% This is file 'skeyval-for.tex', version 1.3, 2013/05/15.                 %
%                                                                          %
% This package and accompanying files may be distributed and/or            %
% modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License,       %
% either version 1.3 of this license or any later version. The latest      %
% version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt      %
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX           %
% version 2005/12/01 or later.                                             %
%                                                                          %
% The LPPL maintenance status of this software is 'author-maintained'.     %
%                                                                          %
% This software is provided 'as it is', without warranty of any kind,      %
% either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the          %
% implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular       %
% purpose.                                                                 %
%                                                                          %
% The following files constitute the skeyval bundle and must be            %
% distributed as a whole:                                                  %
%                                                                          %
%  README, skeyval.sty, skeyval-core.tex, skeyval-for.tex,                 %
%  skeyval-view.sty, skeyval-ltxpatch.sty, skeyval-ltxcmds.tex,            %
%  skeyval-pstkey.sty, skeyval-pstkey.tex, skeyval-testclass.cls,          %
%  skeyval-testpkg.sty, skeyval-pokayoke1, skeyval-pokayoke2,              %
%  skeyval-view-pokayoke1.                                                 %
%                                                                          %
% Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Ahmed Musa (amusa22@gmail.com).                  %

  \do\ \do\%\do\@\do\(\do\)\do\[\do\]\do\|\do\:\do\;\do\,\do\.%
\catcode`\ =10\relax
\catcode`\@=11 \catcode`\(=12 \catcode`\)=12 \catcode`\[=12
\catcode`\]=12 \catcode`\|=12 \catcode`\:=12 \catcode`\;=12
\catcode`\,=12 \catcode`\*=12 \catcode`\+=12 \catcode`\-=12
\catcode`\<=12 \catcode`\>=12 \catcode`\!=12 \catcode`\.=12
\catcode`\^=07 \catcode`\_=08 \catcode`\&=04 \catcode`\$=03
\catcode`\~=13 \catcode`\%=14 \catcode`\'=12 \catcode`\"=12

\csname skeyval-for-loaded\endcsname
\expandafter\let\csname skeyval-for-loaded\endcsname\endinput

  \message{File 'skeyval-for.tex' 2013/05/15 v1.3
    Loops for skeyval package (AM)}
    [2013/05/15 v1.3 Loops for skeyval package (AM)]

  \skv@err{You've called an empty stack}\skv@ehd
% \skvsavestate<base-fn>{<fn-list>}<counter-number>
% See file skeyval-core.tex for \skvpushfunctions and \skvpopfunctions.
% \skvrestorestate<base-fn><counter-number>
    \skv@err{Stack of '\noexpand#1' is undefined}\skv@ehd
% \breakallforeachloops will break all current loops (inner and outer):

% \skvdolist{<parser>}{<list>}<holdercmd>{<callback>}
% \skvdolist*{<parser>}{<listcmd>}<holdercmd>{<callback>}
% \skvparselist{<parser>}{<list>}<holdercmd>{<callback>}
% \skvparselist*{<parser>}{<listcmd>}<holdercmd>{<callback>}
% \skvprocesslist{<parser>}{<list>}<holdercmd>{<callback>}
% \skvprocesslist*{<parser>}{<listcmd>}<holdercmd>{<callback>}
% 1. These macros can process both csv and tsv/nsv lists. Use empty
%    <parser> for tsv lists.
% 2. These macros can be nested to any depth, with different parsers
%    on each level.
% 3. \skvdolist and \skvparselist will not process an empty list, but
%    \skvprocesslist will do so.
% 4. For comma lists, \skvcommaloop and \skvcommaparse are faster.
%    See later.
% 5. For processing kv lists, use \skvparsekvlist.
% 6. The preservation of outer braces isn't a priority in this loop.
  % \skvlistcount is used by listkeys.
      % To allow nesting of loop:
% First normalize the list before parsing.


% Reversing tokens:


% \skvrecurse<body>\while<\if...>\fi
% On entry, the condition is checked before the body is executed.
% \@tempcnta\z@
% \skvrecurse{
%   \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
%   \@tempcntb\z@
%   \skvrecurse
%     \advance\@tempcntb\@ne
%     \typeout{Doing \the\@tempcnta,\the\@tempcntb}
%   \while
%     \ifnum\@tempcntb<3
%   \fi
%  }
% \while
%   \ifnum\@tempcnta<4
% \fi
    \@latex@error{Possibly an infinite loop in \string\skvrecurse}
      {Maybe you didn't increment some counter or
        \MessageBreak the termination condition was never satisfied.}%

% A version of LaTeX's \@tfor that can parse undoubled parameter
% characters and terminate the loop by using \skvbreakloop.
% \skvtfor<holder.cmd>:={<list>}\do{<callback>}
% \skvtfor*<holder.cmd>:={<listcmd>}\do{<callback>}
% Example:
%  \skvnewregister\count{\nr}
%  \skvtfor\x:=a \ifx {\def\x#1{#1}} \fi\do{%
%    \nr\z@
%    \skvtfor\y:=12345\do{%
%      \typeout{Doing: \detokenize\expandafter{\x}--\y}%
%      \advance\nr\@ne
%      \ifnum\nr>\tw@\skvbreakloop\fi
%    }
%  }
\skvrobustdef*\skv@tfor#1:={\skv@tf@r#1 }

