cask "j" do version "9.5.2" sha256 "78efb1db5423939e776f0053ff074a5c641b376e0517ded04773e38c001609c5" url "{version.major_minor}/install/j#{version}" name "J" desc "Programming language for mathematical, statistical and logical analysis of data" homepage "" apps = %w[jbrk jcon jqt] apps.each do |a| app "j#{version.major_minor}/#{a}.app" end livecheck do url "" regex(/Jv?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\s+release/i) strategy :page_match do |page, regex| # Identify partial release version (e.g., J1.2) on installation page release = page.scan(regex) .flatten .max_by { |v| } next if release.blank? # Fetch the release install page (containing full versions like 1.2.3) install_page = Homebrew::Livecheck::Strategy.page_content("{release}/install/") install_page[:content]&.scan(/href=.*?j[._-]?v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)[._-]mac/i) &.map { |match| match[0] } end end installer script: "j#{version.major_minor}/macos-fix.command" installer script: { executable: "j#{version.major_minor}/bin/jconsole", args: ["-js", "load 'pacman'", "'install' jpkg '*'", "exit 0"], } ["jcon", "jconsole"].each do |b| binary "j#{version.major_minor}/bin/jconsole", target: b end commands = ["jbrk", "jhs", "jqt"] commands.each do |b| binary "j#{version.major_minor}/bin/#{b}.command", target: b end postflight do # Use `readlink` to get full path of symlinked commands. commands.each do |c| command = "#{staged_path}/j#{version.major_minor}/bin/#{c}.command" File.write command,"$0", '$(/usr/bin/readlink "$0" || /bin/echo "$0")') end # Fix relative paths inside App bundles. apps.each do |a| apprun = "#{appdir}/#{a}.app/Contents/MacOS/apprun" File.write apprun,{`dirname "\$0"`.*?/bin}, "#{staged_path}/j#{version.major_minor}/bin") end end # Not actually necessary, since it would be deleted anyway. # It is present to make clear an uninstall was not forgotten and that for this cask it is indeed this simple. uninstall delete: "#{staged_path}/#{token}" end