category: Text Devel build-depends: cygport libiconv-devel libjansson-devel libpcre2-devel libxml2-devel libyaml-devel autoconf automake gcc-core gcc-objc make pkg-config python39-docutils sdesc: "Programming language source index and cross-reference" ldesc: "Generates an index (tags) file of language objects found in source files. The index makes it easy for text editors or other utilities to locate the indexed items. Ctags can also generate a cross reference file which lists information about the various objects found in a set of language files in human readable form. Universal Ctags continues the development of Exuberant Ctags, which improves on Ctags, with support of: Emacs style TAGS files; prints a list of objects found in source files; finds all types of language tags: struct, union, enum tags; enumerated values; typedef names; external function prototypes; function, method, macro definitions; as well as variable declarations; and fewer issues with preprocessor directives. Install ctags if you are going to use your system for C programming and many other languages." skip: homepage: license: GPL-2.0-or-later