\usepackage[colorlinks, allcolors=red!50!black]{hyperref}
\def\email#1{\href{mailto:#1}{\ttfamily #1}}


        {Snaptodo---A todo that snaps to the closer side\thanks
       {Repository \url{https://github.com/Symbol1/snaptodo}.} }

                          {Hsin-Po Wang\thanks
               {Email \email{a.simple.people@gmail.com}.
               Website \url{https://www.symbol.codes}.}}

                         \date{March 16, 2024}


    Snaptodo package is an alternative to todonote package,
    from which it differs in the following ways:
    (A)	Depending on where you call \snaptodocommand,
        the note is put on the left or right margin,
        whichever is closer.
    (B)	The notes bump each other down so they never overlap;
        the lines never overlap either;
    (C)	Minimalistic, aesthetic, and customizable style.



    Copy and paste
    to your working directory.

\section{Minimal Working Example}

            Your done
            \snaptodo{Your todo}

\section{Showcase of Examples}

    Using snaptodo is as simple as calling \snaptodocommand%
    \snaptodo{Calling \snaptodocommand!}
    and compile twice.%
    \snaptodo{Compile twice!}
    If the calling point%
    \snaptodo{Calling point!}
    is on the left of a page,%
    \snaptodo{Left of a page!}
    the todo note---after compiling twice of
    course---will appear on the left margin.%
    \snaptodo{On the left margin!}
    And vice versa.%  
    \snaptodo{Vice versa!}


    I defined
    that works like
    {\ttfamily\verb|\tikzset|} and
    While you can access dedicated options by
    you can also access the exact same options by
    For local changes, you can put them here


    The color of the broken line is
    The default color for that is
    lets you to change this color globally.  On the other hand,
    to change this color locally, you can do
    {\ttfamily\verb|\snaptodo[call chain/.style=green!50!white]{}|}.%
    \snaptodo[call chain/.style=green!50!white]{New broken line color}

    The color of the note text is
    The default color for that is
    lets you change this color.  On the other hand,
    for locally changing this color, you can do
    {\ttfamily\verb|\snaptodo[margin block/.style=blue!50!white]{}|}.%
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style=blue!50!white]{New note text color}

\subsection{Line style}

    In order to use a thicker or thinner broken line,
    recall the standard Ti\emph kZ option
    {\ttfamily\verb|[ultra thin]|},
    {\ttfamily\verb|[line width=???]|}.
    In our case, simply put that option in this style
    \snaptodo[call chain/.style={line width=2pt}]{Thicker broken line}%
    {\ttfamily\verb|\snaptodo[call chain/.style={line width=???}]{}|}.

    In order to use a special dash pattern,
    recall the standard Ti\emph kZ option
    {\ttfamily\verb|[dash pattern=???]|}.
    In our case, simply put that option in this style
    \snaptodo[call chain/.style={dashed}]{Dashed broken line}%
    {\ttfamily\verb|\snaptodo[call chain/.style={dash pattern=???}]{}|}.

\subsection{Sep and width}

    The gap between two note blocks is stored in
    {\ttfamily\verb|/snaptodo/block sep|}.
    The default length is
    {\ttfamily\verb|\snaptodoset{block sep=0pt}|}
    for global setting and use
    {\ttfamily\verb|\snaptodo[block sep=0pt]{note}|}%
    \snaptodo[block sep=0pt]{2 blocks close...}
    \snaptodo[block sep=0pt]{...to each other}
    for local setting this.
    The gap between two horizontal lines is stored in
    {\ttfamily\verb|/snaptodo/chain sep|}.
    The default length is
    To change, use
    {\ttfamily\verb|\snaptodoset{chain sep=0pt}|}
    for global setting and
    {\ttfamily\verb|\snaptodo[chain sep=0pt]{note}|}%
    \snaptodo[chain sep=0pt]{2 chains close...}
    \snaptodo[chain sep=0pt]{...to each other}
    for local setting.

    The width of the note block is
    The width where the broken line has slope is
    These are the built-in dimensions.
    (So modify them with care!)


    The tipping point between snapping to the left versus
    to the right is the center of the page, by default.
    You can change this by
    {\ttfamily\verb|/snaptodo/chain bias=-99in|}.%
    \snaptodo[chain bias=-99in]{Forced to the left}
    That way, all todo notes are forcedly
    snapped to the left hand side.  Or, by
    \snaptodo[chain bias=99in]{Forced to the right}%
    {\ttfamily\verb|/snaptodo/call bias=99in|},
    all todo notes are forcedly snapped to the right hand side.


    If your document is really busy, e.g., like
    try setting a positive
    {\ttfamily\verb|/snaptodo/block rise|},%
    \snaptodo[block rise=2em]{Rising}
    \snaptodo[block rise=2em]{to leave}
    \snaptodo[block rise=2em]{room.}
    {\ttfamily\verb|\snaptodo[block rise=2em]{}|}.
    That way, a note will rise by that amount
    to leave more rooms for later notes.
    (But if there will be overlay,
    the notes automatically bump down.)


    {\ttfamily\verb|/snaptodo/margin block/.style={align=???}|}
    you can control the alignment of note text.
    The default setting is
    {\ttfamily\verb|align=flush \std@leftright|},
    which flushes the text toward the page edges.
    {\ttfamily\verb|align=flush \std@rightleft|}
    is what you do,%
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={align=flush \std@rightleft}]
    {flush toward text body}
    the text will be flushed toward the main text body.%
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={align=flush \std@rightleft}]
    {flush toward text body}
    Don't forget that you need
    to handel control sequences with the at character.


    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\tiny}]{tiny}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\scriptsize}]{scriptsize}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\footnotesize}]{footnotesize}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\small}]{small}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\normalsize}]{normalsize}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\large}]{large}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\Large}]{Large}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\LARGE}]{LARGE}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\huge}]{huge}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\Huge}]{Huge}
    {\ttfamily\verb|/snpatodo/margin block/.style={font=...}|},
    you can change font size.
    This style also allows you to change font family.
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\itshape}]{itshape}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\scshape}]{scshape}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\slshape}]{slshape}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\sffamily}]{sffamily}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\ttfamily}]{ttfamily}
    \snaptodo[margin block/.style={font=\bfseries}]{bfseries}
