%%% ====================================================================
%%%  @LaTeX-file{
%%%     author          = "Mario Wolczko",
%%%     version         = "3.02",
%%%     date            = "14 October 1994",
%%%     filename        = "vdm.tex",
%%%     address         = "FORMERLY AT
%%%                        Dept of Computer Science
%%%                        The University of Manchester
%%%                        Oxford Road
%%%                        Manchester M13 9PL
%%%                        UK",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "LaTeX, VDM specification language",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "Documentation for vdm.sty
%%%                        NOTE
%%%                        Mario no longer works at Manchester
%%%                        This is a minimal update to LaTeX2e
%%%                        By David Carlisle",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================


\title{Typesetting BSI VDM with \LaTeX}
\author{Mario Wolczko\\
Dept. of Computer Science\\
The University\\
Manchester M13 9PL\\
\texttt{mario@cs.man.ac.uk}, {\tt ...!uknet!man.cs!mario}}
\date{09 June 1992 \\
Version 3.01}

\newcommand{\Vdm}{{\tt vdm\/}}


\newlength{\righthalf} \setlength{\righthalf}{0.5\textwidth}
\newlength{\lefthalf}  \setlength{\lefthalf}{0.4\textwidth}


\renewcommand{\^}[1]{$\langle${\rm #1\/}$\rangle$}

\newcommand{\cs}[1]{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt \string#1}}







This document describes a style option, \Vdm, for use with
\LaTeX.  The purpose of \Vdm\ is to make the typesetting of VDM
specifications easy.  Other goals are:
\item   To enable users of \Vdm\ to communicate their specifications
        to others, possibly in a variety of concrete syntaxes, without
        having to change their source files
\item   To enable a user of \Vdm\ to concentrate on his%
        \footnote{Read `his/her' for every occurence of `his'.}
        specifications, and ignore the detailed layout as much as
        possible.  A side effect of this is that the effort required
        to improve layout is concentrated in one place, within the
        \Vdm\ macros.
(This version of the \Vdm\ style option uses the {\sc bsi} concrete
syntax.  Any document prepared using earlier versions is still
accepted, but the way it is typeset will match more closely the {\sc
bsi} standard concrete syntax.  There are also a few additional
commands (summarised at the end).  Note that this is {\em not\/} a
complete style file for all of {\sc bsi vdm}.)

But enough evangelising.  Let's get to the the real meat.  This
document is broken up into the following sections:
\item   General points about using \Vdm
\item   Typesetting formulas
\item   How to typeset data types
\item   How to typeset functions
\item   How to typeset operations
\item   How to typeset proofs
\item   How to tailor/extend the system for your own
You should definitely read the first two sections---then you'll know
roughly what you're in for, and whether you want to continue.  The
remaining sections can be read as and when you need them.

In keeping with the best traditions of \TeX\ documentation, paragraphs
that contain material that is not essential for novices, but vital if
you want to parameterise or extend the system, are in smaller type,
like this one.

Just to give a preliminary example, here is some output from \Vdm, and
the corresponding input:

\begin{fn}{dec}{ptrs,om} \\
         \setof{Oop} \x \mapof{Oop}{Object} \to \mapof{Oop}{Object}
\If ptrs = \emptyset
\Then om
\Else   \Let gone = \set{p \in ptrs | RC(om(p)) = 1} \In
        \Let om' = gone \dsub om \In
        \Let om'' = om' \owr
                \map{p \mapsto \chg{om'(p)}{RC}{RC\minus 1}\R
                        | p \in ptrs \diff gone} \In
        dec(\Union\set{\elems{BODY(om(p))} | p \in gone}, om'')

\args{ Obj, Ptr : Oop }
\ext{ \Wr OM : \mapof{Oop}{Basic_Object} }
\pre{ ptr \in  \elems{BODY(om(obj))} }
\post{ om = ~{om} \owr \map{ obj \mapsto
                \chg{om(obj)}{BODY}{BODY \diff \set{ptr}}}}

% this is verbatim input
\begin{fn}{dec}{ptrs,om} \\
      \setof{Oop} \x \mapof{Oop}{Object} \to \mapof{Oop}{Object}
\If ptrs = \emptyset
\Then om
\Else   \Let gone = \set{p \in ptrs | RC(om(p)) = 1} \In
        \Let om' = gone \dsub om \In
        \Let om'' = om' \owr
                \map{p \mapsto \chg{om'(p)}{RC}{RC\minus 1}
                        | p \in ptrs \diff gone} \In
        dec(\Union\set{\elems{BODY(om(p))} | p \in gone}, om'')

\args{ Obj, Ptr : Oop }
\ext{ \Wr OM : \mapof{Oop}{Basic_Object} }
\pre{ ptr \in  \elems{BODY(om(obj))} }
\post{ om = ~{om} \owr \map{ obj \mapsto
                \chg{om(obj)}{BODY}{BODY \diff \set{ptr}}}}


\section{Using \Vdm---General Points}

To get at \Vdm, include {\tt vdm\/} as a document style option, e.g.:
To the best of my knowledge, the use of \Vdm\ does not conflict with
any of the other document styles, except when something has been
redefined.   An attempt will be made to document all such redefinitions.
Once \Vdm\ has been included, you can then use the {\tt vdm\/}
environment.  For example,
All specification material should be placed within the {\tt vdm\/}
environment.  The use of \Vdm\ only affects text within the {\tt vdm\/}
environment, except for the following global changes (which are only
relevant when in math or display math mode):

