cask "nwjs" do arch arm: "arm64", intel: "x64" version "0.93.0" sha256 arm: "9b29f89dcaf844f5e4ca4172fc495f15775875b97994139675f4a39daffcaa46", intel: "5b49c76f65f660343f149530ef447a90ec44641edaf567827048fe1895191121" url "{version}/nwjs-sdk-v#{version}-osx-#{arch}.zip" name "NW.js" desc "Call all Node.js modules directly from the DOM and Web Workers" homepage "" # The upstream download page appends a UNIX epoch timestamp (in milliseconds) # to the JSON URL, so we do the same (in case it affects the returned data). livecheck do url "{"%Q")}" regex(/^v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)$/i) strategy :json do |json, regex| match = json["stable"]&.match(regex) next if match.blank? match[1] end end app "nwjs-sdk-v#{version}-osx-#{arch}/" binary "nwjs-sdk-v#{version}-osx-#{arch}/nwjc" zap trash: [ "~/Library/Application Support/nwjs", "~/Library/Caches/nwjs", "~/Library/Preferences/io.nwjs.nwjs.plist", "~/Library/Saved Application State/io.nwjs.nwjs.savedState", ] end