cask "time-to-leave" do version "3.0.0" sha256 "25fef73ac373e37ba8c0363e25e7e0996afb048466698777e9f0a0e5bb8876a0" url "{version}/time-to-leave-#{version}.dmg" name "Time To Leave" desc "Log work hours and get notified when it's time to leave the office" homepage "" # A tag using the stable version format is sometimes marked as "Pre-release" # on the GitHub releases page, so we have to use the `GithubLatest` strategy. livecheck do url :url regex(/^\D*?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)$/i) strategy :github_latest end app "Time To" zap trash: [ "~/Library/Preferences/com.electron.time-to-leave.plist", "~/Library/Saved Application State/com.electron.time-to-leave.savedState", ] end