#!/usr/bin/env python3 r''' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ webquiz_makequiz | build and generate the quiz page using webquiz_xml | and webquiz_layout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (C) Andrew Mathas, University of Sydney Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ This file is part of the WebQuiz system. <Andrew.Mathas@sydney.edu.au> <Donald.Taylor@sydney.edu.au> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ''' import subprocess import codecs import shutil import os import re import webquiz_templates import webquiz_util import webquiz_xml ################################################################################# class MakeWebQuiz(object): """ Convert a webquiz latex file to an online quiz. There are several steps: 1. If given a LaTeX file then run htlatex/make4ht on the latex file to generate an xml file for the quiz that has all LaTeS markup converted to html. 2. Read in the xml file version of the quiz 3. Spit out the html version The HTMl is constructed using the template strings in webquiz_templates """ # attributes that will form part of the generated web page header = '' # page header: title, meta data, links css = '' # css specifications javascript = '' # javascript code quiz_questions = '' # the main quiz page side_menu = '' # the left hand quiz menu def __init__(self, quiz_name, quiz_file, options, settings, metadata): self.options = options self.settings = settings self.metadata = metadata self.quiz_file, extension = os.path.splitext(quiz_file) self.quiz_name = os.path.basename(self.quiz_file) self.webquiz_url = settings['webquiz_url'] if self.webquiz_url[-1] == '/': self.webquiz_url = self.webquiz_url[:len(self.webquiz_url)-1] # run htlatex only if quiz_file has a .tex extension if extension == '.tex': self.htlatex_quiz_file() self.read_xml_file() # use kpsewhich to fine the webquiz language file try: language_file = webquiz_util.kpsewhich('webquiz-{}.lang'.format(self.quiz.language)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.webquiz_error( 'kpsewhich is unable to find language file for "{}"'.format(self.quiz.language) ) # read the language file and store as a dictonary self.language = webquiz_util.MetaData(language_file) # initialise number of quiz and discussion items self.number_discussions = len(self.quiz.discussion_list) self.number_questions = len(self.quiz.question_list) # build the different components of the quiz web page self.add_meta_data() self.add_question_javascript() self.add_side_menu() self.add_quiz_header_and_questions() self.add_breadcrumbs() # add the initialisation warning if webquiz has not been initialised if self.settings.initialise_warning != '': self.breadcrumbs = self.settings.initialise_warning + self.breadcrumbs # now write the quiz to the html file with codecs.open(self.quiz_name + '.html', 'w', encoding='utf8') as file: # write the quiz in the specified format file.write(self.options.write_web_page(self)) def webquiz_debug(self, msg): r''' Customised debugging message for the makequiz module ''' webquiz_util.webquiz_debug(self.settings.debugging, 'makequiz: '+msg) def webquiz_error(self, msg, err=None): r''' Customised eror message for the makequiz module ''' webquiz_util.webquiz_error(self.settings.debugging, 'makequiz: '+msg, err) def add_breadcrumbs(self): r''' Build the breadcrumbs by appropriately parsing the magic crumbs ''' self.breadcrumbs = '' if self.quiz.breadcrumbs != '': # build the bread crumbs crumbs = '\n ' for crumb in self.quiz.breadcrumbs.split('|'): crumb = crumb.strip() if crumb == 'breadcrumb': crumbs += self.add_breadcrumb_line(self.quiz.breadcrumb, missing='breadcrumb') elif crumb == 'department': crumbs += self.add_breadcrumb_line( text=self.quiz.department, url=self.quiz.department_url, missing='department') elif crumb == 'institution': crumbs += self.add_breadcrumb_line( text=self.quiz.institution, url=self.quiz.institution_url, missing='institution') elif crumb == 'quizindex': if self.quiz.quiz_index == []: crumbs += webquiz_templates.breadcrumb_quizindex.format( quizzes_url=self.quiz.quizzes_url, **self.language) else: crumbs += self.add_breadcrumb_line('Quizzes') elif crumb == 'Title': crumbs += self.add_breadcrumb_line(text = self.quiz.title, missing='title') elif crumb == 'title': title = self.quiz.title crumbs += self.add_breadcrumb_line( text = title[:title.index(':')] if ':' in title else title, missing='title' ) elif crumb == 'unitcode': crumbs += self.add_breadcrumb_line( text=self.quiz.unit_code, url=self.quiz.unit_url, missing='unit code') elif crumb == 