% This is file 'skeyval.sty', version 1.3, 2013/05/15.                     %
%                                                                          %
%                                  NOTE                                    %
%                                                                          %
% Beginning from version 1.0, 2012/09/01, the skeyval package has changed  %
% radically. Users of pre-version 1.0 of the package can load it now by    %
% calling:                                                                 %
%                                                                          %
%    \usepackage[compatibility]{skeyval}                                   %
%    \RequirePackage[compatibility]{skeyval}                               %
%                 or                                                       %
%    \usepackage{skeyval-bc}                                               %
%    \RequirePackage{skeyval-bc}                                           %
%                                                                          %
%                                LICENSE                                   %
%                                                                          %
% This package and accompanying files may be distributed and/or            %
% modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License,       %
% either version 1.3 of this license or any later version. The latest      %
% version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt      %
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX           %
% version 2005/12/01 or later.                                             %
%                                                                          %
% The LPPL maintenance status of this software is 'author-maintained'.     %
%                                                                          %
% This software is provided 'as it is', without warranty of any kind,      %
% either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the          %
% implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular       %
% purpose.                                                                 %
%                                                                          %
%                              DISTRIBUTION                                %
%                                                                          %
% The following files constitute the skeyval bundle and must be            %
% distributed as a whole:                                                  %
%                                                                          %
%  README, skeyval.sty, skeyval-core.tex, skeyval-for.tex,                 %
%  skeyval-view.sty, skeyval-ltxpatch.sty, skeyval-ltxcmds.tex,            %
%  skeyval-pstkey.sty, skeyval-pstkey.tex, skeyval-testclass.cls,          %
%  skeyval-testpkg.sty, skeyval-pokayoke1, skeyval-pokayoke2,              %
%  skeyval-view-pokayoke1.                                                 %
%                                                                          %
% Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Ahmed Musa (amusa22@gmail.com).                  %

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\ProvidesPackage{skeyval}[2013/05/15 v1.3 Robust key-value parser (AM)]

\input skeyval-core

      \skv@warn{Package '#1' was never loaded}%
    \ifx\@filelist\@undefined 1\fi
    \ifx\@filelist\relax 1\fi
    \ifx\@filelist\@gobble 1\fi\relax

% The following packages need access to the original \@classoptionslist:
% Filter class options to remove those with '=':
    \ifx\@classoptionslist\@undefined 1\fi
    \ifx\@classoptionslist\relax 1\fi\relax
  \@latex@error{Command \detokenize{#1} should be used only
    in preamble}\skv@ehd

      \skv@err{More than one macro
        \MessageBreak '\detokenize{##1}'.
        \MessageBreak Maybe a comma is missing in the list}\skv@ehd
      \skv@warn{Command '\noexpand##1' multiply
        \MessageBreak submitted to \string\skvonlypreamble: ignored}%
        \gdef#1{\@latexerr{'\string#1' is a preamble command}\skv@ehd}%
          \@@warning{Undefined command '\unexpanded{#1}'
            \MessageBreak appeared in \string\skvonlypreamble.
            \MessageBreak Only defined commands should be
            \MessageBreak submitted to \string\skvonlypreamble.}%

%%+++++++++++++++++ Utilities for handling options ++++++++++++++++%%

% \skvunknownoptionhandler[<prefixes>]<<families>>{<handler>}
  % Only one prefix is allowed:
    \skv@err{Only one prefix is allowed, but you gave '#2'}\skv@ehd

% \skvdeclareoption[<pref>]<<fam>>{<key>}[<defa>]{<callback>}
% \skvdeclareoption*{<message>}
% \skvdeclarevoidoption[<pref>]<<fam>>{<key>}[<defa>]{<callback>}
% \skvdeclareobsoleteoption
%   [<pref>]{<fam>}{<obsolete key>}{<new key>}[<defa>]{<callback>}

% \skvdeclarebooloption[<pref>]<<fam>>[<mp>]{<key>}[<defa>]{<callback>}
% \skvdeclarecmdoption[<pref>]<<fam>>[<mp>]{<key>}[<defa>]{<callback>}

% Our default action for unknown options is tied to \@currname
% and \@currext:
        \def\skvcurrentvalue{no value}%