%+++++++++++++++      Non-expandable comma loops       ++++++++++++++%%
% 1. These follow from \skvdolist and \skvparselist, but they are
%    specialized for comma lists and they are faster, since they don't
%    stack any state.
% 2. There is no fear of parameter characters in <callback> being mixed
%    with those of \skv@commaloop@picknext.
% 3. These loops can be nested to any depth.
% 4. The preservation of outer braces isn't a priority in these loops.
% \skvcommaloop{<list>}<holder-cmd>{<callback>}
% \skvcommaloop*{<listcmd>}<holder-cmd>{<callback>}
% Example:
%   \skvcommaloop{x#1,y#1}\tempa{\edef\xx#1{#1\tempa}}
  % Don't put \skvcsvnormalize#2 here. Use \skvcommaparse instead.
  % Some callers of \skvcommaloop already have their lists normalized.
% \skvecommaloop{<list>}<cmd>{<callback>}
% \skvecommaloop*{<listcmd>}<cmd>{<callback>}
% \skvecommaloop is as \skvcommaloop but will execute <callback>
% once when <list> is empty. This is needed for processing empty
% families.
% \skvcommaparse{<list>}<cmd>{<callback>}
% \skvcommaparse*{<listcmd>}<cmd>{<callback>}
% \skvcommaparse is as \skvcommaloop but will first normalize <list>
% using \skvcsvnormalize.
% \skvkvparse{<list>}<cmd>{<callback>}
% \skvkvparse*{<listcmd>}<cmd>{<callback>}
% 1. \skvkvparse is as \skvcommaloop but will first normalize <list> using
%    \skvkvnormalize.
% 2. It is meant for processing key-value lists.
% \skvcountelements[<parser>]{<list>}{<return.cmd>}
% \skvcountelements*[<parser>]{<listcmd>}{<return.cmd>}
% If the number of elements in a list is equal or greater than <nr>.
% \skvifelementcount[<parser>]{<list>}{<nr>}{<true>}{<false>}
% \skvifelementcount*[<parser>]{<listcmd>}{<nr>}{<true>}{<false>}

% \skv@foreach@normalize[<parser>]<listcmd>

% \newforeach[<options>] <holders> {<list>} {<callback>}
% \newforeach*[<options>] <holders> {<listcmd>} {<callback>}
% \newforeach[<options>] <holders> in {<list>} do {<callback>}
% \newforeach*[<options>] <holders> in {<listcmd>} do {<callback>}
% \newforeach[<options>] <holders> in {<list>} <callback> ;
% \newforeach*[<options>] <holders> in {<listcmd>} <callback> ;
% 1. <callback> is the code that will be executed for each element
%    of the list. It will refer to the holder macros <holders>.
% 3. Elements of the form (a,b) and [a,b] are grabbed together.
% 4. Use \breaknewforeach to break out of the loop prematurely.
% 5. \newforeach can be nested.
% 6. The star (*) variant of \newforeach is equivalent to using the
%    key 'list is a macro' (or *) in <options>.
% \skv@foreach@holderdepth must be different from \foreachnestdepth,
% to avoid confusing two different stacks.
% \newforeach will not accept \skvifstreq or \skvifstrcmpTF because
% they don't start with '\if'. So we introduce \ifforeachstrcmp:
% \skv@foreach@addtocallback{<pre.or.post>}{<code.to.add>}
    % No \unexpanded for #2 here, since #2 is to be expanded:


% \prependtobeginforeach[<depths>]{<code>}
% \appendtobeginforeach[<depths>]{<code>}
% \prependtoendforeach[<depths>]{<code>}
% \appendtoendforeach[<depths>]{<code>}
% \atbeginforeachondepth{<depths>}{<code>}
% \atendforeachondepth{<depths>}{<code>}

% \skv@foreach@fi@toks must use \detokenize. Don't change to \string!