'unitname': crumbs += self.add_breadcrumb_line( text=self.quiz.unit_name, url=self.quiz.unit_url, missing='unit name') elif crumb != '': lastSpace = crumb.rfind(' ') url = crumb[lastSpace:].strip() if url[0] == '/' or url.lower()[:4] == 'http': crumbs += self.add_breadcrumb_line(text=crumb[:lastSpace], url=url) else: crumbs += self.add_breadcrumb_line(crumb) self.breadcrumbs = webquiz_templates.breadcrumbs.format(crumbs=crumbs) def add_breadcrumb_line(self, text, url='', missing='??'): r''' Return a line to add the bread crumbs, with errors if necessary ''' if url == '': return webquiz_templates.breadcrumb_line_text.format( text=text if text != '' else '?? ' + missing) return webquiz_templates.breadcrumb_line_url.format( url=url, text=text if text != '' else '?? ' + missing) def htlatex_quiz_file(self): r''' Process the file using htlatex/make4ht. This converts the quiz to an xml with markup specifying the different elements of the quiz page. ''' # at the minimum we put a css file into a <quiz_name> subdirectory if not os.path.exists(self.quiz_name): os.makedirs(self.quiz_name) try: self.options.talk('Processing {}.tex with TeX4ht'.format(self.quiz_name)) # there is a slightly torturous process to convert the engine # settings into a command line option that make4ht understands cmd = 'make4ht --utf8 --config webquiz.cfg {draft} {engine} {escape} {make4ht_options} {quiz_file}.tex'.format( draft='--mode draft' if self.options.draft else '', engine=self.settings.settings['engine']['values'][self.options.engine], escape='--shell-escape' if self.options.shell_escape else '', make4ht_options=self.options.make4ht_options, quiz_file=self.quiz_file ) self.options.run(cmd) # move the css file into the quiz_file subdirectory if os.path.exists(self.quiz_file + '.css'): shutil.move( self.quiz_file + '.css', os.path.join(self.quiz_name, self.quiz_name + '.css')) # Now move any images that were created into the quiz_name # subdirectory and update the links in the html file As htlatex # generates an html file, we rename this as an xml file at the same # time - in the cfg file, \Preamable{ext=xml} should lead to an xml # file being created but this doesn't seem to work ?? try: fix_img = re.compile(r'^(|.* )\b(data|src)="([-0-9a-zA-Z]*\.(?:png|svg))" (.*)$') with codecs.open(self.quiz_file + '.html', 'r', encoding='utf8') as make4ht_file: with codecs.open(self.quiz_name + '.xml', 'w', encoding='utf8') as xml_file: for line in make4ht_file: match = fix_img.match(line) if match is None: xml_file.write(line) else: # update html link and move file start, src, image, rest_of_line = match.groups() xml_file.write(r'{}{}="{}/{}" {}'.format( start, src, self.quiz_name, image, rest_of_line)) shutil.move(image, os.path.join(self.quiz_name, image)) except OSError as err: self.webquiz_error( 'there was a problem moving the image files for {}'.format( self.quiz_name), err) except Exception as err: self.webquiz_error( 'something went wrong when running htlatex on {}'.format(self.quiz_file), err) def read_xml_file(self): r''' Read in the webquiz xml file for the quiz and store the xml document tree in ``self.quiz``. ''' try: # read in the xml version of the quiz if not os.path.isfile(self.quiz_name + '.xml'): self.webquiz_error('{}.xml does not exist!?'.format(self.quiz_name)) self.quiz = webquiz_xml.ReadWebQuizXmlFile(self.quiz_name + '.xml', self.settings) except Exception as err: self.webquiz_error('error reading the xml generated for {}. Please check your latex source.' .format(self.quiz_name), err) def add_meta_data(self): """ add the meta data for the web page to self.header """ # meta tags` self.header += webquiz_templates.html_meta.format( version=self.metadata.version, authors=self.metadata.authors, webquiz_url=self.webquiz_url, description=self.metadata.description, copyright=self.metadata.copyright, department=self.quiz.department, institution=self.quiz.institution, quiz_file=self.quiz_name, theme=self.quiz.theme) if self.quiz.mathjs: self.header += webquiz_templates.mathjs def add_side_menu(self): """ construct the left hand quiz menu """ if self.quiz.discussion_list != []: # links for discussion items discussion_list = '\n <ul>\n {}\n </ul>'.format( '\n '.join( webquiz_templates.discuss.format(b=q + 1, title=d.short_heading) for (q, d) in enumerate(self.quiz.discussion_list))) else: discussion_list = '' # department and institution links department = '''<a href="{0.department_url}">{0.department}</a>'''.format(self.quiz) institution = '''<a href="{0.institution_url}">{0.institution}</a>'''.format(self.quiz) # question buttons if