% Declare options with default values that will be used when the options
% are called without user values.
% \skvdeclarepassedoptions[<pref>]{<fam>}{<option>=<default>,...}
% Example:
%  \skvdeclarepassedoptions[KV]{fam}{%
%    hyperref={colorlinks,breaklinks},xcolor=svgnames
%  }
          \skv@warn{Package '##1' has been loaded and
            \MessageBreak now you're passing options to it.
            \MessageBreak Instruction ignored}%
              \skv@warn{Options were passed to package
                \MessageBreak '##1' but it was never loaded}%
% \skvpassoptionstopackage{<opts>}{<pkg>}

% Pass options to package and load the package after processing options.
% \skvdeclarepassedoptionsloadpackage
%    [<pref>]{<fam>}{<option>=<default>,...}
          \skv@warn{Package '##1' has been loaded and
            \MessageBreak now you've asked for it to be
            \MessageBreak loaded again. Instruction ignored}%

% \skvexecuteoptions[<pref>]<fams>[<na>]{<kvlist>}
% \skvexecuteoptions+[<pref>]<fams>[<na>]{<kvlist>}
% This has no star (*) variant; any star suffix is quietly ignored.

% \skvprocessoptions*+[<pref>]{<fams>}[<na>]
% 1. If not using LaTeX, then no processing of options.
% 2. The plus (+) variant of \skvprocessoptions will process the options
%    in all the listed families. The star (*) form of \skvprocessoptions
%    -- like in LaTeX2e -- will also copy and use class options.
% 3. Class options are always processed first, but class options that ocurr
%    also as local/package options are dropped from the list of options
%    to be processed. That is, package options always take priority over
%    class options.
% 4. The \ProcessOptionsX of xkeyval package doesn't expect any plus (+)
%    suffix: it processes options only in a single family.
% 5. \skvpackagelist contains the list of loaded packages with their
%    options that are found on the current paths. See
%    <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.text.tex/XErNCMcT_jc>
%    for the rationale. Example:
%       \usepackage[option1,option2]{foobar}
%       \show\skvpackagelist
%       \expandafter\show\csname foobar.sty.poxkeys\endcsname
    \skv@err{\noexpand\skvprocessoptions can't be nested}\skv@ehd
  % The list of pox keys for each family, simply for taking
  % pox keys outside the current scope:
  % The list of pox keys in all familes:
      \ifx\skv@classoptionslist\@undefined 1\fi
      \ifx\skv@classoptionslist\@empty 1\fi
      \ifx\skv@classoptionslist\relax 1\fi\relax
          % Test if key is defined in one of the families. The search will
          % stop as soon as the key is found in any of the families.
    % Package options have higher priority than class options. Hence
    % filter class options \skv@classoptionsfound that are also present
    % as package options \skv@classorpackageoptions:
  % Get document class options that are on the current paths:
  % \skvpackagelist is populated by all calls to \skvprocessoptions.
    % There may be preset keys even when \skv@classorpackageoptions is empty:
  \csname skv@\@currname.\@currext @afterprocess@hook\endcsname
  \skvcslet{skv@\@currname.\@currext @afterprocess@hook}\relax

% \skvprocessoptionswithclassoptions*+[<pref>]{<fams>}[<na>]
% 1. The star (*) suffix is always assumed present, even when the
%    user hasn't put it.

% \skvprocessoptionswithoutclassoptions*+[<pref>]{<fams>}[<na>]
% 1. The star (*) suffix is always assumed absent, even when the
%    user has put it.

% \skv@getpoxkeys{<keys>}
% 1. Get pox keys (ie, keys processed as options) from package or
%    class options.
% 2. This isn't a user command! See \skvgetdefinedkeys in file
%    skeyval-core.tex.
    % Prepare to take poxkeys outside the group:
    % We need the list in \skv@exitpoxkeys outside the current scope.
    % It will be used to take poxkeys (on each path) outside the scope
    % in \skv@pox:
    % We need the poxkeys on each path outside the current scope:

% +++++++++ Utilities for handling options via \directkeys +++++++++%

% \dirkeys@declareoptions{<star>}{<list>}
% <star>, if present, means new options.
  % The boolean skv@inopt differs from skv@inpox. skv@inopt is only
  % meant to set the default family in \dirkeys@setdefaultpath
  % when dealing with options.
% \dirkeys@executeoptions{<plus sign or empty>}{<kvlist>}
% 1. <no-plus> = Execute options on ONLY the first path found. If an
%    option isn't found on the given paths, report error (ie,
%    don't save the option to the list of 'remaining keys'). Unknown
%    options should be flagged by an error immediately. Hence no
%    star (*) form of \dirkeys@executeoptions.
% 2. <plus> = Execute options on all the prevailing paths. If an
%    option isn't found on the given paths, flag error.
  % If the number of families is greater than one, gnored keys
  % from different families will mixed. This is the case even in
  % \skvsetkeys.
        \skv@err{You can't use multiple prefixes when
          \MessageBreak calling the handler '.execute options'.
          \MessageBreak Check your values of '.prefix' and '.paths'}\skv@ehd
    \skv@err{No family before calling '.execute options'}\skv@ehd
  % If the number of families is greater than one, gnored keys
  % from different families will mixed. This is the case even in
  % \skvprocessoptions.
        \skv@err{You can't use multiple prefixes when
          \MessageBreak calling the handler '.process options'.
          \MessageBreak Check your values of '.prefix' and '.paths'}\skv@ehd
    \skv@err{No family before calling '.process options'}\skv@ehd

% ++++++++ Keys for the handler <.mega process options> +++++++++ %

  .holder prefix=dirkeys@pox@,
  .initialize keys after define=true,
  .new keys={
    .ord/.ignore options//
    .ord/{.prefix,.options prefix}/\skvdefaultprefix/
        \skv@err{Only one prefix is allowed in
          \MessageBreak processing options}\skv@ehd
    .ord/{.family,.families,.options families,.options family}/
    .ord/{path,.paths,.option path,.option paths}/
    .ord/{.copy class options,.include class options}/true/

    % So that all '...@ignoredkeys' will be undefined:

% +++++++++++++ Handlers for executing and processing options ++++++++++++ %

  .new handlers={
    {.action for unknown options,.action for unknown options}={
    {.declare option,.declare options,.define option,.define options}={
    {.new option,.new options}={
    {.execute options,.executeoptions,.execute options in one family}={
    {.execute options*,.executeoptions*}={
        {Handler '.execute options*' is undefined}
        {Handler '.execute options' has no star (*) variant,
        \MessageBreak since we don't want to ignore unknown
        \MessageBreak options from within package or class file.}%
    {.execute options+,.executeoptions+,.execute options in all families}={
    % 1. All <.process options> handlers will filter out ignored keys.
    % 2. <.process options*> will copy class options.
    {.process options,.processoptions,.process options in one family}={
    {.process options*,.processoptions*,
      .copy class options and process options,
      .copy class options and process options in one family}={
    {.process options+,.processoptions+,.process options in all families}={
    {.process options*+,.processoptions*+,
      .copy class options and process options in all families}={
    % The handler <.mega process options> will:
    % 1. Search all families in its key <paths>.
    % 2. Not filter ignored paths and keys; in fact, it will not
    %    use active paths and keys.
    % 3. The handler '.mega process options' has the keys <ignore options>,
    %    <options prefix>, <options families>, and <copy class options>.
    %    These keys have aliases.
    %    See an example later in this file.
    {.mega process options,.megaprocessoptions}={
    {.mega process options*,.megaprocessoptions*}={
      \dirkeys@megaprocessoptions{#1,copy class options}
  .handler let={
    {.action for unknown option,.every unknown option}=
      .action for unknown options,

% Loading a package while in options section is illegal. The command
% \skvafterprocessoptions can be used to defer the loading of packages
% till after the options section:
  \csname skv@\@currname.\@currext @afterprocess@hook\endcsname


%+++++++++++++++++ This package's options section ++++++++++++++++++%

  .every unknown option={
    \PackageWarning{skeyval}{Unknown option '\CurrentOption' ignored}%
  .holder prefix=skv@,
  .new options={
    .ord/{keyparser,key parser}/{,}/
  .execute options={
  .mega process options={
    .options prefix=SKV,
    .options families={skeyval,definekeys},
    .ignore options={},
    .copy class options,