% \skv@foreach@ifacceptkv and \skv@foreach@maketester must come
% before the initialization of keys:
      \skv@err{Invalid syntax '\detokenize{#1}'}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{Value of key '#1' must
      \MessageBreak be escaped: the holder macro
      \MessageBreak to be evaluated}\skv@ehd
    \skv@err{Value of key '#1' must
      \MessageBreak be only one token: the holder
      \MessageBreak macro to be evaluated}\skv@ehd
% \skv@foreach@maketester{<cond>}<cond.tester.cmd>{<flag>}
% 1. Only balanced conditionals beginning with \if... and ending with \fi
%    are allowed. Restricting the type of allowed conditionals is
%    necessary for auto syntax checking.
% 2. <flag> is either 0 or 1, signifying whether or not the condition
%    should be entered in postcallback. This is because
%    \skv@foreach@maketester is called (by key 'loop stopper') for
%    formating the premature exit condition and (in
%    \skv@foreach@parsecountin and \skv@foreachfox@parsecountin) for the
%    condition for counting an item of the list. In the latter case,
%    there is no need to enter the formated
%    condition in the postcallback, since it it is entered in the
%    'afterprecallback' or (in the case of \foreachfox) in 'precallback'.
%    Examples: \ifnum\x>10\fi, \ifx\x\cmd\fi.
  % Make '#1' innocent in a macro, in case it contains parameter
  % characters. \skv@prova will appear only in the error message.
    \skv@err{A blank conditional has been given in
      \MessageBreak\string\newforeach or a similar command}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{Invalid conditional '\skv@prova'}
          {Invalid, possibly unbalanced, conditional '\skv@prova'}%
      \skv@err{Invalid conditional '\skv@prova'}\skv@ehd
      % It is assumed that every n-type parser and subparser
      % must have catcode 12:
  terminator,callback terminator/{;}/
  % process up to = <nr>
  % Maximum number of items to process:
  process up to,process up to number//
      \skvensureinteger{process up to}{#1}%
  process empty list/true/
  % 'break=<condition>'
  % Break list processing when <condition> is satisfied. <condition> must
  % be a balanced plain TeX conditional. Eg, 'exit when={\ifnum\x=20\fi}'.
  % Notice the use of outer braces in '{\ifnum\x=20\fi}'. This avoids
  % conflicting the two equality signs: for the key-value and for number
  % testing.
  break,loop stopper,exit when/\if01\fi/
  % Java-type of continue: If the user wants to ignore the callback for
  % some items, he can instantiate the key 'condition=<condition>'.
  % <condition> must be a balanced plain TeX conditional. Eg,
  % continue={\ifnum\x=20\fi}.
  continue,ignore callback/\if01\fi/
  % Eg, 'evaluate = \x as \z using \numexpr\x*2'. 'as' and 'using', and the
  % tokens after them, can be missing, but the formula must be complete.
  % The evaluator \numexpr will invariably be used internally for this key.
  % 'as' and 'using' are illegal here. This is only a shortcut for 'evaluate'.
  evaluate num,evaluate number/\@nil/
      \skv@foreach@ifholderisonecmd{evaluate number}{#1}{%
  % The evaluator \dimexpr will invariably be used internally for this key.
  % 'as' and 'using' are illegal here. This is only a shortcut for 'evaluate'.
  evaluate dim,evaluate dimension/\@nil/
      \skv@foreach@ifholderisonecmd{evaluate dimension}{#1}{%
  % Eg, 'expand=\x'.
  % Fully expand holder macro. This is equivalent to, eg, edef\x{\x}.
  % 'as' and 'using' are illegal here. This is only a shortcut for 'evaluate'.
  % Eg, 'pgf parse = \x as \xe using \x*3'. 'as' and 'using', and the
  % tokens after them, can be present or missing.
  % \pgfmathparse is always used for this key.
  pgf evaluate,pgf parse,pgfmath parse/\@nil/
  % count in = \y all \x satisfying <condition> initially <value>
  % Eg,
  %    count in = \p all \x satisfying \ifnum\x>4\fi, or
  %    count in = \p all \x satisfying \skvifnumTF\x>4
  % The counting is not additive, meaning that the counter is initialized
  % to zero on each depth.
  count in,count/\@nil/
  % Eg, 'remember=\x as \y initially A':
  % Eg, 'recall=\x initially A'.
  % 'recall' is as 'remember', but will save the value of the holder macro
  % in \<foreachlast><holder>. 'as' is invalid/illegal here, since a
  % retainer macro is built internally:
  retain,recall,call up/\@nil/
  item counter,counter/\foreachdefaultitemcounter/
      \skv@err{Non-escaped value '\detokenize{#1}'
        \MessageBreak for key 'item counter'}\skv@ehd
  list breaker/\foreachlistbreaker/
      \skv@err{Invalid empty value for key 'list breaker'}\skv@ehd
  list pauser/\foreachlistpauser/
      \skv@err{Invalid empty value for key 'list pauser'}\skv@ehd
  % Remember outside the loop the holder values. Of course, this
  % means remembering only the latest values.
  recover holder values,recover holder values after loop/true/
  % This default value of 'link' is required by \skvautocompletelist:
  .exec code/\def\skv@foreach@link{\@nil};
      \ifx\skv@prova\@empty 1\fi
      \ifx\skv@prova\@nnil 1\fi\relax
  grow left/true/
  grow right/true/
  % Keep the decimals in rounded numbers or dimensions when list is
  % auto-completed. The value value of this key is 'true'.
  keep decimals/true/
  keep high decimals,keep only high decimals/true/
  % This key means that, eg, for \x/\y, do \let\y=\x if \y has no
  % user value, ie, if the user gives as an item 'a' instead of
  % 'a/b' or 'a/a'.
  inherit,transfer macro values/true/
  expand before fill,expand list before fill/true/
  expand list once,x1,list is a macro,macro list/true/
  expand list twice,x2/true/
  % Don't use 'expand' for this key, to avoid confusing it with
  % the 'expand' for holder macros:
  expand list,fully expand list,expand list fully,xx/true/
  reverse list,reverse,reflect/true/
  % 'hide parameters' can be used to avoid doubling the parameter
  % characters in the callback.
  hide parameters/true/

% The following keys don't need presetting. The user must supply
% values when they are called. In internal loops, their values will
% have to be revised from those of the outer loop.
%    link,evaluate,,evaluate num,evaluate dim,expand,count in,
%    process up to,grow
  parser,subparser,loop stopper,callback terminator,process up to,
  process empty list=false,item counter,list breaker,list pauser,
  recover holder values=false,grow left=false,grow right=false,
  keep decimals=true,keep high decimals=false,inherit=false,
  expand before fill=false,reverse list=false,expand list once=false,
  expand list twice=false,expand list fully=false,hide parameters=false

