% This is file 'skeyval-testpkg.sty', version 1.3, 2013/05/15.             %
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% This package and accompanying files may be distributed and/or            %
% modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License,       %
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% either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the          %
% implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular       %
% purpose.                                                                 %
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% The following files constitute the skeyval bundle and must be            %
% distributed as a whole:                                                  %
%                                                                          %
%  README, skeyval.sty, skeyval-core.tex, skeyval-for.tex,                 %
%  skeyval-view.sty, skeyval-ltxpatch.sty, skeyval-ltxcmds.tex,            %
%  skeyval-pstkey.sty, skeyval-pstkey.tex, skeyval-testclass.cls,          %
%  skeyval-testpkg.sty, skeyval-pokayoke1, skeyval-pokayoke2,              %
%  skeyval-view-pokayoke1.                                                 %
%                                                                          %
% Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Ahmed Musa (amusa22@gmail.com).                  %

  [2013/05/15 v1.3 skeyval test package (AM)]


%%++++++++++++++++ Passing options to packages +++++++++++++++++++%%


% Declare options with default values that will be used when the options
% are called without user values.

%%+++++++++++++++++++ Producing arbitrary texts +++++++++++++++++%%

% The key 'align' could have defined using \skvchoicekey, as in
% 'shadowbox' family below.
      {Invalid value `#1' for align}
      {You have issued an illegal value `#1' for option `align'.}%

\skvzcmdkey[SKVT]{abrtext}[mpf]{text style}[\rmfamily]{}
\skvcmdkey[SKVT]{abrtext}[mpf]{author}[Karl Berry]{}
\skvzboolkey[SKVT]{abrtext}[mpf]{show author}[true]{}

% Using pointers to expand values of keys while setting keys:

  align=.expand twice{\alignvalb},
  text style=.expand once{\stextstyle},author,show author

%%+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Citations +++++++++++++++++++++++++++%%

% Keys defined by \skvdefinekeys are automatically initialiized when
% the option 'initialize' is true. In general, to save initialize
% key values at key definition, you need to call \skvsaveinitialvaluekeys
% before defining the keys.

\skvsaveinitialvaluekeys[SKVT]{citation}{put frame,width,show author,author,
  frame thickness}

  .zbool/show author/true,
  .cmd/author//, % empty default
  .zbool/put frame/true,
  .zcmd/frame thickness/.4pt,
  .ord/dummy key/\@nil,
% Keys defined by \skvdefinekeys are automatically initialiized when
% the option 'initialize' is true. When \skvsaveinitialvaluekeys has been
% called for a set of keys, those keys can be initialized via
% \skvinitializekeys:
\skvinitializekeys[SKVT]{citation}[dummy key]

  % Restore default values of keys:

%%++++++++++++++++++++++++ Shadow boxes ++++++++++++++++++++++%%


  .zbool/put frame/true,

  .zbool/put shadow/true,% Test zbool
  .zcmd/shade color/gray!55, % Test .zcmd

\skvdisablekeys[SKVT]{testfam}{put shadow, shade color}

% Presetting and posetting keys.
% 1. 'Presetting keys' means set the following keys whenever
%    \setkeys is called. These keys should be set BEFORE the keys
%    listed in the current argument of \setkeys are set, provided
%    that these keys aren't listed in the current argument of \setkeys.
%    If these keys appear in the current argument of \setkeys,
%    then obviously the user has new values for them or he wants
%    the keys to be set with their default values.
% 2. 'Postsetting keys' means set the following keys whenever
%    \setkeys is called. These keys should be set AFTER the keys
%    listed in the current argument of \setkeys are set, provided
%    that these keys aren't listed in the current argument of \setkeys.
% 3. The command \presetkeys of the xkeyval package expects both
%    'head' and 'tail'. The skeyval package splits \presetkeys into two,
%    hopefully less confusing, commands: \skvpresetkeys and
%    \skvpostsetkeys.
% 4. There is also command \skvpreposetkeys, which combines
%    \skvpresetkeys and \skvpostsetkeys. This expects both head and
%    tail and is equivalent to xkeyval's \presetkeys.

  put frame,framecolor=black,framesize=.8pt,boxwidth=1.5cm,align=center,

  shadow=.use value{put frame},shadowcolor=.use value{framecolor}!40,
  shadowsize=\dimexpr.use value{framesize}*5\relax

  \ifshb@shadow\else\shadowspread=0pt \fi

%%++++++++++++++++++++++++ The \directkeys command ++++++++++++++++++++%%

% The following are meant to demonstrate the use of the macro \directkeys:

  \typeout{'\skvcurrentkey' set: no.
    \ifnum\skvtestcnt<10 0\fi\the\skvtestcnt, %
    path: \skvcurrentprefix/\skvcurrentfamily}%

