The TRIMSPACES package

This package provides commands that allow you to expandably
remove spaces around a token list or remove surrounding
spaces within a macro definition.

Will Robertson
Copyright 2009
Released under the LaTeX Project Public License


\ProvidesPackage{trimspaces}[2009/09/17 v1.1
  Trim spaces around a token list]

% Trimming surrounding spaces:
  \romannumeral-`\q\trim@trim@\noexpand#1Q Q%
\long\def\trim@trim@#1 Q{\trim@trim@@#1Q}


% Trimming preceding spaces:



% Trimming trailing space:
\newcommand\trim@post@space[1]{\trim@trim@#1Q Q}


% That's it.

% Conditionally compile the documentation & generate the .ins file:
\if\pstoolCompile N

\input pstool.tex
\csname @@end\endcsname





\title{The \pkg{trimspaces} package}
\author{Package author: Will Robertson\\Code thanks to Morten H\o gholm}


\section{Use of the package}
This package provides a collection of space trimming macros for the \LaTeX\ programmer. Tools are provided to remove either preceding space, trailing space, or both from a token list or the contents of a macro.

For an extensive discussion on this topic, see chapter fifteen of Peter Wilson's compendium of Michael Downes' `Around the Bend' exercises:

The code that this package is based on, however, originates with Morten H\o gholm. Thanks!

\subsection{Trimming spaces}
\item \cs{trim@spaces} \marg{text}\\ 
\cs{trim@pre@space} \marg{text}\\
\cs{trim@post@space} \marg{text}\par 
Fully expandable, removes spaces at the beginning and/or end of \meta{text}.

\item \cs{trim@spaces@noexp} \marg{text}\\
\cs{trim@pre@space@noexp} \marg{text}\\
\cs{trim@post@space@noexp} \marg{text}\par
Variants of the above that after full expansion result in the original unexpanded text stripped of surrounding spaces.
(\textit{Requires $\varepsilon$-\TeX}.)

\item \cs{trim@spaces@in} \meta{macro}\\
\cs{trim@pre@space@in} \meta{macro}\\
\cs{trim@post@space@in} \meta{macro}\par
Re-defines \meta{macro} as itself stripped of its surrounding spaces
(these commands are obviously not expandable).


Trimming surrounding spaces:
\edef\a{\trim@spaces{ a \foo ! }}
\edef\aa{\trim@spaces@noexp{ aa \foo ! }}
\def\b{ b \foo ! }
a:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\a}] \\
aa: [\detokenize\expandafter{\aa}] \\
b:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\b}]
which produces:
\edef\a{\trim@spaces{ a \foo ! }}
\edef\aa{\trim@spaces@noexp{ aa \foo ! }}
\def\b{ b \foo ! }
a:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\a}] \\
aa: [\detokenize\expandafter{\aa}] \\
b:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\b}]
Only removing preceding spaces:
\edef\a{\trim@pre@space{ a \foo ! }}
\edef\aa{\trim@pre@space@noexp{ aa \foo ! }}
\def\b{ b \foo ! }
a:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\a}] \\
aa: [\detokenize\expandafter{\aa}] \\
b:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\b}]
which produces:
\edef\a{\trim@pre@space{ a \foo ! }}
\edef\aa{\trim@pre@space@noexp{ aa \foo ! }}
\def\b{ b \foo ! }
a:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\a}] \\
aa: [\detokenize\expandafter{\aa}] \\
b:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\b}]
Only removing trailing spaces:
\edef\a{\trim@post@space{ a \foo ! }}
\edef\aa{\trim@post@space@noexp{ aa \foo ! }}
\def\b{ b \foo ! }
a:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\a}] \\
aa: [\detokenize\expandafter{\aa}] \\
b:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\b}]
which produces:
\edef\a{\trim@post@space{ a \foo ! }}
\edef\aa{\trim@post@space@noexp{ aa \foo ! }}
\def\b{ b \foo ! }
a:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\a}] \\
aa: [\detokenize\expandafter{\aa}] \\
b:  [\detokenize\expandafter{\b}]

\section{Package information}
The most recent publicly released version of \pkg{trimspaces} is available at \textsc{ctan}: \url{http://tug.ctan.org/pkg/trimspaces/}. Historical and developmental versions are available at GitHub: \url{http://github.com/wspr/trimspaces/}.

While general feedback via email is welcomed, specific bugs or feature requests should be reported through the issue tracker: \url{http://github.com/wspr/trimspaces/issues}.


This package is freely modifiable and distributable under the terms and conditions of the \LaTeX\ Project Public License,\footnote{Available at the \LaTeX\ Project website: \url{http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/}} version 1.3c or greater (your choice). This work consists of the source file \texttt{\jobname.tex} and the derived files \texttt{\jobname.sty}, \texttt{\jobname.ins}, and the documentation \texttt{\jobname.pdf}.

This work is author-maintained by \textsc{Will Robertson}.

