The `tagging' package provides document configuration by
including or omitting tagged input.

    tagging is licenced under the LPPL. For more details,
please see the accompanying manual: tagging.pdf.

Change History

2019-09-09   Fix a stupid bug

2019-09-07 1.1       Kindly provided and inspired by Frank Mittelbach:

    Bug fixes
    <nonsense by BL>: Removed interference with comment environment (from verbatim package)
    Allow initial active tag list to be passed as package options

2011-08-22 1.0       Initial release, providing:

    \tagged{list}{y}             Conditional inclusion
    \untagged{list}{n}           Conditional exclusion
    \iftagged{list}{y}{n}        Conditional inclusion/exclusion
    \begin{taggedblock}{list}    Conditionally included environment
    \begin{untaggedblock}{list}  Conditionally included environment
    \usetag{list}                Turn tags on
    \droptag{list}               Turn tags off