% \setupforeach{<kvlist>}

% evaluate=<holder.macro> as <child.macro> using <formula>
% 1. Evaluation is done with \edef unless \pgfmathparse is present
%    in <formula> or key 'pgf evaluate' is called.
% 2. <formula> must be a valid formula, eg,
%      \pgfmathparse\x*2
%      \pgfmathparse{exp(50)*\x*2+sin(.5*pi)*60}
%      \numexpr\x*2
%      \skvexpandonce\x
%    or simply
%    'evaluate \x as \x using <empty>'
%    The latter is equivalent to asking for full expansion. See also
%    the keys 'evaluate num', 'evaluate dim', and 'expand'.
% 3. This allows <formula> to be generic.
      \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate' has no holder macro}\skv@ehd
          \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate': more than 1
            \MessageBreak token \skvoxdetok\skv@prova.
            \MessageBreak I can't find holder macro}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate':
          \MessageBreak holder macro \skvoxdetok\skv@prova not escaped}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate' has no child macro}\skv@ehd
          \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate': more than 1
            \MessageBreak token \skvoxdetok\skv@provb.
            \MessageBreak I can't find child macro}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate':
          \MessageBreak child \skvoxdetok\skv@provb not escaped}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate' has no formula or
        \MessageBreak holder macro to be expanded}\skv@ehd
          \skv@err{Invalid token \detokenize{####1}
            \MessageBreak before \string\pgfmathparse}\skv@ehd
      % 'as' and 'using' are present: maybe there is a formula.
      \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate':
        \MessageBreak there is 'using', but no 'as'}\skv@ehd
    % No formula given. Maybe the key is 'expand' or still 'evaluate'
    % but without formula.
          \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate' has no holder macro}\skv@ehd
            \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate' has no child macro}\skv@ehd
      % No 'as' or 'using': #1 should be only the holder macro:
        \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate' has no holder macro}\skv@ehd
          % Expand the holder macro:
          \skv@err{Value of key 'evaluate': more than 1
            \MessageBreak token '\detokenize{#1}'.
            \MessageBreak I can't find holder macro}\skv@ehd
      % <formula> has the syntax \pgfmathparse{\x}.
      % <formula> has the syntax \numexpr\x*2 or \dimexpr\x*2.
      % \ifskv@foreach@swb is true when a formula has been given.

% pgfmath parse=<holder.macro> as <child.macro> using <formula>
% 1. Evaluation is always done with \pgfmathparse.
% 2. <formula> must be \pgfmathparse-able.
    \skv@err{No \string\pgfmathparse; 'pgfmath' module not loaded}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse' has no holder macro}\skv@ehd
          \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse': more than 1
            \MessageBreak token \skvoxdetok\skv@prova.
            \MessageBreak I can't find holder macro}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse':
          \MessageBreak holder macro \skvoxdetok\skv@prova not escaped}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse' has no child macro}\skv@ehd
          \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse': more than 1
            \MessageBreak token \skvoxdetok\skv@provb.
            \MessageBreak I can't find child macro}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse':
          \MessageBreak child \skvoxdetok\skv@provb not escaped}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse' has no formula or
        \MessageBreak holder macro to be expanded}\skv@ehd
          \skv@err{Invalid token \detokenize{####1}
            \MessageBreak before \string\pgfmathparse}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse':
          \MessageBreak\noexpand\numexpr not allowed}\skv@ehd
          \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse':
            \MessageBreak\noexpand\dimexpr not allowed}\skv@ehd
      % 'as' and 'using' are present: maybe there is a formula.
      \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse':
        \MessageBreak there is 'using', but no 'as'}\skv@ehd
          \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse' has no holder macro}\skv@ehd
            \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse' has no child macro}\skv@ehd
      % No 'as' or 'using': #1 should be only the holder macro:
        \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse' has no holder macro}\skv@ehd
          % Evaluate the holder macro:
          \skv@err{Value of key 'pgfmath parse': more than 1
            \MessageBreak token '\detokenize{#1}'.
            \MessageBreak I can't find holder macro}\skv@ehd

% count in = \y all \x satisfying <condition> initially <value>
% 1. <condition> must be a balanced and valid TeX conditional, like
%    \ifnum\x>2\fi, \ifx\x\@empty\fi
% 2. The aim is to allow general conditions (not only those involving
%    numerals) to be submitted.
% 3. PGF's \foreach doesn't have this feature; it has only a general
%    counter, eg,
%    '\foreach \x [count=\xi] in {a,...,e}'.
%    Generic counting is available in \newforeach by default, without
%    user request. The macros \foreachcurrentitem, \foreachitemcount,
%    \foreachnextitem are always available on each nesting level. The
%    boolean \ifforeachlastitem is also always available, to indicate when
%    the last item of the list has been reached:
%    \ifforeachlastitem \typeout{Processing last entry of the list} \fi
% 4. Counting is done from 1 (zero) unless <value> is given after
%    'initially'.
      \skv@err{Value of key 'count' has no counter macro}\skv@ehd
          \skv@err{Value of key 'count in': more than 1
            \MessageBreak token \skvoxdetok\skv@prova.
            \MessageBreak I can't find counter macro}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{Value of key 'count':\MessageBreak
          counter macro \skvoxdetok\skv@prova not escaped}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{Value of key 'count':\MessageBreak
          initial \skvoxdetok\skv@provd not an integer}\skv@ehd
      % No tester but there may be a holder macro to test. The holder
      % macro, on its own, isn't sufficient to conduct a test:
        % If there isn't a holder macro or quantity to test, then no
        % test is possible:
            \skv@err{Value of key 'count in': more than 1
              \MessageBreak token \skvoxdetok\skv@provb.
              \MessageBreak I can't find holder macro}\skv@ehd
          \skv@err{Value of key 'count':\MessageBreak
            holder macro \skvoxdetok\skv@provb not escaped}\skv@ehd
        % \skv@tester is the second argument of \skv@foreach@maketester.
        % \skv@tester is used in pushing the item counter:
      % 'all' and 'satisfying' are present:
      \skv@err{Value of key 'count':
        \MessageBreak there is 'satisfying', but no 'all'}\skv@ehd
      % No 'all' or 'satisfying': #1 should be only the counter macro:
        \skv@err{Value of key 'count' has no counter macro}\skv@ehd
          \skv@tempa#1all satisfying\skv@nil
          \skv@err{Value of key 'count in': more than 1
            \MessageBreak token '\detokenize{#1}'.
            \MessageBreak I can't find counter macro}\skv@ehd

