cask "carbon-copy-cloner" do version "7.0.3,8063" sha256 "392d170eb6d23765e510ec82723f7b11f1636a0d2914b0f114a7ca2e386dc4d9" url "{version.csv.first}.#{version.csv.second}.zip", verified: "" name "Carbon Copy Cloner" desc "Hard disk backup and cloning utility" homepage "" # The filename uses a format like 1.2.3456 for 1.2 (3456) or for # 1.2.3 (4567). Since there are a variable number of parts in the version and # the secondary number is appended after the version, this can cause # livecheck to incorrectly treat the cask version as newer than the upstream # version (e.g., 1.2.3456 is seen as newer than because 3456 is # greater than 3). As a result, we have to artificially split the secondary # number and use a two part version format like 1.2,3456 for version # comparison to work properly. livecheck do url "" regex(/ccc[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)(?:\.(\d{3,}))/i) strategy :header_match do |headers, regex| match = headers["location"]&.match(regex) next if match.blank? match[2] ? "#{match[1]},#{match[2]}" : match[1] end end auto_updates true conflicts_with cask: [ "carbon-copy-cloner@5", "carbon-copy-cloner@6", ] depends_on macos: ">= :ventura" app "Carbon Copy" uninstall quit: [ "com.bombich.ccc", "com.bombich.cccuseragent", ], login_item: "CCC User Agent" zap trash: [ "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bombich.ccchelper.plist", "~/Library/Application Support/com.bombich.ccc", "~/Library/Caches/com.bombich.ccc", "~/Library/Preferences/com.bombich.ccc.plist", "~/Library/Preferences/com.bombich.cccuseragent.plist", "~/Library/Saved Application State/com.bombich.ccc.savedState", ] end