\ProvidesPackage{assign}[2015/09/23 v1.01 University assignments package]

% Author: 	Nathan Esau
% Packages included:	ifthen, hyperref, bookmark, color, enumerate, 
%						amsmath, fancyhdr, titlesec
% Options:				notesheader, links, hideanswers, hidequestions, 
%						assignheader
% Environments:			question, solution, example, exsolution, definition
% Commands:				ientry

%% Project Public License, as described in lppl.txt in the base
%% LaTeX distribution, either version 1.2 or (at your option)
%% any later version.



% Commands


% Counters

% For hiding question environment

% For hiding solution environment


	% Define rhead, lhead in assignment


% Format header

% Format chapter

% Format section


% Hyper link setup


\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{uassign}{Unknown ‘\CurrentOption’}}

% For hiding question and solution environments

% Question environment
	% show the questions
	\list{\thequestioncounter .}{%
    	\settowidth{\leftmargin}{10. \hskip\labelsep}%
	% don't show the questions
% Solution environment
	% show the answers 
	\list{\ifthenelse{\boolean{showquestions}}{}{\thesolutioncounter .}}{%
    \settowidth{\leftmargin}{10. \hskip\labelsep}%
    	\bigskip \item[] \textbf{Solution: } \medskip \item[]}
	% don't show the answers


% Example environment
   \noindent\textbf{Example \theexamplecounter}

% Solution environment
    \noindent\textbf{Solution \theexsolutioncounter}

% Definition environment
    \noindent\textbf{Definition \thedefcounter}