% remember=<holder.macro> as <child.macro> initially <value>
    \skv@err{Value of key 'remember': '(' found.
      \MessageBreak I don't accept this PGF format.
      \MessageBreak Remove the parenthesis '(<your input>)'}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{Value of key 'remember' has no holder macro:
        \MessageBreak i.e., no macro that holds input}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{Value of key 'remember':
          \MessageBreak Holder macro \skvoxdetok\skv@prova not escaped}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{Value of key 'remember' has no child macro;
        \MessageBreak i.e., no macro after 'as'}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{Value of key 'remember':
          \MessageBreak Child \skvoxdetok\skv@provb not escaped}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{Value of key 'remember':
        \MessageBreak There is 'initially', but no 'as'}\skv@ehd
      % No 'as' and 'initially':
        % Go and raise error in \skv@tempa:
        \skv@tempa#1as initially\skv@nil
    % Initially:
      % Don't remove this \ifnum, otherwise the initial assignment
      % will be overwritten on subsequent returns:

% recall=<holder.macro> initially <value>.
% This builds a retainer macro of the form \<foreachlast><holder.name>.
% 'as' is invalid/illegal here, since a retainer macro is built internally.
    \skv@err{Value of key 'recall': '(' found.
      \MessageBreak I don't accept this PGF format.
      \MessageBreak remove the parenthesis '()'}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{Value of key 'recall' has no holder macro:
        \MessageBreak i.e., no macro that holds input}\skv@ehd
          % Initially:
            % Don't remove this \ifnum, otherwise the initial assignment
            % will be overwritten on subsequent returns:
          \skv@err{Value of key 'recall':
            \MessageBreak \detokenize{#1} is not escaped}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{Value of key 'recall':
          \MessageBreak \detokenize{#1} is not one token}\skv@ehd
    \skv@err{Value of key 'recall': invalid 'as' found.
      \MessageBreak This key doesn't expect 'as' since
      \MessageBreak it automatically builds a retainer macro
      \MessageBreak of the form \<foreachlast><holder.name>}\skv@ehd
% \skv@foreach@doreverselist{<parser>}{<listcmd>}

% Eg, \skv@dots@in<value>\skv@nil...\skv@nnil\skv@stop

    \skv@err{A \noexpand\newforeach hook (\s\prependtobeginforeach,
      \MessageBreak\s\appendtobeginforeach, \s\atbeginforeach,
      \MessageBreak\s\prependtoendforeach, \s\appendtoendforeach,
      \MessageBreak or \s\atendforeach) has been illegally
      \MessageBreak issued within \s\newforeach}
      {\s\newforeach\space hook command shouldn't be issued
        within \s\newforeach.}%

    % Macros '...lookahead...' need stacking in \foreachfox and when
    % \newforeach is nested with \foreachfox:
    % The following commands are disabled on entry into the loop.
    % Hence they need to be stacked here:
    \skvifnextchar i{%
      \skv@err{\string\newforeach: no holder macro seen}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{\string\newforeach: no holder macro seen}\skv@ehd
    \skvifnextchar i{%
    \skv@err{\string\newforeach: no holder macros seen}\skv@ehd
  % \foreachitemcount must be a macro, not a counter, because it is stacked:
  % Don't confuse macros of various depths; reset them here:
  % The keys have to be set here, to determine if the list is a macro, etc.
  % Since \skv@foreach@precallback are initialized in each nest, the
  % keys have to be reset here. Reset all keys: they might have been
  % fixed by the outer loop and the inner loop might assume the default
  % values of the keys are those being used.
  % We've set the keys; let's overrule \skv@foreach@expandlistonce if
  % we had seen a star suffix. Don't overrule \skv@foreach@expandlisttwice
  % and \skv@foreach@expandlistfully.
    % Take only one case:
    \if\skv@foreach@expandlistfully\else 1\fi\fi\fi\relax
  % Collect item holders. Don't confuse explicit \bgroup for left brace:
  \skvifnextchar i\skv@foreach@scanarg@c{%
% #1: one holer macro or subparser.
  % Odd items must be subparser:
        \skv@err{Token '\noexpand#1' cannot be a subparser;
          \MessageBreak it seems to be a holder macro. I expected
          \MessageBreak the subparser to be the token here.}\skv@ehd
          % Don't stack \skv@warnsubparser, so that the following
          % warning isn't called more than once in the inner loop.
            \skv@warn{Scanned subparser '\elt\skv@prova' is different from
              \MessageBreak the default or user-supplied subparser '\elt\skv@elt'.
              \MessageBreak I have used '\elt\skv@prova', but please submit
              \MessageBreak '\elt\skv@prova' as the value of the key
              \MessageBreak so that I can stop giving this warning.
      \skv@err{Token '\noexpand#1' is not escaped
        \MessageBreak and can't be a holder macro}\skv@ehd
  \skvifnextchar i\skv@foreach@scanarg@c{%
    \skv@err{I have seen 'i' but no expected 'in'}\skv@ehd
    \skv@err{No item holder macros before 'in'
      \MessageBreak or before left brace}\skv@ehd
          \def\skv@tempehd{Maybe a star (*) suffix after
            \noexpand\newforeach or key 'expand list once', etc.,
            \MessageBreak is missing.}%
        \skv@err{I expected a left brace for beginning of list,
          \MessageBreak since you haven't told me that your
          \MessageBreak list is a macro. Instead I found '\detokenize{##1}'.
          \MessageBreak If your list is indeed a macro, you can
          \MessageBreak either put star (*) after \noexpand\newforeach
          \MessageBreak or use the key 'expand list once'
          \MessageBreak or 'expand list twice' or 'list is a macro', etc.%
% #1: <list> or <listcmd>
    \skvifnextchar d\skv@foreach@scanarg@f\skv@foreach@scanarg@g
    \skv@err{I have seen 'd' but no the expected 'do'}\skv@ehd
% We've exhausted all options for grabbing the callback, so now
% look for terminator (default ;).
% 1. If there is no terminator ahead, the use of \skv@prova will trigger
%    'the use of ... does not match its definition' or
%    'runaway argument ...'.
% 2. This covers the case when \newforeach or \foreach comes next in
%    the callback.
      % Look out for a case like 'parser=<parser>'.
      % Eg, \newforeach[parser=;]. In this case, the value ';' of
      % key 'parser' will mistakenly be assumed to be the callback
      % terminator. It should be enclosed in braces.
          \skv@err{Put '##1' in braces for key 'parser=##1'.
            \MessageBreak Try [parser={##1}]}
            {Maybe parser '##1' is the value of a key/option of
            \noexpand\newforeach and needs to be enclosed in braces.
            The '##1' I have just encountered doesn't seem to be the
            one ending a TikZ object. Maybe you need to do [parser={##1}].}%
          % Otherwise, let's try continue:
  % In case callback terminator is currently active, rescan it.
% #1: callback
    % The subparser may have changed along the way
    % (see \skv@foreach@scanarg@b):
% #1: holder macros
% #2: List or list command
% #3: Callback
  % Initial code, if any:
  % Why 'keep double parser' here? Think of a list like 32//13,11/23/,...
            \message{^^J! List pause:
              ^^JType x or X to quit, or <RETURN> to proceed^^J}%
            \endlinechar\m@ne\global\read-1 to\@gtempa
      % If the user decides to continue after \foreachlistpauser is picked up,
      % don't use \foreachlistpauser as an item:
      \def\do####1{\if####1true\else false\fi}%
        % Note: the value of 'expand list once', etc., can't be
        % transferred automatically to \skvautocompletelist since they
        % have been used above to expand list.
        grow left=\do\skv@foreach@growleft,
        grow right=\do\skv@foreach@growright,
        keep decimals=\do\skv@foreach@keepdecimals,
        keep high decimals=\do\skv@foreach@keephighdecimals,
        expand before fill=\do\skv@foreach@expandbeforefill

