cask "reactotron" do arch arm: "-arm64" version "3.7.4" sha256 arm: "b21cd06b7962bd7b959a2bf3838a82e204291a231dd57961c56cfe07b3b98c65", intel: "05eb8c4248015af6c6a63498770fa2d7e912a6764fab6af49ff079a83520da68" url "{version}/Reactotron-#{version}#{arch}" name "Reactotron" desc "Desktop app for inspecting React JS and React Native projects" homepage "" # Upstream publishes multiple packages in the same repository and, due to the # number of packages that are updated around the same time, the most recent # releases may not be for the app. This check searches for `reactotron-app` # releases, as the `GithubReleases` strategy may be unreliable in this # scenario. livecheck do url "" regex(%r{href=["']?[^"' >]*?/tag/reactotron-app(?:%40|@)v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)["' >]}i) strategy :page_match end auto_updates true depends_on macos: ">= :catalina" app "" zap trash: [ "~/Library/Application Support/Reactotron", "~/Library/Logs/Reactotron", "~/Library/Preferences/", "~/Library/Preferences/", "~/Library/Saved Application State/", ] end