% This is the file example2.tex of the T2 package. \input plainenc % Load support for inputenc mechanism \fontencoding{T2A} % Load the T2A encoding definition file (t2aenc.def) % One can use also other font encodings, e.g. LCY. \font\larm=larm1000 % Set the default font --- Cyrillic \larm % T2A encoded Computer Modern font. % Note, that if you use e.g. lh* fonts (which have both Latin and % Cyrillic glyphs), it's better to load these fonts in plain.tex instead % of standard Computer Modern fonts. in this case you'll not need to % specify font names in your documents explicitly. \inputencoding{koi8-r} % Set current input encoding to koi8-r. % See the file cyrlatex.ins for a complete % list of available input encodings. Here goes some text in a koi8-r input encoding. ����� ����. \inputencoding{cp866} % Set current input encoding to cp~866. Here goes some text in a cp~866 input encoding. �� ���. \bye