% \skv@foreach@makeprecode{<holder.list>}
% 'Holder macro' here means, eg, \x and \y in
%    \newforeach \x/\y in {1/a,2/b,3/c}{<code>}
        \skv@err{Subparser '\skvoxdetok\skv@foreach@subparser' can't come
          first in the list\MessageBreak of holder macros}\skv@ehd
        % Eg, if subparser is slash (/), \skv@foreach@paramlist will have
        % the syntax: ##1/##2/...:
        % Each given item-holder macro is now defined in terms of
        % parameters of skv@foreach@auxcallback:
        % If the current holder has no value, use the value of last holder:
        % The \do is for the individual entries of the stack of
        % \skv@foreach@holderlist. It is required for stacking the
        % holder list:
  % Add one extra parameter character to absorb extra subparsers that are
  % added for incomplete list items:
% Example (*):
% This example demonstrates why \skv@foreach@continuetester must be
% located delicately, at where it is currently.
% \def\ditem{D}
% \newforeach [
%   continue=\ifx\x\ditem\fi, remember=\x as \rx initially A
% ] \x in {
%   B,(C1),D,E,[F1],G,H
% }{%
%   $\overrightarrow{\rx\x}$\ifforeachlastitem.\else,\space\fi
% }
% #1: callback
    \ifnum##1<10 \skvexpandonce\skv@foreach@subparser
  % Add extra subparsers in case some items aren't subparser-complete:
    % Define auxiliary callback:
      % Holder macro assignments:
      % User tests/tasks, eg, if requested from 'evaluate' key:
        % Expose the parameter characters in \skv@foreach@continuetester.
        % If the user wants to ignore the callback for some items, he can
        % use the key 'continue=<condition>':
        % User tests/tasks, eg, if requested from the keys 'remember',
        % 'exit when', etc:
    % Define the real callback:
	\ifcase#1\or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or F\or G\or H\or I\or J\or
  K\or L\or M\or N\or O\or P\or Q\or R\or S\or T\or U\or V\or W\or
  X\or Y\or Z\else?\fi
	\ifcase#1\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or i\or j\or
  k\or l\or m\or n\or o\or p\or q\or r\or s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or
  x\or y\or z\else?\fi

      % It is assumed that every n-type parser and subparser
      % must have catcode 12:
  % This default value of 'link' is required by \skvautocompletelist:
  .exec code/\def\skv@autocomplete@link{\@nil};
      \ifx\skv@prova\@empty 1\fi
      \ifx\skv@prova\@nnil 1\fi\relax
  grow left/true/
  grow right/true/
  % Keep the decimals in rounded numbers or dimensions when list is
  % auto-completed. The value value of this key is 'true'.
  keep decimals/true/
  keep high decimals,keep only high decimals/true/
  expand before fill,expand list before fill/true/

% The keys 'link,grow' don't need presetting. The user must supply
% values when they are called. In internal loops, their values will
% have to be revised from those of the outer loop.
  parser,grow left=false,grow right=false,
  keep decimals=true,keep high decimals=false,
  expand before fill=false