self.number_questions == 0: question_buttons = '' else: buttons = '\n' + '\n'.join( webquiz_templates.button.format(b=q, cls='button-selected' if self.quiz.discussion_list==[] and q==1 else 'blank' ) for q in range(1, self.number_questions + 1)) question_buttons=webquiz_templates.question_buttons.format( buttons=buttons, **self.language ) # the full side menu self.side_menu = webquiz_templates.side_menu.format( discussion_list=discussion_list, version=self.metadata.version, department=department, institution=institution, side_questions=self.language['questions'] if self.number_questions>0 else '', question_buttons=question_buttons, copyright_years=self.metadata.copyright[:self.metadata.copyright.index(' ')], **self.language) def add_question_javascript(self): """ Add the javascript for the questions to self and write the javascript initialisation file, <quiz>/quiz_specs.js, for the quiz. When the quiz page is loaded, WebQuizInit reads the quiz_specs initialisation file to load the answers to the questions, and the headers for the discussion items. We don't explicitly list quiz_specs.js in the meta data for the quiz page because we want to hide this information from the student, although they can easily get this if they open by the javascript console and know what to look for. """ try: os.makedirs(self.quiz_name, exist_ok=True) os.chmod(self.quiz_name, mode=0o755) with codecs.open(os.path.join(self.quiz_name, 'wq-' + self.quiz_name + '.js'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as quiz_specs: if self.number_discussions > 0: for (i, d) in enumerate(self.quiz.discussion_list): quiz_specs.write('Discussion[{}]="{}";\n'.format(i+1, d.heading)) if self.number_questions > 0: for (i, question) in enumerate(self.quiz.question_list): # QuizSpecifications is a 0-based array quiz_specs.write('QuizSpecifications[{}]=[];\n'.format(i+1)) quiz_specs.write('QuizSpecifications[{}].type="{}";\n'.format(i+1, question.type)) if question.type == 'input': quiz_specs.write('QuizSpecifications[{}].value="{}";\n'.format(i+1, question.answer.lower() if question.comparison=='lowercase' else question.answer ) ) quiz_specs.write('QuizSpecifications[{}].comparison="{}";\n'.format(i+1, question.comparison)) else: quiz_specs.write(''.join( 'QuizSpecifications[{}][{}]={};\n'.format(i+1, j, s.correct) for (j, s) in enumerate(question.items) ) ) if self.quiz.hide_side_menu: quiz_specs.write('toggle_side_menu();\n') if self.quiz.one_page: quiz_specs.write('onePage = true;\n') if self.quiz.random_order: quiz_specs.write('shuffleQuestions();\n') quiz_specs.write('initSession();\n') if self.number_discussions+self.number_questions>0: quiz_specs.write('gotoQuestion({});'.format( -1 if self.number_discussions>0 else 1) ) except Exception as err: self.webquiz_error('error writing quiz specifications', err) self.javascript = webquiz_templates.questions_javascript.format( webquiz_url=self.webquiz_url, mathjax=self.settings['mathjax'] ) self.webquiz_init = webquiz_templates.webquiz_init.format( number_questions=self.number_questions, number_discussions=self.number_discussions, quiz_file=self.quiz_name, ) def add_quiz_header_and_questions(self): r''' Write the quiz head and the main body of the quiz. ''' if self.quiz.one_page: arrows = '' else: arrows = webquiz_templates.navigation_arrows.format( question_number=self.quiz.discussion_list[0].heading if self.quiz.discussion_list != [] else '1' if self.quiz.question_list > [] else '', **self.language ) # specify the quiz header - this will be wrapped in <div class="question-header>...</div> self.quiz_header = webquiz_templates.quiz_header.format( title=self.quiz.title, arrows=arrows, **self.language ) # index for quiz if self.quiz.quiz_index != []: # add index to the web page self.quiz_questions += webquiz_templates.quiz_index_div.format( title=self.quiz.title if self.quiz.title!='' else self.quiz.unit_name, quiz_index='\n '.join( webquiz_templates.index_item.format( url=q.url, title='{} {}. {}'.format(self.language['quiz'],num+1,q.title) if q.prompt else q.title, ) for (num, q) in enumerate(self.quiz.quiz_index)), **self.language) # write a javascript file for displaying the menu # quizmenu = the index file for the quizzes in this directory with codecs.open('quizindex.js', 'w', encoding='utf8') as quizmenu: quizmenu.write('var QuizTitles = [\n{titles}\n];\n'.format( titles=',\n'.join(" ['{}', '{}']".format( '{} {}. {}'.format(self.language['quiz'],num+1,q.title) if q.prompt else q.title, q.url) for (num,q) in enumerate(self.quiz.quiz_index)) ) ) quizmenu.write(webquiz_templates.create_quizindex_menu) # now