cask "v2rayu" do arch arm: "arm64", intel: "64" version "4.2.5" sha256 arm: "dbc04765b0fb6b4e46e3bfdf737548286d3b5ca228a74514dca10e4428a153ed", intel: "e61e1a52d7868fedb186b2b053f5700c4071a3afb088d53846804a9487d2f8e5" url "{version}/V2rayU-#{arch}.dmg" name "V2rayU" desc "Collection of tools to build a dedicated basic communication network" homepage "" # A tag using the stable version format is sometimes marked as "Pre-release" # on the GitHub releases page, so we have to use the `GithubLatest` strategy. livecheck do url :url strategy :github_latest end auto_updates true depends_on macos: ">= :big_sur" app "" uninstall launchctl: [ "yanue.v2rayu.http", "yanue.v2rayu.v2ray-core", ] zap trash: [ "~/.V2rayU/", "~/Library/Caches/net.yanue.V2rayU", "~/Library/Containers/net.yanue.V2rayU.Launcher", "~/Library/HTTPStorages/net.yanue.V2rayU", "~/Library/LaunchAgents/yanue.v2rayu.v2ray-core.plist", "~/Library/Logs/V2rayU.log", "~/Library/Preferences/net.yanue.V2rayU.plist", ] end