cask "sapmachine-jdk" do arch arm: "aarch64", intel: "x64" version "23.0.1" sha256 arm: "2901ff85a1bf7a317a785acbd246a77d4cef1d0fb9c6914119319cf251d200bb", intel: "00c523153e3e9c115c6f2205b771a8d7da17132d92a3cf29b414cf5f16844077" url "{version}/sapmachine-jdk-#{version}_macos-#{arch}_bin.dmg", verified: "" name "SapMachine OpenJDK Development Kit" desc "OpenJDK distribution from SAP" homepage "" # The version information on the homepage is rendered client-side from the # following JSON file, so we have to check it instead. livecheck do url "" regex(/^sapmachine[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)$/i) strategy :json do |json, regex| do |_, item| next if item["ea"] item["releases"]&.map do |release| match = release["tag"]&.match(regex) next if match.blank? match[1] end end.flatten end end artifact "sapmachine-jdk-#{version}.jdk", target: "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/sapmachine-jdk.jdk" zap trash: "~/Library/Saved Application State/" end