\item   The mathcodes of a\dots z and A\dots Z have been changed.  In
        plain English, this means that when you type letters in math
        mode the inter-letter spacing may be different than it would be
        had you not included \Vdm\ as an option.\footnote{This is not
        the case if you are using PS\LaTeX, as that does not
        distinguish text italic from math italic.}  This is because
        \LaTeX\ math mode is usually tuned for single letter
        identifiers, as used by mathematicians for millenia.  However,
        you and I both know that most meaningful identifiers have more
        than one letter in them, so \Vdm\ provides better spacing for
        them.  As an example, if you type \verb;$identifier$;, \LaTeX\
        would normally print {\defaultMathcodes$identifier$}, whereas
        the use of \Vdm\ will yield $identifier$.
        \begin{dangerous}If you really want to use the
        `normal' inter-letter spacing, say \cs\defaultMathcodes.
\item   Underscore gives you an underscore, and not a subscript.  If
        you want a subscript use \verb;@;, e.g.,~$x@0$ is typed
        \verb;x@0;, or use \TeX's \cs\sb\ macro.  An \verb;@; is still an
        @ when not in math mode.  Occasionally you may find that an @
        in math mode {\em doesn't\/} give you a subscript
        (particularly when used with moving arguments).  Should
        this happen, you are advised to use \TeX's \cs\sb\ macro,
        If you don't use
        underscores much, and you want to use \verb;_; for subscripts,
        you can say \cs\underscoreon\ (and \cs\underscoreoff\ to
        make it revert to its usual meaning in \Vdm).
\item   \verb;-; typesets a hyphen, and not a minus sign.  VDM specifications
        usually contain a lot more
        than subtractions, so
        on the whole this alteration should save effort.
        If you really want
        to do a single subtraction sign, use \cs\minus.
        If you find the default is inappropriate, you can revert to
        the original behaviour using \cs\mathminus; \cs\textminus\ is
        the inverse.  Example: \verb;a-b \ne\mathminus a-b; gives
        \begin{vdm}$a-b \ne\mathminus a-b$\end{vdm}.
\item   \verb;|; gives you a \begin{vdm}$|$\end{vdm}, and not a $\vert$.
        Do you see the difference?  No?  The former goes between things,
        e.g., \begin{vdm}$\set{x|p(x)}$\end{vdm}, while the latter is
        a delimiter, e.g.,~$\vert x\vert$.
        In VDM, most people use the former more than the latter, so again this
        seems reasonable.
        If you really want a $\vert$ (the second kind),
        say \cs\vert.
\item   In \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ \verb;~; has always been a tie (a space
        between words at which the line is never broken).  Well
        in \Vdm\ it isn't.  \verb;~x; will give you a
        \begin{vdm}$~x$\end{vdm}.  For long identifiers, such as
        \begin{vdm}$~{long}$\end{vdm}, say
        {\em Note that this only applies in math
        mode; elsewhere a \verb;~; is still a tie.}
\item   In math mode, the double quote character \verb;''; is actually
        a macro.  Placing text between pairs of double quotes causes
        that text to be set in the normal text font.  For example,
        \verb;$x="a variable"$; gives you $x="a variable"$.
        \indent If you want to change the font used for text placed between
        quotes, redefine the command \cs\mathTextFont.  By default
        it is defined to be \cs\rm\ (\cs\mathrm\ for the New Font
        Selection Scheme).
\item   The following macros have been altered in a non-trivial way:
        \cs\forall, \cs\exists\ (see later).

When you typeset some VDM within the {\tt vdm\/} environment, by
default it is set in from the left margin by an amount equal to
\cs\parindent, the indentation at the beginning of each paragraph.
If you want to change this, change the value of \cs\VDMindent, e.g.:
will make your specs come out flush left.  This document has been
typeset with \cs\VDMindent\ equal to $3\times \cs\parindent$.

Similarly, the right hand margin is controlled by a parameter called
\cs\VDMrindent.  By default it is also set to \cs\parindent.

You can have a particular line spacing in force within the
{\tt vdm} environment.
The spacing within a {\tt vdm} environment is dictated by the
\cs\VDMbaselineskip\ command.  Note that this is {\em not\/} a
length, but a command.  By default it expands to \cs\baselineskip\
so that the line spacing is that of the surrounding text, whatever
size that may be.  To make it smaller, you may want to say
for example.

\section{Typesetting formulas}

Most of the text you enter within {\tt vdm\/} environments will be in
\TeX's math mode, but VDM does its best to conceal this fact from you,
so that you should rarely, if ever, have to type a dollar sign.
However, several new features have been provided for the typesetting
of logical formulas.  Firstly, operators with sensible names have been
provided: use \cs\Iff, \cs\Implies, \cs\Or, \cs\And\
and \cs\Not\ for the operators~\begin{vdm}%
$\Leftrightarrow,\Rightarrow,\Or,\And$ and $\Not$\end{vdm}.
(To retain compatibility with a previous version, \cs\iff,
\cs\implies, \cs\and\ and \cs\neg\ are still provided, but
\cs\or\ is not.)

A major change has come in the area of quantified expressions.  In
VDM, they
have very well-defined forms, so the \LaTeX\ sequences \cs\forall\
and \cs\exists\ have been re-defined to take arguments.  For
example, to get
\exists{x \in S}{p(x)}
\noindent type
        \exists{x \in S}{p(x)}
Note the separating dot that was put in auto\-matically.  If you want
one of these dots by itself, you can have one by saying

In addition, two new quantifiers, \cs\unique\ and \cs\nexists, have
been added:

\unique{x \in S}{p(x)}
\nexists{x \in S}{p(x)}
\unique{x \in S}{p(x)}
\nexists{x \in S}{p(x)}

Additionally, to complement \cs\unique, there is \cs\uniqueval.  This
is the so-called ``iota-function'' that returns the unique value, if
there is one:

\uniqueval{x \in S}{p(x)}
\uniqueval{x \in S}{p(x)}

If you want to use the old versions of \cs\forall\ and
\cs\exists\ they are available under the pseudonyms of
\cs\Forall\ and \cs\Exists.