comes the main page text # discussion(s) masquerade as negative questions if self.quiz.discussion_list != []: dnum = 0 for d in self.quiz.discussion_list: dnum += 1 self.quiz_questions += webquiz_templates.discussion.format( dnum=dnum, discussion=d, display='inline' if self.quiz.one_page else 'none', heading=webquiz_templates.discussion_heading.format(d.heading) if self.quiz.one_page else '' ) # finally we print the questions if self.quiz.question_list != []: self.quiz_questions += ''.join( webquiz_templates.question_wrapper.format( qnum=qnum + 1, question_number='{} {}. '.format(self.language.question, qnum+1) if self.quiz.one_page else '', display='inline' if self.quiz.one_page else 'none', question=self.print_question(quiz_question, qnum + 1), feedback=self.print_feedback(quiz_question, qnum + 1) ) for (qnum, quiz_question) in enumerate(self.quiz.question_list)) def print_question(self, question, qnum): r'''Here: - question is the question - qnum is the number of the question ''' if question.type == 'input': self.webquiz_debug('Q{}: after_text={}.'.format(qnum, question.after_text)) question_options = webquiz_templates.input_answer.format( size=5+len('{}'.format(question.answer)), after_text=question.after_text, qnum=qnum, answer=self.language['answer']+':' if question.prompt else '' ) elif question.type in ['single', 'multiple']: question_options = webquiz_templates.choice_answer.format( after_text=question.after_text, choices='\n'.join(self.print_choices(qnum, question, choice) for choice in range(len(question.items))) ) else: self.webquiz_error('Unknown question type "{}" in question {}'.format(question.type, qnum)) return webquiz_templates.question_text.format( qnum=qnum, question_text=question.text, nextquestion='' if self.quiz.one_page else webquiz_templates.nextquestion.format(**self.language), question_options=question_options, **self.language) def print_choices(self, qnum, question, part): r''' Here: - qnum = question number - question = current question - part = number of the option we need to process. We put the parts into question.columns multicolumn format, so we have to add '<tr>' and '</tr>' tags depending on part. ''' choice = question.items[part] item = '<tr>' if question.columns == 1 or (part % question.columns) == 0 else '<td> </td>' if question.type == 'single': item += webquiz_templates.single_item.format(choice=choice.symbol, qnum=qnum, text=choice.text) elif question.type == 'multiple': item += webquiz_templates.multiple_item.format( choice=choice.symbol, qnum=qnum, optnum=part, text=choice.text ) else: item += '<!-- internal error: %s -->\n' % question.type self.webquiz_error('Unknown question type "{}" in question {}'.format(question.type, qnum)) if question.columns == 1 or (part+1) % question.columns == 0 or part == len(question.items) - 1: item += ' </tr><!-- part={}, cols={}, # answers = {} -->\n'.format( part, question.columns, len(question.items)) return item def print_feedback(self, question, qnum): r''' Generate the HTML for displaying the feedback help text when the user answers a question. ''' if question.type == 'input': feedback = webquiz_templates.tf_feedback_text.format( choice=qnum, feedback='true', correct_answer=self.language.correct, answer2='', text=question.feedback_right) feedback += webquiz_templates.tf_feedback_text.format( choice=qnum, feedback='false', correct_answer=self.language.incorrect, answer2=self.language.try_again, text=question.feedback_wrong) elif question.type == "single": feedback = '\n' + '\n'.join( webquiz_templates.single_feedback.format( qnum=qnum, part=snum + 1, correct_answer=self.language.correct if s.correct == 'true' else self.language.incorrect, alpha_choice=self.language.choice.format(s.symbol), feedback=s.feedback, **self.language) for (snum, s) in enumerate(question.items)) elif question.type == "multiple": feedback = '\n' + '\n'.join(webquiz_templates.multiple_feedback.format( qnum=qnum, part=snum + 1, correct_answer=getattr(self.language, s.correct).capitalize(), feedback=s.feedback, multiple_choice_opener=self.language.multiple_incorrect. format(s.symbol), **self.language) for (snum, s) in enumerate(question.items) ) feedback += webquiz_templates.multiple_feedback_correct.format( qnum=qnum, feedback='\n'.join(webquiz_templates.multiple_feedback_answer.format( correct_answer=getattr(self.language, s.correct).capitalize(), reason=s.feedback) for s in question.items), **self.language) else: self.webquiz_error('Unknown question type "{}" in question {}'.format(question.type, qnum)) return '<div class="answer">' + feedback + '</div>'