cask "keyman" do version "17.0.332" sha256 "1b7c0ce0a7cf15db9f2b15fe80ea56b86f7d2ae778d5ae577740d1ea9d040e5e" url "{version}/keyman-#{version}.dmg" name "Keyman" desc "Reconfigures keyboard to type in another language" homepage "" livecheck do url "" regex(%r{href=["']?v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/?["' >]}i) end input_method "Install" uninstall quit: "keyman.inputmethod.Keyman" zap trash: [ "~/Documents/Keyman-Keyboards", "~/Library/Caches/keyman.inputmethod.Keyman", "~/Library/Preferences/keyman.inputmethod.Keyman.plist", ] caveats <<~EOS You must manually install the keyboard layout under: Preferences → Keyboard → Input Sources Before uninstalling Keyman, it is also suggested to manually remove the input method. For further details, see the following links: EOS end