If you find that the body of the quantified expression is too long to
fit comfortably on a line, there are *-forms of the above commands
that place the body of the quantified expression on a new line,
slightly indented.  For example,

\exists*{x \in S}{
        p(x) \And q(x) \Or \Not p(x) \Implies r(x) \And S(x)}

\noindent can be obtained with
      \exists*{x \in S}{p(x) \And q(x) \Or \Not p(x)
                        \Implies r(x) \And S(x)}

If you need ``Strachey'' brackets, e.g., $M\term{e}$, place the
material to appear within the brackets within \verb;\term{ ... };,
thus: \verb;$M\term{e}$;.

A special control sequence, \cs\const, is available for constants.
To get, for example, $\const{Yes}|\const{No}$, type
If you don't like the font that constants are set in, you can change
them by redefining the command \cs\constantFont.  By
default it expands to \cs\sc.

\subsection{The {\tt formula} Environment}

Occasionally you may want a formula on its own, between paragraphs of
text, say.  Normally, the provided environments and commands suffice,
but sometimes they don't.  If you need an odd equation to stand on its
own, use the {\tt formula} environment:
       x = 10
       \Or  \forall{i \in \Nat}{i \ne 10 \Implies i \ne x}
The {\tt formula} environment is similar to displayed math mode,
except: formulas are indented by \cs\VDMindent, not
\cs\mathindent, and line breaks can be made using \cs\\.
Also, within the {\tt formula} environment everything appears flush
left, as opposed to being centred.


A particularly nice feature of \Vdm\ is that you can typeset multi-line
constructions such as those in the earlier example without having to
worry about, say, lining up ``thens'' and ``elses'' with ``ifs''.
In the following definitions, whenever you see the term \mmexp, you
should type an expression as if in math mode, but you needn't put
dollar signs in.  All of the constructions described below can be used
where a \mmexp\ is required.  Each construction is shown by example;
the output on the left results from the input on the right.
Also note that each macro name begins with an upper-case letter.
\TeX\ and \LaTeX\ frequently use the lower-case variants for
completely unrelated things.  Naturally, chaos will ensue if you mix
the names up.

Typesetting an \kw{if} is done using \cs\If\ \mmexp \cs\Then\ \mmexp
\cs\Else\ \mmexp \cs\Fi.

    \If x\in S
    \Then S \diff x
    \Else \emptyset
\If x\in S
\Then S \diff x
\Else \emptyset

If you nest \cs\If{}s then you must enclose inner \cs\If{}s within

        \If \ldots
                \If \ldots
                \Then \ldots
                \Else \ldots
\If ...
        \If ...
        \Then ...
        \Else ...

You are advised to place the extra braces exactly as above; don't let
extraneous spaces intervene between the keywords and the braces.

The \cs\If\ macro always starts a new line for the \kw{then} and
\kw{else} parts.  If you want \TeX\ to try to choose line breaks, use
\cs\SIf\ instead:

    \SIf a=b
    \Then c=d+e
    \Else p=q+r+s+t+u
\SIf a=b
\Then c=d+e
\Else p=q+r+s+t+u

\mbox{\kw{let}\dots\kw{in}} constructions are done in a similar way:
\cs\Let{} \mmexp{} \cs\In{} \mmexp, and \cs\SLet{} \mmexp{}
\cs\In{} \mmexp.

    \Let x=f(y,z) \In
\Let x=f(y,z) \In

    \SLet x=f(y,z) \In{x^2}
\SLet x=f(y,z) \In{x^2}

Notice that \cs\SLet\ takes a second argument, which is part of the
same `paragraph', where \cs\Let\ does not.

The typesetting of a \kw{cases} clause is more complicated.  It takes
the form:
\verb;\Cases{; \mmexp \verb;}; \\
from-\mmexp \verb;&; to-\mmexp \cs\\ \\
from-\mmexp \verb;&; to-\mmexp \cs\\ \\
\dots \\
\verb;\Otherwise{; \mmexp \verb;}; \\

The \cs\Otherwise\ field is optional.  This construction follows a
general pattern that is common in \Vdm\ input:  lists of things are
separated by \cs\\s, and subfields are separated by \verb;&;s or
In reality, there is another, optional argument, after the
\cs\Endcases.  If you were to try typesetting something like
        (... var = \Cases ...
you'd find the closing right parenthesis in an unexpected place (on
the same line as the $=$, in fact).  To get text to the right of the
\cs\Endcases\ you can place an optional argument within brackets
after it:
        (... var = \Cases ...
Admittedly, this looks a little strange, but it does work.

Here is an example of \cs\Cases\ in action:

  \Cases{ select(x) }
  \nil            & \emptyset \\
  mk-Lst(hd,tl)  & \set{hd} \union \elems{tl}
  \Otherwise{ x }

     \Cases{ select(x) }
     \nil            & \emptyset \\
     mk-Lst(hd,tl)  & \set{hd} \union \elems{tl}
     \Otherwise{ x }

Note the \cs\\ is a {\em separator\/} and not a {\em
terminator\/}---you don't need one after the last item.  Also, the
\cs\Otherwise\ can appear anywhere between the \verb;\Cases{}; and the
\cs\Endcases, but it will always be typeset last.
Some people prefer the selectors to appear lined up on the left, some
on the right.  If you want them to appear on the left, say
\cs\leftCases; if you want them on the right, say
\cs\rightCases.  The scope of the \cs\leftCases\ and
\cs\rightCases\ commands is the current group.  By default, you
get \cs\rightCases.

