%%% % -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% % tabularray-abnt.sty
%%% %----------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% % copyright: 2025 (C) by Sadao Massago
%%% % autor:
%%% %    Sadao Massago
%%% %    e-mail: sadao@ufscar.br
%%% %
%%% % Licença: LaTeX Project Public License versão 1.3c or (se for a sua escolha) qualquer versão posterior.
%%% % https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/
%%% %----------------------------------------------------------------------

%% Need LaTeX 2e version 2020-10-01 or latter (due to AddToHoock)

% Releases

%%% package name
\ProvidesPackage{tabularray-abnt}[2025/03/14 tabularray-abnt style (require tabularray package)]

%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Does not works on older LaTeX compatibility mode (documentstyle)

  \PackageError{tabularray-abnt}{Not support older compatible mode (documentstyle)}
     {Use documentclass instead of documentstyle}
  %% OK

%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Required package


% If tabularray is old, use old abularray-abnt too.

%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% In way to adjust on memoir (ex. abntex2) or abntexto as document class

\@ifclassloaded{memoir}% Using memoir?
{\@tabularray@abnt@using@memoirtrue}% YES
  \@ifclassloaded{abntexto}% Using ABNTexto?
  {\@tabularray@abnt@using@abntextotrue}% YES
  { % generic class: require float package for this case

%%% %----------------------
%%> \section{ABNT theme}

%% ABNT theme for table
  \DeclareTblrTemplate{caption-sep}{default}{\space ---\space}% default is ": \space"
  \DeclareTblrTemplate{firstfoot,middlefoot}{default}{}% disabling the first and middle footnote

%%% \SetTblrTemplate{lastfoot-text,lastfoot-text-note}{abnt}

  %% for abntexto, need to change lot write


%%% Example of how to insert value from parameter
%%% %\DeclareTblrTemplate{caption-text}{default}{\InsertTblrText{caption}

%%% ---------------------------------
%% theme ``quadro'' (text only table)

%%% % Caution: Avoid space between braces and parameters
  %% same as abnt theme of table
  \DeclareTblrTemplate{caption-sep}{default}{\space ---\space}% default is ": \space"
  \DeclareTblrTemplate{firstfoot,middlefoot}{default}{}% desabling first and middle footnote

%%% \SetTblrTemplate{lastfoot-text,lastfoot-text-note}{abnt}


  %% Change specific for ``quadro'
  \SetTblrTemplate{caption-tag}{quadro} % caption change
  \SetTblrTemplate{caption-lot}{quadro} % lot write change

%%% -----------------------------
%%> \section{Setup table as ABNT}

%% counter of table are not nested


%% counting table and quadro together

%%% \ExplSyntaxOn
  \newcommand{\tabularray@abnt@tblr@count@roman}{\romannumeral\inteval{\value{table} + \countquadro}}
  \newcommand{\tabularray@abnt@tblr@count@roman}{\romannumeral\inteval{\value{table} + \value{quadro}}}  
%%% \ExplSyntaxOff

%% additional text for header
\DeclareTblrTemplate{firsthead-text}{abnt}{\par~\hfill(continua)} % first header
\DeclareTblrTemplate{lasthead-text}{abnt}{\par~\hfill(conclusão)} % last header
\DeclareTblrTemplate{conthead-text}{abnt}{\par~\hfill(continuação)} % middle header
%% first header
%%% % \ifcsname is like \ifdefined, but with csname
  \ifcsname tabularray@abnt@tblr@spanpages@\tabularray@abnt@tblr@count@roman\endcsname % if span pages
    \UseTblrTemplate{firsthead-text}{abnt} % add the firsthead-text

%% redefine last head title
  \UseTblrTemplate{lasthead-text}{abnt} % add lasthead-text
%% redefine middle head title

%%% %-------------------------------------------------

%% To save ``page span'' status


%%> change 'lot' for abntexto (that write on lot file) }
%% For abntexto class, need change the form to write on ``lot''
%% For others, only add global counter
      \tl_if_empty:NTF \lTblrEntryTl
        {\tl_set_eq:NN \l__tblr_caption_short_tl \lTblrCaptionTl}
        {\tl_set_eq:NN \l__tblr_caption_short_tl \lTblrEntryTl}
      %% \addcontentsline { lot } { table }
      %%  { \protect\numberline { \thetable } { \l__tblr_caption_short_tl } }
      %% add on list of tables using command from abntexto
\fi% \if@tabularray@abnt@using@abntexto