% \skv@autocomplete@addtolist<parser><add.new><listcmd>
% \skv@autocomplete@zerostepwarn{<lower>}{<upper>}{<pt.or.nil>}
  \skv@warn{The tokens '\detokenize{#1}', '\detokenize{#2}'
    give nil step; '1#3' used.\MessageBreak
    Maybe you used the font-dependent units\MessageBreak
    'ex' or 'em' \ifskv@latex before \skv@begindoctoks\fi}%
% \skvautocompletelist[<kvlist>]{<list>}{<returncmd>}
% \skvautocompletelist*[<kvlist>]{<listcmd>}{<returncmd>}
% 1. Parse list of type {1,2,...,n,1,...,m} for auto completion.
%    Return outcome in <listcmd> or \skvcompletedlist.
  % If the list is alphabetic or numbers, original unit is nil:
% \skv@autocompletelist@b{<parser>}{<list>}
% \skv@autocompletelist@c{<parser>}{<list>}
    \skv@err{I can't find lower limit before '...'}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{I can't find lower limit before '...'}\skv@ehd
  % \newforeach format is '<parser>...<parser>':
        \skv@err{I can't find upper limit number or dimension,
          \MessageBreak i.e., after symbool '...'}\skv@ehd
        % \skv@autocompletelist@b may be reentered. Hence accumulate
        % filled list:
        % Complete the list:
        % In case the list is folded on ellipsis (...):
% skv@autocompletelist@d{<parser>}{<lower1>}{<lower2>}{<upperbound>}
% 1. No <guide> here.
    % No <link> has been given. The list has '...' but presumably no link.
    % \skv@autocompletelist@h{<parser>}{<guide>}{<lower1>}{<lower2>}{<upper>}
    % <link> has been given by the user:
% \skv@autocompletelist@e{<parser>}{<list>}
% \skv@autocompletelist@e will auto-complete this list without
% knowledge of the values of the keys 'link' and 'grow'. The syntax at (*)
% above isn't recognized by the auto-completion scheme of skeyval.
% skeyval formats:
%    {1pt,4pt,...pt,10pt}        : no additional info. required
%    {A_2pt,A_4pt,A_...,A_10pt}  : no additional info. required
%    {\pi0,\pi0.5,\pi...,\pi3}   : no additional info. required
%    {0\pi,0.5\pi,...\pi,3\pi}   : no additional info. required
%    {1pt,4pt,...,10pt}          : link = pt, grow=left, or no addit. info.
%    {A_2pt,A_4pt,...,A_10pt}    : link =_,   grow=right
% The general PGF format with left and right guides (given as 'A_'
% and 'pt') in
%    {A_2pt,A_4pt,A_...pt,A_10pt}
% is still legal in skeyval.
      \skv@err{Guide token '\detokenize{#1}' not found in some
        \MessageBreak of the elements: I can't complete
        \MessageBreak the current list. This may be
        \MessageBreak due to wrong direction of growth}\skv@ehd
      \skv@err{I can't find upper limit number or dimension,
        \MessageBreak i.e., after symbool '...'}\skv@ehd
      % \skv@autocompletelist@b may be reentered. Hence
          \skv@err{No direction of growth before and/or after
            \MessageBreak symbol '...'}\skv@ehd
          % Eg, {2pt_A,4pt_A,...pt_A,10pt_A}. Here ##3 is nil, grow left.
          % Eg, {A_2pt,A_4pt,A_...,A_10pt}. Here ##4 is nil, grow right.
          % Eg, {A_2pt,A_4pt,A_...pt,A_10pt}.
      % In case the list is folded on ellipsis (...):
% \skv@autocompletelist@f
%       {<parser>}{<guide>}{<lower1>}{<lower2>}{<upper>}
% 1. Use the <guide> to get the constant and variable parts of the
%    elements.
% 2. Use the variable parts to determine if the list is Alpah, alpha or
%    number type. In this format, the unit in dimension type of list may
%    appear in <guide>.
% 3. Use the variable parts to work out the <step>.
% 4. Call the relevant macro to fill the list.
% 5. <lower1> has already been saved in \skvcompletedlist.
  % Use the 'link' (#2) to get from {<lower1>}, {<lower2>} and {<upper>}
  % the left or right sides of the elements that should be grown:
  % <lower1> is empty when there is only one element before ellipsis:
% \skv@autocompletelist@g
%     {<parser>}{<predots>}{<postdots>}{<lower1>}{<lower2>}{<upper>}
  % For <lower1>, <lower2> and <upper>, get the tokens between
  % <predots> and <postdots>. They are the ones to be grown.
  % Pass <guide> as empty to \skv@autocompletelist@h. Through out, the only
  % reason for passing <guide> to \skv@autocompletelist@h is to restore
  % it in \skv@autocomplete@restore. But while
  % \skv@preandpostdotspresent is true, we won't do anything in
  % \skv@autocomplete@restore.
  % Restore <predots> and <postdots>:
% \skv@autocompletelist@h{<parser>}{<guide>}{<lower1>}{<lower2>}{<upper>}
% 1. Use the variable parts to determine if the list is Alpah, alpha or
%    number type. In this format, the unit in dimension type of list may
%    appear in <guide>.
% 2. Use the variable parts to work out the <step>.
% 3. Call the relevant macro to fill the list.
% 4. <lower1> has already been saved in \skvcompletedlist.
  \edef\skv@lowerlower{\ifx\@nnil#3\@nnil\else\unexpanded{#3}, \fi}%
      % \skv@autocomplete@origunit remains nil on this branch.
      % Also update the items already entered in \skvcompletedlist.
      \skv@err{The tokens '\detokenize\expandafter{\skv@lowerlower#4, #5}'
        \MessageBreak aren't of the same type}\skv@ehd
        % \skv@autocomplete@origunit remains nil on this branch.
