% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///pdflatex

\lfoot{\sffamily\small [vectorlogos]}
\cfoot{\sffamily\small - \thepage{} -}

\hypersetup{pdfborder=0 0 0}
\NewDocumentCommand\MontreCode{ m }{%




				{\Huge \texttt{vectorlogos}}\\
				{\LARGE Insert, 'inline', vectorial,} \\
				{\LARGE logos of 'classic' softwares.} \\
				{\small \texttt{Version \TPversion{} -- \TPdate}}

	\texttt{Cédric Pierquet}\\
	{\ttfamily c pierquet -- at -- outlook . fr}\\
	\texttt{\url{https://github.com/cpierquet/vectorlogos}} \\























Logos came with GNU GPL or CC BY-SA (3.0 or 4.0).\\
Some brand icons/logos are trademarks of their respective owners. Please do not use brand icons/logos for any purpose except to represent the company, product, or service to which they refer.\\
CTAN lion drawing by Duane Bibby.\\
LaTeX project logo, from Jonas Jacek (\url{https://www.j15k.com/}).
%"Python" and the Python Logo are trademarks of the Python Software Foundation (\url{https://www.python.org/psf/trademarks/}).%












\subsection{Description, loading}

With this package you can insert inline (vectorial) logos of 'classic' softwares.

The format of the logos is \textsf{pdf}, from \textsf{svg} files (given by \textsf{GNU GPL} or \textsf{CC-BY-3.0 / CC-BY-4.0} ot \textsf{MIT} licenses).


Each logo can be integrated within a classic \MontreCode{\textbackslash includegraphics} command.

The package provides macros to insert them \textit{inline}, with automatic height and alignment.


To load the package, simply use :


\subsection{Available logos, by name, for manual insertion}

Available logos are :


	emacs 		& vectorlogo-emacs.pdf 			& \logoemacs\ 			\\
				& vectorlogo-emacs-alt.pdf		& \logoemacs[alt]		\\
	geogebra	& vectorlogo-geogebra.pdf 		& \logogeogebra\		\\
				& vectorlogo-geogebra-icon.pdf	& \logogeogebra[icon]	\\
	scratch		& vectorlogo-scratch.pdf 			& \logoscratch\			\\
				& vectorlogo-scratch-alt.pdf		& \logoscratch[alt]	\\
				& vectorlogo-scratch-cat.pdf		& \logoscratch[cat]	\\
	texmaker	& vectorlogo-texmaker.pdf			& \logotexmaker\		\\
				& vectorlogo-texmaker-alt.pdf		& \logotexmaker[alt]	\\
	texstudio	& vectorlogo-texstudio.pdf			& \logotexstudio\		\\
	MiKTeX		& vectorlogo-miktex.pdf				& \logomiktex\		\\
				& vectorlogo-miktex-icon.pdf		& \logomiktex[icon]\	\\
				& vectorlogo-miktex-icon-alt.pdf	& \logomiktex[icon-alt]\	\\
	CTAN lion	& vectorlogo-ctanlion.pdf			& \logoctanlion\		\\
	LaTeX project	& vectorlogo-latexproject.pdf	& \logolatexproject\		\\
	TeXworks	& vectorlogo-texworks.pdf	& \logotexworks\		\\
				& vectorlogo-texworks-alt.pdf	& \logotexworks[alt]\	\\


\section{The macros}

\subsection{A simple generic macro}

In order to insert an \textit{existing} vectorial logo, simpy use :

\simplevectorlogo*[options includegraphics]{name}

There's no automatic height or raising, it's just an \textit{alias} of a classic \MontreCode{\textbackslash includegraphics} with the given names of the precedent tabular.



\subsection{A generic inline macro}

In order to insert a vectorial logo inline, simpy use :


The height (automatically calculated) of the logo is given by :

	\item 90\,\% of the box \fbox{abcd...xyzABCD...XYZ} in the current font ;
	\item raised 5\,\% bottom of the depth of \fbox{q} in the current font.

Available \textsf{names} are :

		\item \texttt{emacs}
		\item \texttt{geogebra}
		\item \texttt{scratch}
		\item \texttt{texmaker}
		\item \texttt{texstudio}
		\item \texttt{miktex}
		\item \texttt{ctanlion}
		\item \texttt{texworks}
		\item \texttt{latexproject}

Available \textsf{options} are given by the suffix of alt logos.

%other font and other size
{\Large\sffamily For example, it's a vectorial logo \vectorlogo[icon]{geogebra} with inline insertion.}

%other font and other size
\scalebox{3.25}[3.25]{\ttfamily The cat \vectorlogo[cat]{scratch} logo, inline !}

\subsection{Special commands}

There's an other (shortcut) way to insert logos, with a shortcut-name, like in \textsf{fontawesome5} :


Available options are given by the suffix of alt logos.

A sample logo, \logoemacs[alt], inline.


\section{Samples and personal logos}


\begin{tcblisting}{listing only}
%useful macro
\newcommand\samplevectorlogo[1]{{\LARGE Inline {#1} logo}\par}

\newcommand\samplevectorlogo[1]{{\LARGE Inline {#1} logo}\par}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\begin{tcblisting}{listing side text}

\subsection{Personal logos}

If you wan't to use, \textit{inline}, your personal logos (located in workdir or in a \textsf{texmf} folder), you can use the command :


\MontreCode{[scale]}, which is \MontreCode{0.9} by default, is the ratio between the height of the logo and the height of the current 'text'.

\MontreCode{filename} is the fullname of the logo.

{\Huge A perfect test \simplevectorlogo{example-image-16x10.pdf} inline.}

{\Huge A perfect test \simplevectorlogo[1]{example-image-16x10.pdf} inline.}

{\LARGE Another perfect test \simplevectorlogo[0.5]{example-image-16x10.pdf} inline.}

{\LARGE Another perfect test \simplevectorlogo[2]{example-image-16x10.pdf} inline.}

\subsection{Generate personal macro}

Other vectorial logos (which cannot be included in the package due to rights issues, but which are still usable) can be downloaded from \url{https://packages.cpierquet.fr/?dir=/vectorlogos/bonus/}.


By this way, and with logo named \MontreCode{vectorlogo-<basename>-...}, a specific command can be used to create special macro.

%macro to create the command

%use of the command

%with file vectorlogo-xcas.pdf in workdir or texmf
{\LARGE A personal logo, with a personal macro to include \logoxcas\ inline.}



0.1.3 : Logos for MikTeX + CTAN lion + LateX project
0.1.2 : Alt command for manual insertion, with existing img
0.1.1 : Update licenses
0.1.0 : Initial version