\subsubsection{The {\tt formbox} Environment}

Occasionally you might find that you want to put a line break in a
place that can't handle \cs\\.  For example, if you have a \cs\Cases\
command and the rhs of a particular case is too big, you can't use
\cs\\ to break the line directly, as it will be interpreted as the
separator between cases.  Then you must the {\tt formbox} environment.
It is similar to the {\tt formula} environment in that you can put all
sorts of things in it, but it can be used within other constructions,
unlike the {\tt formula} environment, which can only be used at the
outermost level.

This example should convey the general idea:
        \Cases{ f(x) }
        mk-Very_long_constructor(foo,bar) &
            long_predicate_with(foo) \\
              \And long_predicate_with(bar)
        \Cases{ f(x) }
        mk-Very_long_constructor(foo,bar) &
            long_predicate_with(foo) \\
              \And long_predicate_with(bar)
Note the extras braces around the {\tt formbox}; these are required to
``hide'' the \cs\\ from the \cs\Cases.

\subsection{Other General Points about Formulas}

\cs\\ will%
\footnote{For `will' read `should'.}
{\em always\/}
start a new line.  Sometimes this is done in addition to some other
function (as in the \cs\Cases\ macro, where it delimits a
particular case), but you should be able to use \cs\\ almost
anywhere to force a line break.  Indeed, sooner or later you'll want
to typeset a long formula and \TeX\ will not be able to break the line
sensibly, or will choose an unpleasant break.  In this case you'll
have to use \cs\\.

Frequently you need to indent things within multi-line formulas.  To
help you do this, a command is provided which breaks a line, and
indents the next line by an amount which you can supply (in units of
{\tt ems}).  The \cs\T\ command takes a single argument that controls
how much the next line will be indented:

a \And b \T2
\Implies b \And a \T1
\Or d \And e
a \And b \T2
\Implies b \And a \T1
\Or d \And e

Along similar lines is the \cs\R\ command.  This does a line break,
like \cs\\, but then pushes the formula on the next line as far to the
right as it can:

(a \And b \Implies b \And a) \R
\Or d \And e
(a \And b \Implies b \And a) \R
\Or d \And e

Beware: it may end up pushing it further to the right than you
expected!  This is {\sc A Bug}, and {\sc Will Not Be Fixed}, so you'll
have to work around it.

The \cs\If, \cs\Let, etc., constructions are all unusual in
that it's impossible to typeset something sensibly to the right of
them.  For example, if you try
        \exists{x \in S}{
           \If x=0 \Then S=Q \Else S=P \Fi}
        \Or S=\emptyset
then you'll get

    \exists{x \in S}{\If x=0 \Then S=Q \Else S=P \Fi} \Or S=\emptyset

\noindent which is unlikely to be what you wanted.

You should also remember that where \Vdm\ wants a \mmexp, \TeX\ will
be placed in math mode.  This is usually the right thing to do, but
occasionally you might want a natural language comment to appear
In this case you'll have to insert an \cs\mbox\ or a \cs\parbox\
depending on whether your comment might span one or more lines:

    \If \mbox{the condition is true}
    \Then \mbox{do the true part}
    \Else "do the false part"
\If \mbox{the condition is true}
\Then \mbox{do the true part}
\Else "do the false part"
The else-part illustrates how quotes can be used an an abbreviation
for \verb;\mbox{...}; within math mode.

Finally, all the constructions above will not break at a page
boundary.  This means that you're in big trouble if you want to
typeset a three-page \cs\Cases.  The only statement I can make to
mitigate this is: you shouldn't have expressions that complicated in
the first place---who do you expect to read them?  Remember: ``truth
is beauty'', so if your formulas are not beautiful, then chances are
they're not true either.

\section{Typesetting data types}

The following table lists the primitive types and values available:

$\set{0,1,\dots}$       & $\Nat$        & \cs\Nat       \\
$\set{1,2,\dots}$       & $\Natone$     & \cs\Natone,\cs\Nati   \\
$\set{\dots,\minus1,0,1,\dots}$& $\Int$ & \cs\Int       \\
Rationals               & $\Rat$        & \cs\Rat       \\
Real numbers            & $\Real$       & \cs\Real      \\
$\set{\true,\false}$    & $\Bool$       & \cs\Bool      \\
Truth                   & $\true$       & \cs\true,\cs\True \\
Falsehood               & $\false$      & \cs\false,\cs\False\\
Nil                     & $\nil$        & \cs\nil       \\

If you need a new keyword, you can create one easily.  For example, if
your favourite brand of logic has ``maybe'' as a value, you can say
and henceforth \cs\maybe\ is a valid control sequence that produces
the text \kw{maybe}.  The text of the second argument to
\cs\makeNewKeyword\ can be anything; it doesn't have to match your
control sequence name.
If you don't like the font that keywords are set in, you can change
it by redefining the command \cs\keywordFontBeginSequence.  By
default it expands to \cs\sf.