        \skv@err{The tokens '\detokenize\expandafter{\skv@lowerlower#4, #5}'
          \MessageBreak aren't of the same type}\skv@ehd
        \skv@err{The units on \detokenize{'#4', '#5'} are different}\skv@ehd
        % Attach the constant part to the elements of the completed list.
        % <lower1> was saved earlier in \skv@autocompletelist@e, and
        % <lower2> and <upper> have been saved while filling the list.
        % Always strip point and restore original unit here.
          % \skv@autocomplete@origunit remains nil on this branch.
          \skv@err{Sorry, the tokens
            '\detokenize\expandafter{\skv@lowerlower#4, #5}'
            \MessageBreak are unparsable. I have given up on them.
            \MessageBreak Did you miss something syntactic?
            \MessageBreak See manual for acceptable syntaxes}\skv@ehd
% \skv@autocomplete@fillnumordim<parser><lower><upper><listcmd>
      \skv@err{Step '\skv@autocomplete@step' is negative but upperbound
        \MessageBreak '\detokenize{#3}' is greater than lowerbound
      \skv@err{Step '\skv@autocomplete@step' is nonnegative but upperbound
        \MessageBreak '\detokenize{#3}' is less than lowerbound
  % The bounds may have decimal places. So the calculation has to be
  % done with \dimexpr:
    % The last item has to in 'pt', so that 'pt' can be stripped.
    % Hence \dimexpr.
% Fill Alpha or alpha.
% \skv@autocomplete@fillalphabetic<parser><lower><upper><listcmd>
    \if\skv@isupperalpha Upper\else Lower\fi case alphabetic%
    \skv@err{List is '\skv@type' type but\MessageBreak
      step '\skv@autocomplete@step' isn't an integer}\skv@ehd
      \the\numexpr\skv@lowerlimit-\if\skv@isupperalpha 64\else 96\fi
      \the\numexpr\skv@upperlimit-\if\skv@isupperalpha 64\else 96\fi
% \skv@autocomplete@splitbeforedots{<parser>}{<list>}
% Get the one or two elements before '...' or before '<guide>,...'.
%    {A_2pt,A_4pt,A_...pt,A_10pt} : no additional info. required
%    {a^1,a^3,a^...,a^9}          : no additional info. required
%    {A_1,B_1,..._1,E_1}          : no additional info. required
%    {1--,4--,...--,16--}         : no additional info. required
%    {1pt,4pt,...pt,10pt}         : no additional info. required
%    {A_2pt,A_4pt,A_...,A_10pt}   : no additional info. required
%    {a^1,a^3,...,a^9}            : link = ^,   grow = right
%    {A_1,B_1,...,E_1}            : link = _,   grow = left
%    {1--,4--,...,16--}           : link = --,  grow = left
%    {1pt,4pt,...,10pt}           : link = pt,  grow = left, or no addit. info.
%    {A_2pt,A_4pt,...,A_10pt}     : link = _,   grow = right
% The items prior to the two before '<guide>...' or before '...'
% are called 'all-before-the-two' (AB2). Collect in \skv@tempa the two
% items before '<guide>...' or before '...' together with the rest of the
% list. Save the AB2 items in \skvcompletedlist.
% Return \skvcompletedlist and \skv@tempa.
  % First count all the elements before '<guide><parser>...' or '...'.
  % We're already sure that argument #2 contains '<guide><parser>...'
  % or '...'. \skvcompletedlist has been initialized before here.
      % Gobble the rest:
      % There is only one element before '<guide><parser>...' or '...'.
      % Hence simply left-pad argument #2 with <parser> to give the
      % impression of at least 2 elements:
          \skv@err{List <<\detokenize{#2}>>\MessageBreak
            contains symbol '...' but not a lowerbound}\skv@ehd
% \skv@autocomplete@splitandgrow{<parser>}{<lower1>}{<lower2>}{<upperbound>}
%    {0\pi,0.5\pi,...,3\pi} : link = \pi ; grow left
%    {1--,4--,...,10--}     : link = --  ; grow left
%    {2pt,4pt,...,10pt}     : link = pt  ; grow left (or no additional info.)
%    {A_1,C_1,...,Q_1}      : link = _   ; grow left
%    {2^a,2^c,...,2^q}      : link = ^   ; grow right
% 1. Providing the link avoids the need to use the syntax of PGF's
%    \foreach, such as {0\pi,0.5\pi,...\pi,3\pi}. But skeyval can also
%    autocomplete lists like {0\pi,0.5\pi,...\pi,3\pi}.
% 2. We already know that the key 'link' will reject empty values.
    \skv@err{I can't grow the list in both directions.
      \MessageBreak Maybe you haven't indicated the
      \MessageBreak direction of growth (left or right),
      \MessageBreak or both directions are 'true'.}
      {Try one of the keys 'grow=left or right',
      \MessageBreak 'grow left=true or false',
      'grow right=true or false'}\skv@ehd
      \edef\skv@provb{\ifx\@nnil#2\@nnil\else\unexpanded{#2}, \fi}%
      \skv@err{No link '##1' in one of
        '\detokenize\expandafter{\skv@provb#3, #4}'}\skv@ehd
      % \skv@autocompletelist@f<parser><guide><lower1><lower2><upper>
  % <unit> isn't required in alphabetic sequences:
        % That is, the sequence is made up of dimensions.
  % You can't use \ifnum or \ifdim here, since for alphanumeric sequences
  % \skv@autocomplete@step isn't a dimension.
\catcode`P=12 \lccode`P=112
\catcode`T=12 \lccode`T=116
% \skv@autocomplete@restore{<parser>}{<guide>}{<listcmd>}
% Restore guide and, in the case of dimension sequences, 'original unit'.
    % Leave it: <predots> and <postdots> will be restored in
    % \skv@autocompletelist@g.
