cask "mplabx-ide" do version "6.20" sha256 "18ba349f93f1f18ddae57cbbe8f52418ece2969a2154fa892acb7216fdb9a537" url "{version}-osx-installer.dmg", referer: "" name "MPLab X IDE" desc "IDE for Microchip's microcontrollers and digital signal controllers" homepage "" livecheck do url :homepage regex(/href=.*?MPLABX[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)-osx-installer\.dmg/i) end installer script: { executable: "MPLABX-v#{version}", args: [ "--mode", "unattended", "--unattendedmodeui", "none", "--ide", "1", "--ipe", "1", "--othermcu", "0", "--exepermission", "no", "--collectInfo", "0", "--collectMyMicrochipInfo", "0", "--installdir", staged_path.to_s ], input: ["y"], sudo: true, } # staged_path files are owned by root which prevents binaries from being moved # to appdir, as cp does not use sudo. This copies the binaries after the owner # is changed. postflight do set_ownership staged_path.to_s system_command "mkdir", args: ["-p", "#{appdir}/microchip/mplabx/#{version}"], sudo: true system_command "cp", args: [ "-pR", "#{staged_path}/MPLAB IPE v#{version}.app", "#{staged_path}/MPLAB X IDE v#{version}.app", "#{appdir}/microchip/mplabx/#{version}/", ], sudo: true set_ownership "/Applications/microchip/mplabx/#{version}" end uninstall script: { executable: "Uninstall_MPLAB_X_IDE_v#{version}.app/Contents/MacOS/", args: ["--mode", "unattended"], input: ["y", 3], sudo: true, }, delete: [ # The below version number needs to be updated manually each time this Cask is updated "/Applications/microchip/mplabcomm/3.53.00", "/Applications/microchip/mplabx/#{version}", ], rmdir: [ "/Applications/microchip/mplabcomm", "/Applications/microchip/mplabx", ] zap trash: "/Applications/microchip" end