  % #1 will be the user-value of the handler 'some handler'.
  .new handlers = {
    .some handler=\def\x##1{##1*#1},
    .phantom handler=,
  .handler let = {
    .another handler=.some handler,
    .do nothing handler=.phantom handler
  .kill handlers={
    .another handler,
    .do nothing handler
  .define handlers={
    .j handler=\def\x##1{##1*#1},
    .j handler=\def\y##1{##1*#1},
  .define narg handlers={
    .j1 handler={2}{\def\x##1{##1*#1*#2}},
    .j2 handler={3}{\def\x##1{##1*#1*#2*#3}}
  .new narg handlers={
    % Error: handler j1 already exists:
    % .j1 handler={2}{\def\x##1{##1*#1*#2}},
    .k handler={2}{\def\x##1{##1*#1*#2}},
    .l handler={3}{\def\x##1{##1*#1*#2*#3}}
  .reserve handlers={reservedx , reservedy},
  .holder prefix = mp@,
  .prefix = KV,
  .families = {fam1, fam2},
  .add family = {fam3},
  .add families = {fama,famb,famc},
  .ignore families = {fama,famb,famc},
  .restore families = {fama,famb},
  .restore paths = {KVA/fama,KVD/famc},
%  .ignore keys = {keyb,keyc},
  .new keys = {
      /{  right.do=\def\val@r{#1},
      /\def\yes{value accepted}
      /\def\no{value rejected},
  .push path,
  .path = KV/fam1,
  .set keys = {keyd},
  .pop path,
  .ignore keys = {keyb,keyc},
  % Stop processing this list:
  % .list break,
  .restore keys = {keyb,keyc},
  .preset keys  = {keyb,keyc},
  .postset keys = {keyb,keyc},
  % Save unknown keys in the default macro \<pref>@<fam>@rmkeys:
  .save unknown keys = true,
  .save unknown keys in = \macroa,
  .set keys = {keya,keyb,keyc,keyd,keye},
  .set keys = {keya=keya-value,keyb=\def\y####1{####1}},
  .set keys* = {keya=keya-value,keyf},
  .set keys* = {keya=keya-value,keyf},
  .ignore keys = {keyf},
  .set rmkeys*,
  % Execute arbitrary code:
  .exec code=\def\x#1{#1},
  % Nesting of \directkeys is possible. Pre-entry and post-entry
  % topologies are independent. At the end of the nest,
  % prevailing variables of \directkeys revert to their previous
  % (pre-door) values:
    .paths = {KVA/fam3,KVB/fam3},
    .holder prefix = hp@,
    .define keys = {
    .set keys = {keya=vala},
  .exec code = \def\keycval{true},
  % Prepend slot keye to key1 and key2:
  .prepend slot={key1/{keye=.expanded{\keycval}},key2/{keye=false}},
  % Multi-prepend slots:
  .prepend slot={{key3,key4}/{keye=true,keyf=true},key5/{keye=false}},
  % Prepend slot keyd to key6:
  .prepend slot={key6/{keyd=right}},
  % Append slots keye and keyf to key7 and key8.
  % '.slots' and '.slot' are equivalent to '.append slots'
  % and '.append slot'.
  .append slot={key7/{keye=true},key8/{keyf=false}},
  % The next two link keyb and keyc to key9. #1 here refers to the
  % current value of key9. The same effect can be achieved directly
  % via the '.link' handler:
  .prepend slot={key9/{keyb=#1}},
  .append slot={key9/{keyc=#1}},
  .set keys = {key9=val9},
  % Link keye and keyf to key10 and key11. The values of key10 and
  % key11 are used to set keye and keyf. key10 and key11 are hence
  % 'parent keys'.
  .link = {key10/keye, {key11,key12}/{keyf,keyg}},
  .set keys = {key10=true},
  .ignore key = keyf,
  .save unknown keys in = \macrob,
  .setkeys = {keya,keyb,keyf},
  .disable keys = {keye,keyf},

%%++++++++++++++++++++++ Collecting body of environment +++++++++++++++++%%

  .zcmd/title scale/1,
  .zcmd/body scale/1,
  .zcmd/title text style//,
  .zcmd/body text style//,


%%+++++++++++++++++++++ Changing the key parser ++++++++++++++++++++%%

\setupskeyval{key parser={;}}
  .zbool/put frame/true;

%%++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Options section ++++++++++++++++++++++%%


        {Unknown keys: \skvtp@unknownoptions}%
  text style=.expand once{\stextstyle},author,show author


Here you could also use:

  .mega process options*={


  .copy class options and process options in all families,
