cask "vcam" do version "2.0.202" sha256 "eede3b77ca5abce23cbd201313a03e7d1be40a58b7879ed7ab1f95611b63ba9a" url "{version}.pkg" name "" desc "Webcam background tool" homepage "" livecheck do url "" regex(/v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) end depends_on macos: ">= :catalina" pkg "VCam.ai_#{version}.pkg" postflight do # Description: Ensure console variant of postinstall is non-interactive. # This is because `open /Applications/` is called from the # postinstall script of the package and we don't want any user intervention there. retries ||= 3 ohai "The package postinstall script launches the VCam app" if retries >= 3 ohai "Attempting to close to avoid unwanted user intervention" if retries >= 3 return unless system_command "/usr/bin/pkill", args: ["-f", "/Applications/"] rescue RuntimeError sleep 1 retry unless (retries -= 1).zero? opoo "Unable to forcibly close" end uninstall quit: "ai.vcam.desktop", pkgutil: [ "camera-helper", "electron-app", "", ], delete: "/Applications/" zap trash: [ "~/Library/Application Support/*", "~/Library/Application Support/*", "~/Library/Application Support/", "~/Library/Preferences/ai.vcam.desktop.plist", "~/Library/Saved Application State/ai.vcam.desktop.savedState", ] end