The following type-related commands are provided:

Output          & Input                 & \\
$\setof{x}$     & \verb;\setof{x};      & set type constructor \\
$\set{a,b,c}$   & \verb;\set{a,b,c};    & set enumeration \\
$\emptyset$     & \cs\emptyset          & the empty set \\
$\seqof{x}$     & \verb;\seqof{x};      & seq. type constructor\\
$\seq{a,b,a,c}$ & \verb;\seq{a,b,a,c};  & seq. enumeration\\
$\emptyseq$     & \cs\emptyseq  & the empty sequence \\
$\mapof{x}{y}$  & \verb;\mapof{x}{y};   & map type constructor \\
$\mapinto{x}{y}$& \verb;\mapinto{x}{y}; & one-one map type \\
$\map{p\mapsto x}$
                & \verb;\map{p\mapsto x}; & map enumeration\\
$\emptymap$     & \cs\emptymap  & the empty map \\

\noindent Here are the relevant operators:

$\in$           & \cs\in        &
        $\owr$  & \cs\owr       &
                $\sconc$        & \cs\sconc     \\
$\notin$        & \cs\notin     &
        $\dres$ & \cs\dres      &
                $\len{l}$       & \verb;\len{l};\\
$\subset$       & \cs\subset&
        $\rres$ & \cs\rres      &
                $\hd{l}$        & \verb;\hd{l}; \\
$\subseteq$     & \cs\subseteq&
        $\dsub$ & \cs\dsub      &
                $\tl{l}$        & \verb;\tl{l}; \\
$\inter$        & \cs\inter,\cs\intersection;&
        $\rsub$ & \cs\rsub      &
                $\elems{l}$     & \verb;\elems{l};\\
$\Inter$        & \cs\Inter,\cs\Intersection;&
                $\inds{l}$      & \verb;\inds{l};\\
$\union$        & \cs\union     &
                $\Conc{l}$      & \verb;\Conc{l};\\
$\Union$        & \cs\Union     &
        $\Min{s}$& \verb;\Min{s};&
                $\cons{h,t}$    & \verb;\cons{h,t};\\
$\diff$         & \cs\diff,\cs\difference;&
        $\Max{s}$& \verb;\Max{s};&
                                &       \\
$\card{s}$      & \verb;\card{s};&
                &               &

If you invent a new monadic keyword operator (like \dom{}, etc.),
then you can have \Vdm\ define for you a control sequence which
switches font, and puts the right spacing in.  For example,
will define the \cs\inv\ control sequence to print
{\keywordFontBeginSequence inv\/}.  Henceforth you can say, e.g.,
\verb;\inv{Foo};.  All such sequences take one argument (they are
monadic, after all).

You can define a new type using

  \type{Complex}{\Real\x \Real}
\type{Complex}{\Real\x \Real}

Composites types can be typeset using the {\tt composite} environment:

    day:\set{1,\ldots,366}, \\
  day :\set{1,\ldots,366}, \\

There is also a {\tt composite*} environment (and an equivalent
\cs\scompose\ control sequence) that places the entire composite
type on a single line:



`Records' can be defined using the {\tt record\/} environment:

\verb;\begin{record}{;record-type-name\verb;}; \\
field-name \verb;:; field-type \cs\\ \\
\dots \\
The colons are used as sub-field separators.

    NM : \seqof{Char} \\
    FEM : \Bool
      NM : \seqof{Char} \\
      FEM : \Bool

If the definition is short, you may prefer to use a short form:
          NM : \seqof{Char} \\
          FEM : \Bool

Some people prefer the field names to appear lined up on the left, some
on the right.  If you want them to appear on the left, say
\cs\leftRecord; if you want them on the right, say
\cs\rightRecord.  The scope of the \cs\leftRecord\ and
\cs\rightRecord\ commands are the current group.  By default, you
get \cs\rightRecord.

Updating fields of composites using the $\mu$-function can be
specified using \cs\chg:

    \chg{p}{FEM}{\Not man(q)}
\chg{p}{FEM}{\Not man(q)}

Notice that the $\mu$, parentheses, comma and $\mapsto$ were inserted

\section{How to Typeset Functions}

Typesetting $\lambda$-expressions is easy:


As with \cs\forall, \cs\exists\ and \cs\unique,
\cs\LamdbaFn\ has a *-form that places the body of the function
below and to the right:


There is also a {\tt fn\/} (function) environment for defining named
functions.  It has the following structure:
\verb;\begin{fn}{;name-of-function\verb;}{; argument-list \verb;}; \\
\verb;\signature{;signature-of-function\verb;}; \\
\^{optional precondition}\\
\^{optional postcondition}\\
 body of function (a \mmexp) \\

See the third page for an example.  The \cs\signature\ is optional
and can be placed anywhere within the body---it will always be typeset
before the body.  Useful macros within the \cs\signature\ are:
\cs\x\ and \cs\to, which yield $\x$ and~$\to$.  Note that you can also
enter functions defined implicitly with pre- and post-conditions; see the
next section on how to enter them.

All of the material in the section on formulas is relevant within the
body of the function.

If you frequently intersperse your function definitions with text (and you
should), you can save some typing by using the {\tt vdmfn\/} environment.
\cs\begin\verb;{vdmfn}; \dots \cs\end\verb;{vdmfn}; is equivalent to
\cs\begin\verb;{vdm};\cs\begin\verb;{fn}; \dots

The {\tt fn} environment also has a *-form that does not insert
parentheses around the argument list.  For example:


If you require the $\DEF$ symbol by itself, then you can get it by
saying \cs\DEF.


To typeset an invariant on a composite object, use the following

  day : Day \\
  year : Year
  is-leapyr(y) \Or d \le 365
  day : Day \\
  year : Year
  is-leapyr(y) \Or d \le 365

\section{How to Typeset Operations}

Operations are typeset within the {\tt op\/} environment.
The general structure is:

\verb;\begin{op}[;\^{name-of-operation}\verb;]; \\
\verb;\args{;\^{list-of-arguments}\verb;}; \\
\verb;\res{;\^{result(s)}\verb;}; \\
\verb;\ext{;\^{list-of-externals}\verb;}; \\
\^{pre-condition} \\
\^{post-condition} \\

The order of the various parts within the {\tt op} environment is not
important; they will always be printed in a canonical style (see
page~\pageref{op-ex} for an example).

