TeX, is a typesetting program which was designed and written by computer scientist and Stanford University professor Donald Knuth and first released in 1978. The term now refers to the system of extensions – which includes software programs called TeX engines, sets of TeX macros, and packages which provide extra typesetting functionality – built around the original TeX language. \TeX\ is a popular means of typesetting complex mathematical formulae; it has been noted as one of the most sophisticated digital typographical systems.



\textbf{TeX}, stylized within the system as \TeX, is a typesetting program which was designed and written by computer scientist and Stanford University professor Donald Knuth and first released in 1978. The term now refers to the system of extensions – which includes software programs called TeX engines, sets of TeX macros, and packages which provide extra typesetting functionality – built around the original TeX language. \TeX\ is a popular means of typesetting complex mathematical formulae; it has been noted as one of the most sophisticated digital typographical systems.




