cask "dwarf-fortress-lmp" do version "0.47.05+dfhack-r1" sha256 "c4931ef75ac5e474782f4353621b2f795f01f8f795d0727ee186c87af35cc42b" url "{version}.dmg" name "Dwarf Fortress LMP (Lazy Mac Pack)" desc "Use and switch graphics packs with Dwarf Fortress without corrupting your game" homepage "" livecheck do url :homepage regex(/Lazy\+Mac\+Pack\+v(.+)\.dmg/i) end # Renamed for clarity: suite name is inconsistent with branding suite "Lazy Mac Pack v#{version.sub("+", " ")}", target: "Dwarf Fortress LMP" zap trash: [ "~/Library/Preferences/com.phoenix-dev.setresx.plist", "~/Library/Preferences/Lazy Mac Pack.plist", "~/Library/Saved Application State/Lazy Mac Pack.savedState", ] caveats do requires_rosetta end end