Any of \cs\args, \cs\res, \cs\ext, \^{pre-condition} or
\^{post-condition} may be omitted.  \verb;\begin{vdmop}; is an
abbreviation for \verb;\begin{vdm}\begin{op};;  \verb;\end{vdmop}; is an
abbreviation for \verb;\end{op}\end{vdm};.

The \^{name-of-operation} can be any one-line expression; it is
typeset in math mode.  An alternative way of specifying the name of
the operation is to omit the optional argument (within \verb;[];), and
use \verb;\opname{;\^{name-of-operation}\verb;};, anywhere within the
body of the {\tt op} environment.

The \^{list-of-arguments} is a \mmexp\ that can span multiple lines;
force a newline with \cs\\.  If present it is placed within

The \^{result(s)} is also any \mmexp.  It is typeset to the right of
any arguments.

The \^{list-of-externals} takes the following form:
\verb;\ext{;    \\
\quad $\langle$optional \cs\Rd\ or \cs\Wr$\rangle$
        \^{external-name(s)} {\tt :\/} \^{external-types} \cs\\ \\
\quad $\langle$optional \cs\Rd\ or \cs\Wr$\rangle$
        \^{external-name(s)} {\tt :\/} \^{external-types} \cs\\ \\
\dots \\
Alternatively, if the list of externals is long (say, more than five
lines) the {\tt externals\/} environmment can be used:
\verb;\begin{externals};        \\
\quad $\langle$optional \cs\Rd\ or \cs\Wr$\rangle$
        \^{external-name(s)} {\tt :\/} \^{external-types} \cs\\ \\
\quad $\langle$optional \cs\Rd\ or \cs\Wr$\rangle$
        \^{external-name(s)} {\tt :\/} \^{external-types} \cs\\ \\
\dots \\
Some people prefer the externals identifiers to appear lined up on the
left, some on the right.  If you want them to appear on the left, say
\cs\leftExternals; if you want them on the right, say
\cs\rightExternals.  The scope of the \cs\leftExternals\ and
\cs\rightExternals\ commands are the current group.  By default,
you get \cs\leftExternals.

The \^{pre-condition} and \^{post-condition} take similar forms:
\verb;\pre{;\mmexp\verb;}; \\
\verb;\begin{precond}; \\
\mmexp \\
\verb;\post{;\mmexp\verb;}; \\
\verb;\begin{postcond}; \\
\mmexp \\
Use the \cs\begin\dots\cs\end\ style if the \mmexp\ is longer
than a few lines.
All of the constructs mentioned in the section on formulas can be used
within pre- and post-conditions.


Here's an example of typesetting proofs in the ``natural deduction''

  \From E@1 \Or E@2     \\
1   \From E@1   \\
    \Infer E@2 \Or E@1  \` $\vee$-I(h1) \\
2   \From E@2           \\
    \Infer E@2 \Or E@1  \` $\vee$-I(h2) \\
  \Infer E@2 \Or E@1    \` $\vee$-E(h,1,2)\\
            \From E@1 \Or E@2                           \\
        1       \From E@1                               \\
                \Infer E@2 \Or E@1  \by $\vee$-I(h1)    \\
        2       \From E@2                               \\
                \Infer E@2 \Or E@1  \by $\vee$-I(h2)    \\
            \Infer E@2 \Or E@1      \by $\vee$-E(h,1,2) \\

Proofs are embedded within the {\tt proof} environment.  (A proof does
not have to be within a {\tt vdm} environment.)  Each line of the
proof ends with \cs\\.  Lines that begin a subproof
have \cs\From\ after the equation number.  Lines that end a
subproof have \cs\Infer\ after the equation number.  Other lines
have \cs\& after the equation number (see next example).  If you
don't need an equation number, just omit it,  but you must have one of
either \cs\From, \cs\Infer\ or \cs\& on each proof line.
If you want to include a justification of a particular proof line at
the right hand end of the line, type it after a \cs\by.  \cs\by\
is optional; you needn't include it if you don't need a justification.

Points worth bearing in mind:
\item   You are automatically placed in math mode after the
        \cs\From, \cs\Infer\ or \cs\&; the math mode ends
        at the next \cs\by\ or \cs\\.
\item   You {\em cannot} break a line in the middle simply by using
        \cs\\ before \cs\by; you must use separate proof lines
        to split a formula.
\item   You are within a {\tt tabbing} environment within a proof, so
        you can use all the usual {\tt tabbing} commands (\cs\=,
        \cs\>, etc.) to line things up across proof lines.  Note
        that you will explicitly have to enter math mode again after
        any of these commands though.

Here's another example:

  \From \forall{x\in X}{E(x); s\in X}   \\
1 \&    \Not\exists{x\in X}{\Not E(x)}  \` $\Forall$-defn(h)\\
2 \&    \Not\Not E(s/x) \` $\Not\Exists$-E(1,h)\\
  \Infer E(s/x)                         \\
  \From \forall{x\in X}{E(x); s\in X}                       \\
1 \&    \Not\exists{x\in X}{\Not E(x)} \by $\Forall$-defn(h)\\
2 \&    \Not\Not E(s/x)             \by $\Not\Exists$-E(1,h)\\
  \Infer E(s/x)                                             \\

The amount of space used by the proof number can be changed by
changing the length \cs\ProofNumberWidth.  The distance from the
left margin to the proof number is dictated by \cs\ProofIndent.

