cask "yandex-cloud-cli" do version "0.138.0" sha256 :no_check url "", verified: "" name "Yandex Cloud CLI" desc "CLI for Yandex Cloud" homepage "" livecheck do url "" regex(/^v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)$/i) end installer script: { executable: "", args: ["-i", "#{staged_path}/#{token}", "-r", "/dev/null"], } binary "yandex-cloud-cli/bin/docker-credential-yc" binary "yandex-cloud-cli/bin/yc" binary "yandex-cloud-cli/", target: "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/_yc" binary "yandex-cloud-cli/", target: "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d/yc" uninstall delete: "#{staged_path}/#{token}" zap trash: "~/.config/yandex-cloud" caveats <<~EOS To install shell completions add this to your profile: for bash users source "#{staged_path}/#{token}/" for zsh users source "#{staged_path}/#{token}/" EOS end