cask "polkadot-js" do version "0.132.1" sha256 "4521d91f2ee9bf2df35102ca91bcddba1d46f71dd1901b9dd35725159ee07358" url "{version}/Polkadot-JS-Apps-mac-#{version}.dmg", verified: "" name "polkadot{.js}" desc "Portal into the Polkadot and Substrate networks" homepage "" # Not every GitHub release provides a file for macOS, so we check multiple # recent releases instead of only the "latest" release. livecheck do url :url regex(/^Polkadot[._-]JS[._-]Apps[._-]mac[._-](\d+(?:\.\d+)*)\.(?:dmg|pkg|zip)$/i) strategy :github_releases do |json, regex| do |release| next if release["draft"] || release["prerelease"] release["assets"]&.map do |asset| match = asset["name"]&.match(regex) next if match.blank? match[1] end end.flatten end end app "Polkadot-JS" zap trash: [ "~/Library/Preferences/com.polkadotjs.polkadotjs-apps.plist", "~/Library/Saved Application State/com.polkadotjs.polkadotjs-apps.savedState", ] caveats do requires_rosetta end end