\section{Customising the Style}

{\em Some people are never satisfied.}  We all know that it's true.
In order to cater for those who aren't satisfied with the output from
\Vdm, some attempt has been made to allow a limited degree of
customisation by the user.  In particular, you can alter some of the
internal spacing chosen by \Vdm, and even have your own macros called
at chosen places within \Vdm's macros.  Naturally, you are not advised
to try this unless you feel you have some idea of what you want, and
what you are doing.  In this section we list the things that you can
change, in order of increasing difficulty.

\subsection{Changing the Spacing}

In several places, essentially arbitrary spacings have been chosen by
the author.  The dimensions of these spaces are given by {\em rubber
lengths.}\footnote{See the \LaTeX\ book for an explanation of rubber
lengths}  If you want to change any of them, use \LaTeX's
\cs\setlength\ or \cs\addtolength\ commands.
For example,
        \setlength{\postHeaderSkip}{13.33pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}

The {\tt plus} and {\tt minus} parts of a length let you say how much
that length can grow or shrink by.  For example, {\tt 12pt plus 2pt
minus 1pt} means that the length will be in the range 11--14pt, with
12pt as its ``natural'' length.

The spaces in question all appear around \Vdm\ items such as
operations, and in between major parts of such items.  The names of
the lengths should convey where they apply.  The following table lists
all the lengths, and their default settings.  Note that an {\tt ex} is
about the height of an ``x'' in the current font, and an {\tt em} is
about the width of an ``M'' in the current font.

\em Length              &\em Default size &\em Used within      \\
\cs\preOperationSkip    &2ex $+$ 0.5ex $\minus$ 0.2ex & {\tt op} env    \\
\cs\postOperationSkip   &2ex $+$ 0.5ex $\minus$ 0.2ex   &\\
\cs\postHeaderSkip              &.5ex $+$ .2ex $\minus$ .2ex    &\\
\cs\postExternalsSkip   &.5ex $+$ .2ex $\minus$ .2ex    &\\
\cs\postPreConditionSkip        &.5ex $+$ .2ex $\minus$ .2ex    &\\
\cs\preFunctionSkip     &2ex $+$ .5ex $\minus$ .2ex & {\tt fn} env      \\
\cs\postFunctionSkip    &2ex $+$ .5ex $\minus$ .2ex     &\\
\cs\betweenSignatureAndBodySkip&1.2ex $+$ .3ex $\minus$ .2ex    &\\
\cs\betweenFunctionAndPreSkip&1.2ex $+$ .3ex $\minus$ .2ex      &\\
\cs\preTypeSkip &1.2ex $+$ .5ex $\minus$ .3ex & {\tt type} command      \\
\cs\postTypeSkip        &1.2ex $+$ .5ex $\minus$ .3ex   &\\
\cs\preCompositeSkip    &1.2ex $+$ .5ex $\minus$ .3ex & {\tt
composite} env  \\
\cs\postCompositeSkip   &1.2ex $+$ .5ex $\minus$ .3ex   &\\
\cs\preRecordSkip               &.75ex $+$ .3ex $\minus$ .2ex & {\tt
record} env     \\
\cs\postRecordSkip              &.75ex $+$ .3ex $\minus$ .2ex   &\\
\cs\preFormulaSkip              &1.2ex $+$ .5ex $\minus$ .3ex & {\tt
formula} env \\
\cs\postFormulaSkip             &1.2ex $+$ .5ex $\minus$ .3ex   &\\
\cs\preProofSkip                &.75ex $+$ .3ex $\minus$ .2ex & {\tt
proof} env      \\
\cs\postProofSkip               &.75ex $+$ .3ex $\minus$ .2ex   &\\

\subsection{Controlling Line and Paragraph Breaks}

\TeX\ uses the notion of {\em penalties\/} to decide where line and
page breaks go.  Various values of penalty are used at places within
\Vdm\ to control breaks.  To fully understand how to choose breaks,
read {\em The \TeX{}book}.  However, put simply, penalties are whole
numbers in the range $\minus10000$~to $10000$.  A value of $10000$
means ``never break here,'' and a value of $\minus10000$ means
``always break here.''  Values in between penalise or encourage
breaking proportionally, so that, e.g.,~a value of $\minus500$
encourages a break, but by no means forces it.  A value of zero is

To assign to a penalty~\cs\p, write {\tt \cs\p=1000}, for example.
The table below list the penalties used by \Vdm, and their default

\em Penalty Name & Default Value & Where Used \\
\cs\preOperationPenalty & 0     & {\tt op} env \\
\cs\preExternalPenalty  & 2000  & \\
\cs\prePreConditionPenalty      & 800   & \\
\cs\prePostConditionPenalty     & 500   & \\
\cs\postOperationPenalty        & -500  & \\
\cs\preFunctionPenalty  & 0     & {\tt fn} env \\
\cs\postFunctionPenalty & -500  & \\
\cs\preRecordPenalty    & 0     & {\tt record} env\\
\cs\postRecordPenalty   & -100  & \\
\cs\preProofPenalty     & -100  & {\tt proof} env\\
\cs\postProofPenalty    & 0     & \\
\cs\preFormulaPenalty   & -100  & {\tt formula} env\\
\cs\postFormulaPenalty  & 0     & \\

\subsection{Unforeseen Changes}

It is a truism that no matter how good the designer of a piece of
software is, he can never foresee all of its uses.  In this case, the
author is quite certain that people will use \Vdm\ for all sorts of
things apart from typesetting VDM specifications.  To cater for those
who find that \Vdm\ does almost, but not quite, what they want, a
number of {\em hooks\/} have been left in place.  These hooks are
macros, which at the moment do little or nothing, but which can be
redefined by users to change the basic operation of \Vdm (see the {\tt
vdmindex} style for one such use).  Needless to
say, anyone wishing to redefine a hook should already be competent in
the ways of \LaTeX\ at least, and probably \TeX\ as well.  Rather than
trying to explain what the hooks do, and where they do it, the user
should look through the commented version of \Vdm\ (usually stored as
{\tt vdm.doc}) and figure it out for himself.  Below are listed all
the provided hooks, their default definitions, and where they are used.