%% Change remark to use for source and note as ABNT

%% Change left margin using tip from
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/645175/how-to-indent-notes-in-tabularray

%%% %-------------------
%%> \section{``Quadro'' (text only table)}

%%% %------------------
%% On the abntexto class, create legend entry named ``quadro''. In other cases, create environment ``quadro''.
%% Names
\providecommand{\listquadroname}{Lista de quadros}
    \addto\captionsportugese{% portugese
      \renewcommand{\listquadroname}{Lista de quadros}
    \addto\captionsbrazil{% brazilian portugese
      \renewcommand{\listquadroname}{Lista de quadros}
    \addto\captionsbrazilian{% brazilian portugese
      \renewcommand{\listquadroname}{Lista de quadros}
    \addto\captionsenglish{% English
      \renewcommand{\quadroname}{Text table}
      \renewcommand{\listquadroname}{List of text table}
}{} %  \@ifpackageloaded{babel}{   

%% define for each class

%% ABNTexto class
\if@tabularray@abnt@using@abntexto   % ABNTexto.
  %% using command from ABNTexto  
  \definelegendplace{quadro}{Quadro}{quad.\,}{loq} % new legend entry 

  %% Caution: don't put space between braces and parameters

      \addtocounter{table}{-1}%Não contar como table      
      %% counter created by \definelegendplace{quadro} is not \c@quadro, but \countquadro, and is necessary to use TeX command to increase
      \global\advance\countquadro by 1% count as ``quadro''
      \tl_if_empty:NTF \lTblrEntryTl
        {\tl_set_eq:NN \l__tblr_caption_short_tl \lTblrCaptionTl}
        {\tl_set_eq:NN \l__tblr_caption_short_tl \lTblrEntryTl}
      %% add to list of ``quadro'' using command from abntexto
      \addtoext{loq}{loqi}{\protect\loqlabelbox{\the\countquadro} {\l__tblr_caption_short_tl}}%
\else %% memoir (ABNTeX2 or like) or generic class
  \if@tabularray@abnt@using@memoir   %% memoir (ABNTeX2 or like)

%%% %\newfloat[chapter]{quadro}{loq}{\quadroname}
%%% %\counterwithout{quadro}{chapter}
    %% using command from memoir

%%% %\newlistentry[chapter]{quadro}{loq}{0}
  \else %% generic class
    %% using float package
%%% %\counterwithout{quadro}{chapter} counter not nested from chapter
%%% % We need to use \hspace and \enskip, but not ~ or \space,
%%% % since we want a correct hangindent caption paragraph.

      \addtocounter{table}{-1}% not count as table
      \stepcounter{quadro}% count as quadro
      \tl_if_empty:NTF \lTblrEntryTl
        { \tl_set_eq:NN \l__tblr_caption_short_tl \lTblrCaptionTl }
        { \tl_set_eq:NN \l__tblr_caption_short_tl \lTblrEntryTl }
      \addcontentsline { loq } { quadro }
        { \protect\numberline { \thequadro } { \l__tblr_caption_short_tl } }

%%% %------------------------------
%%> \section{New table environment}
%% New environment as wrapper for tblr, instead of new tblr, in way to support table font settings 

%% To set table font for new envrronment

%% New environments for tables
\NewDocumentEnvironment{abnttblr}{+o +m +b}{
\ifdefined\@tabularray@abnt@tblr@font \@tabularray@abnt@tblr@font \fi

\NewDocumentEnvironment{tallabnttblr}{+o +m +b}{
\ifdefined\@tabularray@abnt@tblr@font \@tabularray@abnt@tblr@font \fi

\NewDocumentEnvironment{longabnttblr}{+o +m +b}{
\ifdefined\@tabularray@abnt@tblr@font \@tabularray@abnt@tblr@font \fi


%% end: tabularray-abnt.sty