cask "libreoffice-still" do arch arm: "aarch64", intel: "x86-64" folder = on_arch_conditional arm: "aarch64", intel: "x86_64" version "24.2.7" sha256 arm: "44e2229c4e26bdd7f9270a79e4da363a08f4de87b698a3806295e9e50cbb1b62", intel: "57b0af3ca12043ec3da6782ba58c094b12123549806451557f5a0a6e307a575a" url "{version}/mac/#{folder}/LibreOffice_#{version}_MacOS_#{arch}.dmg", verified: "" name "LibreOffice Still" desc "Free cross-platform office suite, stable version recommended for enterprises" homepage "" # LibreOffice "still" releases are the stable versions with a lower # major/minor. livecheck do url "" regex(%r{href=["']v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/?["' >]}i) strategy :page_match do |page, regex| versions = page.scan(regex).map(&:first) uniq_major_minor = { |version| }.uniq.sort.reverse next if uniq_major_minor.length < 2 { |version| == uniq_major_minor[1] } end end conflicts_with cask: "libreoffice" depends_on macos: ">= :catalina" app "" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" # shim script ( shimscript = "#{staged_path}/" binary shimscript, target: "soffice" preflight do File.write shimscript, <<~EOS #!/bin/sh '#{appdir}/' "$@" EOS end zap trash: [ "~/Library/Application Support/*", "~/Library/Application Support/LibreOffice", "~/Library/Preferences/org.libreoffice.script.plist", "~/Library/Saved Application State/org.libreoffice.script.savedState", ] end