\em Name of hook & \em Default definition \\
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{{\tt op} environment} \\
        &\verb*;\penalty\preOperationPenalty ;\\
        &\verb*;\penalty\preExternalPenalty ;\\
        &\verb*;\penalty\prePreConditionPenalty ;\\
        &\verb*;\penalty\prePostConditionPenalty ;\\
        &\verb*;\penalty\postOperationPenalty ;\\
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{{\tt fn} environment} \\
                &\verb*;\penalty\preFunctionPenalty ;\\
                &\verb*;\penalty\betweenSignatureAndBodyPenalty ; \\
\cs\betweenFunctionAndPreHook&\verb*;\vskip-\lastskip ;\\
                &\verb;\vskip\betweenFunctionAndPreSkip ;\\
                &\verb*;\penalty\betweenSignatureAndBodyPenalty ; \\
                &\verb*;\penalty\postFunctionPenalty ; \\
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{{\tt record} environment} \\
                &\verb*;\penalty\preRecordPenalty ;\\
                &\verb*;\penalty\postRecordPenalty ; \\
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{{\tt proof} environment} \\
                &\verb*;\penalty\preProofPenalty ;\\
                &\verb*;\penalty\postProofPenalty ; \\
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{{\tt formula} environment} \\
                &\verb*;\penalty\preFormulaPenalty ;\\
                &\verb*;\penalty\postFormulaPenalty ; \\

\section{Installing the \Vdm\ files}

Place the file {\tt vdm.sty} in your standard directory for \LaTeX\
style files (your system administrator will know where this is).  If
you have the AMS fonts, change the appropriate line in {\tt vdm.sty}
(see instructions at the head of the file).
%If you're on a
%UNIX\footnote{UNIX is a trademark of AT\&T} system, you can make the
%{\tt .sty} file from the {\tt .doc} file with the command:
%   sed -e '/^[         ]*%/d' -e 's/%.*/%/' -e '/^$/d' vdm.doc > vdm.sty
%There are two characters between the square brackets: a tab and a
%space.  If you're on some other system, figure out an equivalent
%command, or make the two files the same.

\section{New \Vdm\ commands (introduced for the {\sc bsi} version)}

  \item There is a new keyword, \cs\rem.
  \item Operations can also have an {\em error condition\/} part, typeset
  after the postcondition.  The error condition is placed in an {\tt
  errcond} environment.  An alternative short form, \cs\err, is also
  available, which works in the same way as \cs\pre\ and \cs\post.

    {\emergencystretch=4pt In support of this new part, there is a hook,
    \cs\betweenPostAndErrConditionHook, defined to be
     \cs\penalty\ \cs\preErrConditionPenalty\ (the default penalty is
    500).  The preceding white space is defined by
    \cs\preErrConditionSkip\ (default .5ex $+$ .2ex $\minus$ .2ex).}

  \item \cs\Others\ is an alias for \cs\Otherwise.
  \item Sequents are supported using the {\tt sequent} command,


  \item Optional items can be typeset using \cs\Opt, thus:


  \item There are two new monadic operators, \cs\abs\ and \cs\merge.

  \item A non-empty sequence type can be defined using \cs\neseqof,


  \item Restricted types (those with invariants) can be typeset, with
  or without initialisation, using \cs\ritype\ and \cs\rtype, thus:

\ritype{Dict}{\Bool \x (\mapof{Letter}{Dict})}{\true}{(\true,\emptymap)}
  {\Bool \x (\mapof{Letter}{Dict})}

   Accompanying these commands are \cs\betweenTypeAndInvSkip\ (default
   .5ex $+$ .3ex $\minus$ .2ex) and \cs\betweenInvAndInitSkip\
   (same default).

  \item Record types may also have invariants and initial states
  attached, using the \cs\inv\ and \cs\init\ commands within the {\tt
  record} environment, thus:

  day : Day \\
  year : Year
\inv{(mk-D(d,y)) \DEF\\
\quad is-leapyr(y) \Or d \le 365}
\init{day=40 \And year=1962}
  day : Day \\
  year : Year
\inv{(mk-D(d,y)) \DEF
  is-leapyr(y) \Or d \le 365}
\init{day=40 \And year=1962}

  {\emergencystretch=4pt To go with these are \cs\betweenRecordAndInvHook,
  \cs\betweenInvAndInitHook, \cs\betweenRecordAndInvSkip\ (default
  .5ex $+$ .2ex $\minus$ .1ex), and \cs\betweenInvAndInitSkip\
  (same default).}



Many people have passed on useful suggestions and comments about \Vdm\
and this documentation; many thanks to all of them.  In particular I
would like to acknowledge the extensive testing done by Lynn Marshall
while preparing her thesis, and her helpful comments and ideas, and
the numerous worthwhile discussions with Cliff Jones.  Cliff, in
particular, deserves the highest commendation for bravery, in actually
using these macros in his book.  Thanks to David Carlisle for helping
with the conversion to \TeX~3.
